Friendly Fighter

Eyedunno52's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I see. Thank you. Was worried I was missing something. Maybe I should poke the local stores :-D

I get that. How are others able to see it?

Silly question; is this available yet?
I don't see it on the downloads page...

Having recently discovered that OP existed, I was delighted, and of course threw my money at the computer. I bought every single class deck and all the available scenarios. (I'm a collecter. Its a problem of mine... don't judge. :P )

I generally play this game solo. Most of my friends have long since moved on to other things. Now, I realize that this isn't how this game is meant to be played, but its how I do it. Its nice to not have to get a group of people together to roll some dice after a bad days work. I do have some observations for Solo play.

1) Why can we only register one character online? If I play two handed, and I follow the rules for both hands, what should it matter if I register both characters online? If a reward says "each player" gets something, than I can only get it once, right? So what does it matter if I play two characters? Other people play two characters and play them separately, but they can register them, and still only get the reward once that states "each player" right?

2) For the play through, I choose Tarlin. A character with heal is pretty much a requirement when playing solo. One or two bad rolls can wreck a character with no way to heal. This guy also has several ways to heal. With two Cure spells, 5 blessings and a staff, he can use over half his deck to get cards back. That being said, his lack of power feat choices without his role card is a little disappointing. I don't like having a large hand, but it looks like I may before I can get my role card. Oh well. Next time I'll pay a little more attention to that.

3) I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but the Cleric class deck doesn't really support Tarlin. One of his powers is to discard a two handed weapon or blessing to heal. There are so few two handed weapons, that is could just read "discard a blessing". I get that the class deck needs to cater to all the characters in it. But I found this worrying. Its not just the weapons that I find this an issue with either. I don't think this would just be a problem in solo play, so maybe its not worth discussing in this thread.

4) Balance of 0-1A. I found this to be a very difficult start. Perhaps it was because the character I played. Or perhaps I was just really unlucky. But I had to play this several times to actually complete it. I like a nail-biter ending, but after three unsuccessful attempts, I was finally able to manage it. I wonder what other's experience with this is. The trouble is, with out other players to find some of the Shades, I got them both. And, there was no one to temporarily close any locations, which means I have to dig through them all, with one or frequently two Shades on me. Blessings are not as common in a one player game. This all translated into higher checks, with fewer boosts. Also, this early in the game, I didn't have a lot of deck upgrades to help out.

5) Balance of 0-1B. This one, on the other hand, I loved. Fewer players = fewer Hammerheads to buff the Adaro. Which works well with fewer players having fewer cards to buff the check against him.

6) The rest of the scenarios were fine. I liked the tweaks to the standard game play throughout the whole thing. That was one of my complaints about RotR; that many of the scenarios were basically the same. In particular I enjoyed the mechanics of 0-1F.

7) I would pay for a hardcopy of all the scenarios in a book format (hint hint). I dislike printing this much. Ink is expensive. And it would probably be cheaper for me to but a $20-25 soft cover. Leave the PDF releases as they are, and after all the updates are published, make a hard copy for those that want it. (Who am I kidding? I'd probably buy both anyway...)