FadetoBlack's page

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Some of my PCs are interested in going to Vencarlo for sword training. What's the best way to handle that in terms of increasing their ability as a result of training. Would it require X number of sessions to gain some sort of stat increase? If so, is there a stat increase/training hours formula? Thanks in advance!

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I started running our game with the old version then bought the new one midway through the first book. It's way better to me. Updated rules already done for you, additional stat blocks for npcs like Grau that you might want to let your players bring along on fights etc. My players helped Grau out and he's become their buddy in the guard and the stat block was very helpful. I love it.

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I showed them the pictures from the books and portrayed him as aristocratic and charming with plenty of street cred due to his being the head of the school. They all liked him and want to go take lessons and see him again.

They also heard rumors about the other guy but no one seems to be trying to link the two yet.

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so many spoilers:
The only one I've really thought of so far is Anthony Hopkins for Vencarlo. It's a bit on the nose but if it's not right, I don't know what is.

I was actually going to parody the voice of Roz from Geeklys Drunks and Dragons for Ileosa next time they see her. Seems appropriate given they were both not what they seemed at first and the French Canadian accent should be different than anything else that comes up. Plus it will keep them on the innocent queen side longer hopefully.

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One of my players actually played starting as a member of the town guard whom Hemlock had taken under his wing from a rough upbringing in the traveling caravans and turned into a deputy. It actually worked great to instantly legitimize Hemlock and will hopefully keep them tied to the town in later books.

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Our best two moments came back to back from our summoner who sometimes struggles with RP.

I just knew there would be trouble when Shayliss targeted him. He was all too happy when he realized there were no rats in the basement and summoned his eidolon (giant slime worm) to join in the festivities.

Fortunately he heard Ven coming down the stairs and when he walks in, stands over the bed, waves his arms, dismisses the eidolon and goes, "whew, glad we took care of that! Let me know if you have any more problems!" I made him roll a bluff check and he dropped a nat 20 on the table. It was amazing.

He then goes to the hagfish to celebrate and rolls a nat 1 on the challenge. Hero to zero in about 5 minutes .

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Rerednaw wrote:

+1 to the Eidolon / summoner issues. Aside from early Haste access / pounce most often IME YMMV, is because the rules are not being followed. It doesn't matter if he's got the limbs for 10 attacks....the eidolon can't do that many...it's 3 at level 1 and 7 at level 20. Before haste fx, etc...of course.

Ah noticed the point buys as well. The PCs effective level is much higher than the norm so less xp (or lvl by chapter and being below the lvl) is perfectly in keeping for balance options.

After further review I did discover that the eidolon hadn't been played right. Apparently our rules guy misremembered a few things. We've been treating the eidolon essentially like an at will summon with max HP every time and no penalties for death. That's been sorted out.