Falsi_Delsuunes's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (249 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


Sorry, work/life balance got a bit hectic the past few days! I'll get updates momentarily!

As activities happen, I'll be placing character tokens in the areas that have the exploration activities in. Each exploration activity takes 10 minutes time, and there will be more than one instance for the exploration to happen. I will also number the areas, as per the notes that Rain has made. Each area, could have more than one discovery as well!

Rain in Cloudy Day greets Samantha as she comes in in his cheerful voice, "Hiya Sam, I'm Rain in Cloudy Day! You may have passed by Miss Dralneen as she left, but don't worry! I have a summary of what we're supposed to do, as well as notes! Pretty much, we are to explore the vault, and catalog the various items that have been stored here! Should be fairly simple!" Upon seeing Bee starting to climb the shelves in another part of the vault, the leshy raises a hand out to Bee, "Ah! Be careful up there!"

Upon exploring the shelves, and sorting through the many bottles of labeled toxins, anti toxins, and various poisons, you find a wicked looking dagger nestled in between two precariously supported shelves.

Zykerzyz, becoming uncovered from the cloth covering her, shakes slightly at Bitty's word. "Ha! I think I might be a-head of myself here, but what could a small gnome as yourself gain my audience? That mushroom capped numbskull couldn't garner my respect, how can you?" Glowing eyes look Bitty over before locking onto Egg. "Is, is that a dinosaur?!" Arcana, Diplomacy, Occultism, or Religion please!

Got that fixed up for you Loompecker!

Chuckling slightly, Zarta looks at both Bee and Konbu with a smile, “At least one of the ‘objects’ seems to be alive, in a sense, yes. So far, the skull just insults everyone. Maybe you can talk to it and learn more. We haven’t found any other creatures in the vault—yet! It’s not our business to keep creatures captive, so we’d like to help get them home if we can, and to keep them safe from Aslynn.” Sighing, she taps her forehead a few times in though before speaking, seeming to choose her words carefully. "The skull goes by Zykyryz, and was supposedly a powerful mage, but introductions between you and her can be done later, though be prepared as her tongue can be a tad harsh. As for what is in the vault, everything here needs to be sorted through, and I don't know what lies within, so I would recommend buying supplies for an extended stay."

"As for your question Ashun, Aslynn caused trouble for the Society a few years back, even tried to capture and sell the soul of our former Master of Spells. We thought we’d seen the last of her after we helped stop her from raiding a magical demiplane known as the Hao Jin Tapestry. Apparently, she’s still hunting for treasures, and she has something horrible planned for the Pathfinder Society, though I wouldn't think she would be as brazen to come here."

With a nod, the woman then pats Rain in Cloudy Day's head as she starts to make her way up the stairs, "I have other business to attend to, but make sure you are thorough! Proper paperwork and book keeping helps keep records straight as to what lies where for future researchers, what needs to be returned to those who were stolen from, and what items need to be sealed or destroyed. My meeting is with the other Society's leaders to discuss what plans are to be made in each situation."

Rain in Cloudy Day waves exuberantly to indicate the piles of treasure in the vaulted chamber. “Wow! Just look at all these magic items! And enchanted weapons! And a skull that always looks at me funny! Big magic books about even bigger magic books! Well, I’m not sure about that last one. I haven’t read them. Cataloging all this treasure is bound to be exciting! It sure beats sorting the mail.”

Zarta runs her fingertips along the table, lifts a strange hourglass, and inspects it with dubious curiosity. “Exciting, yes, and possibly quite dangerous.”

Rain frowns. “Well, yes, but... at least we’re in the safety of the Lodge? Can’t be that bad! You said these items are harmless.” He picks up a skull from the table. Its eyes glow with pink fire, and it speaks, “Unhand me, you hideous rotten mushroom! Harmless?! How dare you!” Rain replaces the skull and covers it with a cloth, muffling the voice. “Well... mostly harmless?”

Zarta fails to stifle a grin. She tilts the hourglass this way and that, shrugs, and sets it back on the table. “Yes, mostly harmless. We believe these items present no major threat to us, and we’ve secured those we believe to be cursed. The true danger comes from an old enemy of the Pathfinder Society, the night hag Aslynn. She nearly claimed these treasures for herself before they were entrusted to us. We don’t know why she needs the items, or which ones are most central to her wicked plans. I’m off to a meeting to discuss the situation
with Eliza, Ambrus, and the faction leaders. You’ll stay here with Rain and continue cataloging these objects. We need to learn where the items come from and understand what they do. Then we can decide what to do with them. Any questions?”

Hello, and thank you for my first PBP GMing venture!

A few days after the events with the Crookedtoes Goblin Tribe, a letter bearing the mark of the Pathfinder Society makes its way to the each of you, asking to meet with Grand Archiver Zarta Dralneen and Rain in Cloudy Day in one of the many vaults that the Society has.

When you arrive, the vault is open and a small mushroom capped leshy is standing by the door, looking around to lead the group further in. "Ah! Fellow Pathfinders! It it a pleasure to meet you and take you to Miss Dralneen! I am Rain in Cloudy Day, a new member of the Society myself, and I have been given the task to find some who may be keen in helping sort through some things, but let us not keep her waiting! Come come, she's down below!" Grabbing a torch, Rain leads the group into the underground.

You can place yourselves anywhere in the orange dotted box. Let me know if the box cannot be seen!