
Farlin Akahn's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Greetings I wish to speak to you about this freind of yours who died, Aria, how can you bring her back. under what god can allow such a thing. I have only played in 2 other games so im pretty much a noobie. plz fill me in.

Yes i can get the time off just let me know. And i got a question, can my freind roll up and join? he is a fellow D&D master just like you. what say you? i dont care either way i just promised to ask you. anyway your story line involes orcs more than other monsters i noticed. well tell jennifer i say hi and tell jake hi too. c ya soon.

Dear Dungeon Lord Master Dude,

Ive been following this game and may i make a suggestion? You need to be more cruel. it seems that your being to easy on them more than your droping hammers. might i suggest a fight againest a dragon? i noticed no dragons. humor me please.