Eyvindr's page

Goblin Squad Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Starting a new campiagn - we supposedly have Monk, Brawler, Magus, Shaman - DM recommended Arcane caster/social skill type.
I am thinking about Sorcerer/ Infernal (for diplomacy). The other thought I had was Mesmerist, but not sure they really fill the arcane caster side well enough.

I know someone will recommend bard, but the campaign we just finished had a very well built bard played by the (now) DM of the new campaign, so I'd rather avoid it.

25 point build, level 1.


Thank you - that was my first interpretation of the original wording of the card, which then got confused by wording on other answers.

I do think that adding a couple of words would improve the structure of option 2 (see below) but maybe there are space issues for words.

2. Discard this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play this card on a check even if you played a weapon, provided that weapon does not have the 2-Handed trait.

Recently started playing, and yesterday my swashbuckler got the Main Gauche, which I did not keep (did not think I could play it with another weapon). Seltyiel picked it up and was using it with the Cat of 9 tails for 1d8+3 + 3d4 + 1d4 (playing it as a weapon with the Cat and combining the dice. It seemed over powered, so I started doing research, and found the information below.

QUOTE FROM ERRATA: Can I play Main-Gauche with another weapon or not? The first sentence tells me when I can't, not when I can.
You can, so long as you didn't play another weapon with the 2-Handed trait.
Resolution: On the weapon Main-Gauche, replace the text with the following:
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4.
Discard this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play this card on a check even if you played a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait.

QUOTE FROM MIKE S: Because this is a game in which there is no hair so fine it cannot be split again, there are many reasons you could play a weapon before the Main-Gauche, and we wanted to kill all the ones that involve 2-Handed weapons, but not any of the others.

Also, the Main Gauche is not a Dagger, so don't assume anything on the Dagger should be on the Main-Gauche.

I'm finding the errata MORE confusing rather than less.
Is it the intention that you can play the Main Gauche on your combat check, WITHOUT another weapon, to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4.

Discard this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play this card on a check even if you played a weapon (provided that weapon) does not have the 2-Handed trait.

OR can you do either one (or both), provided the other weapon used does not have the 2 handed trait?

Since you still seem to be sending out copies, please add me to the list!
corbindagoblin at yahoo.com

I don't mean physically, I mean in the last few years my d20 rolls have consistently averaged about a 5 when rolling to hit in combat. Wizard is an obvious choice, so I played one in a long running campaign and not sure I'm ready for another one. I don't really like playing clerics.

Any advice or character builds that would minimize extraordinarily bad luck in combat rolls?

The Iron Tower trilogy (by Mckiernan I think - I keep blocking his name) - total plagiarism of The Lord of the Rings - I read the whole trilogy with the same sense of fascinated horror as watching a multi-car high speed pile up... ancient artifact needed to destroy big bad guy, race of short isolated folks that have to carry it, the travelling group enters a secret mountain passage, gets attacked by tentacled creature at the entrance, breaks a bridge to escape a big demon thing.... and so on.

Should HBO ever actually do anything with this, my choice for Cersei would be Christina Hendricks (for Firefly fans, this is Saffron/Mrs Reynolds) - She does a wonderful job of looking innocent and sexy, and her character being totally self centered - and she also isn't such a big name as to not get hired due to salary considerations (like Theron and Kidman).

In response to Dr Games, I think Anya's condition will turn out to be temporary (a training thing all new members go through) and the good female knight could still be rescued (though we won't know for years - would be the book after the coming one), but those are just guesses.

I think there is a 4th book to the Otori series.

The only other one that is somewhat related that I can think of right now is Paper Mage by Leah R. Cutter; I think it is more Chinese than Japanese influenced, but it's about a mage whose magic works through origami.