
Faras's page

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If you are playing a Callistrian Priestess I doubt you shoud use another type of armor.
The spanish conquerors would have find the magickal enanhed loincloth useful when they were diying from hot inside their full armor in the Amazon. In fact, local amazon warriors used no enchanted loincloths and won several battles. Horse native american and woodland cultures resisted in their territories till the introduction of advanced repeating firearms.
The full plate armor was useful only in cavalry massed battles versus similar armored knights. Lightly or no armored infantry defeated the armo-red knights in Azincourt. Light mongol and turkish cavalry expulsed the templars from Holy Land and conquered all the Balkans. The heavy armor is only decisive in terms of game mathematics, it's better wear a full plate plus five than a no bonus plus five. It keeps you sure, but a swashbuckler with an heavy armor is totally a stinking concept, ever if your armor bonus is 20 or plus.

I found them very useful. I am a novice player and I need sometimes a guide to advance my character.
Also they help me to imagine better the adventure. I don't conceive now adventures like ROTRL without Seoni and Kingmaker without Harsk pairing with Amiri.
Please, bring them back.
And add some of the new iconics from the Advanced player's guide.

I like hard, small and non human conservative fellas.
I also hate Halflings and Gnomes. As soon you substitute them by goblins the better for Golarion.
I'd love to play a goblin gusnlinger.

I think that gunslingers should be a variant RANGER than a variant FIGHTER. As he is now, he´s not only a poor missile fighter he´s also a perfect loser as a solo character.

He should receive more ranks of abilities. He should be able to explore, ride, take cover, ambush, intimidate and gamble and with only two ranks he will become a new mobile and exotic wand for the team.