Anthropomorphized Rabbit

FaeBriona's page

19 posts. Alias of Fae Briona.


FaeBriona wrote:

Have to vote "no".

Way too similar to a caltrop swarm from (I think) one of the Tome of Horrors books. Too derivative for me.

The "warden jack swarm" from Tome of Horrors II.

They feel like more of a hazard to me.

Have to vote "no".
Way too similar to a caltrop swarm from (I think) one of the Tome of Horrors books. Too derivative for me.

Definitely has my vote.
Love the imagery, and as Leif said above its the perfect behind-the-scenes manipulator that the party finally meets in the end.

Also plays on a common symbol (the two-headed eagle) to good effect.

I do like this, but I have the same question as NSpicer above: when it turns into an inky cloud under water, then what? Can a strong current disperse it? Do you just command it to flow back into the vial?

Yea, an Alchemist that can't get Brew Potions seems kinda wrong. I'd give it to him and allow potions to be made from any formulae known.

Change Judgement to use the same rounds per day mechanic as rage and bardic music.

For the Inquisitor's Judgement, why the change in mechanics from the rounds per day (used for rage & bardic music) back to times per day (what rage / bardic music used to be)?

Add a vote for revelations tied to a trance. I'd leave curses as they are, but (as mentioned by Meepo above) they could be tied to trances on a case by case bases -- Tongues being a good example.

Set wrote:
The 9/11 Truthers are fun. They've got some great videos, interviewing the people who supplied the steel for the building claiming right there on tape that the heat of burning jet fuel wouldn't even soften their metal, let alone liquefy it, and then being cut off before they can finish explaining that, combined with the tremendous pressure the building is constantly under, due to it's weight, and the incredible kinetic force of an airliner crashing into them at several hundred miles per hour, the metal would turn liquid at much lower temperatures, just as you can bend the wire of a coathanger in your hands and make it hot, turning kinetic energy into heat...

On a much smaller scale, there are similar conspiracy on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing.

One more request for a Shadow bloodline for sorcerers.
I like the idea of using the Sins as arcane schools as well.
For cleric domains: Pestilence, Cold, Inquisition

If the Runeforge has a "preservative aura" that keeps the bodies from decaying and the body parts in the labs "in workable shape", why did the wine spoil?

I know, I know, minor nit-pick, but if I were a PC I'd be arguing for a GP value for the collection.

Makes getting the charter membership even better!

James Jacobs wrote:

Wrong. If Paizo didn't care you wouldn't have seen any of us posting on this thread. As I've said before, there's a LOT of other speed bumps and issues with offering a PDF subscription. We DO periodically revisit the idea of offering a PDF subscription, but the vast majority of our income comes from print copies. I suspect for one that a PDF only subscription would have to cost the same as a Print + PDF subscription, and I'm not sure people would appreciate or understand that. I could be wrong about that, of course; I'm not one of the marketing/store folks. There's also several other reasons why we haven't launched a PDF subscription yet as well that I've touched on already on this thread or other threads.

In any case, we HAVE heard the opinions and ideas in this thread and we ARE listening.

Its' obvious (to me at least) that Pazio cares; I've rarely seen as much company interaction as I have on these messageboards. I am glad to know that you haven't taken the idea off the table completely.

waynemarkstubbs wrote:

Dear Paizo,

thank you for the marketing email and the free "Legacy of Fire Guide" PDF. You invite me to take out a subscription. This I will gladly do, as soon as you offer me a PDF-only subscription. I am happy and accustomed to working with electronic media, and see no reason to pay for you to print something out for me and then ship it half way around the world at my expense.


Potential Subscriber

I'd prefer a PDF only option myself, but I think we're in the minority. On the other hand, how hard would it be to set up?

Montalve wrote:

Gerard Tarrant from the Coldfire Trilogy FTW

for a badass and cool villain who would sacrifice everything to keep living...

That would be my choice; but his motives and objectives are MUCH deeper than that.

Still, he's a polite, genteel, and perfect gentleman -- who wouldn't think twice about killing off you and your entire family if it suited his needs.

Set wrote:

Tattooed Dwarven rune-wizards, etching their arcane writings into stone and flesh alike, twining even their beards into arcane knotwork, according to secret principles, to 'tie off power' to be released later with the loosening of a knot.

Geomantic Sorcerers, said to be mad and white-eyed by surface kin, with their trembling hands and heads-tilted to the stone, listening to the whispers of elemental presences unheard by others. From the whispered tutelage of these voices, or perhaps from their own fractured madness, say their detractors, they learn to evoke forces similar to those of Wizards, but with subtle differences.

Dwarven Bards, masters of the 'workchant' and able to send coded messages reverberating for miles through the darkened depths, by drumming or pounding on the cold stone walls.

Those have to be three of the most evocative descriptions I've seen for classes in quite awhile. I'd grab any book that had class descriptions (and mechanics to back them up) that good.

I'd prefer a PDF only subscription option, but then, I'm probably one of the only people who would want such a thing.

Navdi wrote:
All the Adventure Path books have a section with Golarian (Golarish? Golarionish? Golarionese?) monsters. Although I admit that a "monster manual" -book for the Pathfinder RPG does sound appealing to me... ;)

I only have a couple of the PF adventures, and would LOVE to see the monsters described in them compiled in one place. Don't think there is enough of them yet to do that though.