
Ezro Lindran's page

550 posts. Alias of Zach W..

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I am running Rise of the Runelords currently in campaign mode, and have run into an issue on the timing of assigning chronicle sheets. My wife and I are fairly positive that when running an AP or Module in campaign mode, no chronicle sheets are given until the conclusion of the campaign, but we cannot find if this is a real ruling for all campaigns, or only Dragons demand and its like. Could someone clarify this please? Thank you!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Anyone else hard targeting super heroes or just me?

Liberty's Edge

So we have all these Cavalier Orders, and knightly edicts, some of which appear to have been heavily ordered in organization. Do these orders have chapter houses? Grand masters? Can they recognize one another? Do they have any ranks within? Are they based out of any countries in particular?

The Cavalier class has a massive amount of floating story to it with all of its orders, but nothing is tied down at all. The class sort of seems to just skim along Golarion, and I have not really seen much of any PC's to get a basis off of towards mentality, and bearing.

While Knights of the Inner Sea is very nice in explaining a Cavaliers seeming day to day life, it does not really speak much on Cavaliers in Golarion as a whole.

Liberty's Edge

~Liran Ver'Ha~

A tall elven man steps forward, clad in red dragon-scale full plate, accented with gold, and a massive tower shield with an emblem of a dragon coiled upon the symbol of Sarenrea. Upon his left pauldron is an adornment of various ribbons, medals, and a silver holy symbol of Sarenrea. His eyes are dark, deep purple, and he smiles from under a mane of blonde hair, speaking a rough, and confident battle field leaders voice.

"Greetings Silver Crusaders! I am Snowmask Brother and Eagle Knight-Captain Liran Ver'Ha of the Golden Legion of Andoran, Emmissary of Kyonin, and Crusader of Sarenrea, veteran of the Peoples Revolt, and the War in the Wound, leader of one of the most decorated units in the defense of Nerosyan. I am a defender of my allies, staunch guard of their lives, and an impregnable redoubt to my foes. I come in service to the Silver Crusade should they have my shield, and my blade. With Andoran having internal difficulties, and my experiences in the Worldwound, I sought a new assignment that could use the abilities of the Golden Legion, and I saw no other cause greater than that of the Silver Crusade and their ideals."

Liberty's Edge 2/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So I have been doing PFS now for a bit over a year and have GM'ed and played my fair share of scenarios. One thing that I am groaning more and more at is the seeming constant fighting. While I know combat is an integral part of a game, I feel tired of constantly bashing the locals over their heads to take their sweet sweet loot.

We have seen a scenario without any combat do well, Library of the Lion. Definitely one of my favorite scenarios out currently because it really felt like you were learning something, or puzzling your way through. It was a great change of pace!

My first character came into PFS with the thought that Knowledge would be an important skill, to learn the secrets of what we find, the first couple levels as a cavalier I dumped a good amount of skill points into Knowledge that I have yet to really use at all. We get the customary Knowledge Local/History/sometimes Geography, and then the game goes on. Even in scenarios that return to the same place, the knowledge are often cut and past, if you make a 25, you know everything that you could, no matter how many time you return.

Honestly, I find the Exploring and Reporting aspect should probably be Talk, Perceptify, Incapacitate as opposed to Explore, Report, and Cooperate. I want more research and learning, as opposed to bashing locals on the head. The only difference I see between the Aspis and the Society is the fact that we don't sell what we find.

When I GM'ed I would often add on the spot knowledge checks for geography, or history of an area, mostly because I and my fiancee have a HUGE knowledge of Golarions cultures, histories, and geography, but for alot of GM's this is not the case, so the idea of "Well GM's can just add that!" really does not help them, as it puts the burden of all of the knowledge on them.

This is just my two cents.

Liberty's Edge

This has to have been answered somewhere, and if so could some one please provide a link? Thank you.

The question. If a half elf has access to all human traits and racial traits, can they take dual talented for +2 to two abilities for free? This can't be right, please tell me it is not.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Event Info -
Warhorn - 0

We are hosting "Year of the Shadow Lodge" at Dragons Den in Richmond, VA. on Satruday, March 29, 2014.

Come join us!

$5 Entree Fee, location has a food available for purchase! Including Cheese Fries!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So one thing I enjoy in PFS is teamwork and support. I also have seen a great deal of people trying to place Cavaliers into weird roles, or constantly hearing that because I cannot take my mount all the time, Cavaliers sort of fall to the side. So, as requested from a friend of mine, I am showing where the Cavalier excels.

The Support Fighter.

At Level 10, I can provide someone adjacent to me +9 - +14 towards their AC, all of which is stack able with their current AC due to it being Untyped, Dodge, or said to enhance a current score. I have been doing ridiculous AC support since about level 4 with my Cavalier. I can pull a AC 19 wizard to around AC 30. Typical Magus AC of 23-24, is now 37-38. All while providing +3 Morale Bonus to hit the baddy.

I will say this again, Cavaliers do NOT need their companions to be useful. Mounts are fun, and we get a couple cool gimmiks, but I am so tired of people saying since dungeons are so prevalent Cavaliers without their mounts are somewhat lackluster.

I cant count the number of times I have been assisting new people in class selection and when I get to cavaliers, multiple people will always comment to stay away from them cause mounts cant fit in dungeons. I heard it playing my cavalier even up to now at level 10.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

So I have a question about a Lantern Bearer class feature.

Aiudara Alignment (Su)

At 9th level, once per day as a full-round action a Lantern Bearer can use the interconnected power of the aiudara network to teleport herself to an elf gate that she has studied carefully (see teleport). This functions as word of recall but the Lantern Bearer can only transport herself plus 50 pounds of objects.

In addition, a Lantern Bearer can magically slip between the spaces in reality twice per day as a swift action, as if using dimension door. This ability has a range of 50 feet and the Lantern Bearer cannot take other creatures with her.

When, how, and where can you use this in PFS?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Hey folks,

So I just wanted to ask the above question. Folding Plate is an item from Ultimate Equipment, and is a +1 Full Plate base, since it is +1, can I upgrade it to higher modifiers?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

As a VL here in Richmond, the biggest difficulty I find from veterans to play in PFS is the usual, "All it is is a mmo pen and paper, you cant make a backstory or invest in your character!"

I personally have found that to be actually the opposite of the truth. With vanities, fame, and prestige, I have found myself able to create a richer background for my character than any home game I have played.

So I wanted to hear from everyone here, what their thoughts on this are, and of course, to hear some character backgrounds!

Background for Liran Ver'Ha:
Growing up in Greengold, Lirin was always rambunctious for an elf. He preferred to play with the humans rather than the other elves, and was always quick with a joke or a smile. This in itself was only an oddity added to the fact that his parents had a great deal of children. While most elven families have only 2 children, or perhaps more if adopted, Lirin’s family had 5 elven children. Lirin was always energetic though and his precociousness led him to meeting Derethor Ter’Minal, an elven knight of minor renown and old world values. Derethor perhaps saw something in Lirin, or perhaps was simply getting so old, and without family of his own, wished to pass on the ancient traditions of elven knights of yore. Regardless the reason, Derethor requested that Lirin be put into his charge as his squire. At the young age of 45, Lirin set out from home with Derethor. They did not travel that wide, but Derethor made sure to impart upon his squire all of the teachings and codes he knew, training the young elf in the art of war and chivalry. Battle was not a common thing, besides a few minor bandits and a goblin here and there; Derethor was more of a diplomat. His twilight years made it dangerous for him to ride into battle, but the few times he did, Lirin saw the ancient and powerful skill the man wielded.
After 56 years of mentorship, Derethor released Lirin from his service, and declared that he was ready to go into the world, a Knight of the Dragon, and do good for those he finds in need. Derethor himself finally retired to the queens’ court, acting as one of her advisors and diplomats. Lirin then traveled home, now proudly bearing the tabard of the Order of the Dragon. While he remained an energetic individual, with a good amount of seemingly not elven qualities, such as his love for good drink, song, food, and boasting, his travels and mentorship had tempered him. Behind this veil of false bravado he is a very patient man, and a quick thinker with a keen intellect and tactical mind.
He set off with some of his siblings soon after his arrival back in Greengold. Lirin was drawn to the cause of Andoran. He had assisted Derethor in this war, the knight not fighting as much as strategizing, his keen strategically focused mind only sharper after centuries of service. Lirin himself fought some in the war, usually in defense of his Knight, and had grown fond of the Andorans, and their cause. So in the Spring of 4701 AR, he left home, some of his siblings following, and traveled to Andoran. There he made contact with the Pathfinder Society by way of some of his older friends from the war, their tales of adventure and exploration luring him to their ranks, and he has been there, fighting alongside his siblings ever since. Placing himself in the front line to protect his comrades with sword and shield.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I know you can choose to apply a Scenario chronicle sheet to a level 1 character by reducing gold gain to 500, but can you do this with a Adventure Path Chronicle sheet?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Hey I have not seen a Richmond PFS thread yet so I figure I would put up our information.

The Dragons Den
Meetup Group for Norfolk and Richmond

We have a new and growing PFS group here and usually have a couple tables full to max, so could use some more GM's and players if folks are interested and live in the area.

Times: 12PM - 6PM Sunday, and if someone wants to run a module or scenario, the store is very accommodating.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Hey folks, I had a quick question about attaining the Steel Falcon Prestige Class from Andoran: Spirit of Liberty campaign setting booklet.

Under Special Requirements, it states "A senior Eagle Knight must invite the character into the organization."

How does this work in PFS? Is there a scenario that has to be run? Do I need to attain the Eagle Knight rank with Fame?

Liberty's Edge

An elven knight in plate armor with long blonde hair, black eyes, and a wide grin walks in, an elegant tabard depicting a foreign dragon design, recognizable as Tian in origin, draped down his chest, white cloak billowing.

"Aha! Finally! I might meet some of my comrades of freedom! I leave Kyonin to join the Andoran cause and get stuck in Tian Xia for months, right away! It is good to be back! Good day my friends!"

Liberty's Edge

This blog is on tumblr and not written by myself, but by my girlfriend. She has been DM'ing now for a couple years and loves the Pathfinder system and Golarion itself. It has some very good articles so far for budding DM's and maybe some for DM's who have been playing for a while.

I have helped contribute a little, personally I have been DMing for about 4-5 years now in both DnD 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and have pretty much gone exclusively over to Pathfinder because of how great this system is. Check it out. She tries updating it about twice a week.