F3ryl's page

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Hey guys, this is aimed at dms for the most part. I've spent a few hours googling this topic trying to get a clear answer for my dm. To lay it out, I'm trying to understand the rules for wielding a Large Falcata 2 handed. From my internetting, I can see that typically if you move a size class you take a -2 to attack rolls. But since it is originally a 1 handed weapon, shouldn't moving it up 1 class just make it a 2 handed falcata without the -2? I have seen arguments going in both directions, but I would think that making it out of mithril would negate the debuff given that it will weigh the same as the 1 handed form.

Tldr, DM's would you be willing to take the -2 away from a weapon that goes up from a 1 handed medium weapon to a large 1 handed weapon if you 2 hand it. And if that's not enough/not okay then if the weapon were made out of mithril instead then 2 handing it?