Darius Finch

Exiel's page

1,220 posts. Organized Play character for FiddlersGreen.


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The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel considers Baba Yaga's words carefully.

"Very well, I can do this, but I will have conditions. I will protect her, but I will also teach her as I choose. I will teach her to know justice and love peace. I will also tell her of the fate that awaits her if she takes the throne, and whether she accepts that price for reign and longevity I will leave to her, but she will know. And she will have me to call on if she finds herself in need. If that is acceptable, then yes, I will protect her and raise her as your rider."

"I will also caveat that I will not be your unquestioning slave. I will accept the mantle for her sake, but I remain first and foremost a paladin of Torag - I don't mind fighting your evil adversaries, but I will not support tyranny or harm those who are good or innocent."

He pauses to let Baba Yaga consider his offer. Then adds an afterthought.

"Oh and I will take the white mantle, thank you. Black is not really my colour."

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel considers the options, and then remembers the girl Anastasia.

"Before I make my decision, I was wondering... the girl, Anastasia. She is young and innocent, and I would have her free to live a quiet and peaceful life, if possible, and if that is her wish. Will you allow that? Will you release her into my care, to look after as my ward under the protection of the temple of Torag?"

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Slow track as well.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel gives a sigh of relief as Elvanna falls and her minions retreat. His lips tightens as Baba Yaga pronounces the final grim task before them.

"Well, it's what we came here for. Let's finish this so we can finally go home."

Taking a deep breath he takes the doll and puts it into the blood that is pooling from Elvanna's bleeding throat.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Hmm... still a swift action you say? I'll use smite evil on the demon/devil/thing that I am not using osyluth guile on. Come next turn I'll be smiting them both. XD

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

fort save: 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (13) + 32 = 45

Hey guys, general reminder that I cast Grand Destiny on everyone before we came in. You can use that for a +4 competence bonus to your save.

Exiel's various wards keep him from succumbing to the spell, as he gasps for air and prepares to continue his attack on titan Elvanna, he remembers the golden thread that the strange lady at the lake gave them.

What action is it to use that golden thread to remove all conditions on Exiel? If it is a swift action, I will use it to remove the staggered condition. If it is an immediate action, I'll use it before my turn to do the same. If standard, I'll just do a single stab.

attack roll, crane style, all the shenenigans (see my working numbers in my character sheet): 1d20 + 41 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 41 - 2 = 52
damage: 1d6 + 22 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 22 + (3, 5) = 36

hasted attack roll, crane style, all the shenenigans (see my working numbers in my character sheet): 1d20 + 41 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 41 - 2 = 58
damage: 1d6 + 22 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 22 + (6, 2) = 32
hasted confirmation roll, crane style, all the shenenigans (see my working numbers in my character sheet): 1d20 + 41 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 41 - 2 = 59
damage: 1d6 + 22 ⇒ (3) + 22 = 25

iterative attack roll, crane style, all the shenenigans (see my working numbers in my character sheet): 1d20 + 41 - 5 ⇒ (20) + 41 - 5 = 56
damage: 1d6 + 22 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 22 + (6, 2) = 33
iterative confirmation roll, crane style, all the shenenigans (see my working numbers in my character sheet): 1d20 + 41 - 5 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 41 - 5 - 2 = 49
damage: 1d6 + 22 ⇒ (5) + 22 = 27

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

fort save: 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (18) + 32 = 50

Bolstered by a combination of Torag's divine protection and Baba Yaga's eldritch power, Exiel hardly notices the wail.

"Hang in there guys! I can hold off these 2 for awhile, I think!"

Swift action crane style, full attack on Elvanna. I'll give the siphoned might to myself to try to put more hurt on her.

attack roll, crane style, all the shenenigans (see my working numbers in my character sheet): 1d20 + 41 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 41 - 2 = 50
damage: 1d6 + 22 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 22 + (3, 1) = 28

hasted attack roll, crane style, all the shenenigans (see my working numbers in my character sheet): 1d20 + 41 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 41 - 2 = 50
damage: 1d6 + 22 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 22 + (3, 6) = 32

iterative attack roll, crane style, all the shenenigans (see my working numbers in my character sheet): 1d20 + 41 - 5 ⇒ (20) + 41 - 5 = 56
damage: 1d6 + 22 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 22 + (1, 5) = 29
iterative confirmation roll, crane style, all the shenenigans (see my working numbers in my character sheet): 1d20 + 41 - 5 ⇒ (4) + 41 - 5 = 40
damage: 1d6 + 22 ⇒ (2) + 22 = 24

AC44, 54 vs Elvanna and 57 vs the demon-thing.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Sorry, I just had one more buff to activate before coming in, if that's ok. Activating my rapier for another +4 sacred bonus to CHA for 10 mintues.

Exiel ports in and looks around.

Hmm... 2 winged gorillas, and our dear aspiring witch queen. Hello, and dasvidaniya, your grace."

Swift action smite evil on the Elvanna, standard action siphon might on her DC26, move action fly beside her.

siphon might DC26: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
CL Check if needed?: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34

"Amsheagar! See if you can get one of your big elementals to grab this witch!"

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel gauges the distance.

"Yeah, I can get us in there. Time to buff up, gents. We're going in hot. No size-increases though, and we'll need Earl to earth-glide in on his own. We can give him time to get into position and join the fray once he detects that we are in."

Since we have time, I'll go ahead and cast:
Resist energy cold on each of us (6 casts in total)
Grand destiny on myself, Rhon, Purs and Amsheagar (4 casts in total, 3 pops each)
Magic circle against evil centered on myself
See invis on myself
Use that wand to cast invis on each of us
Haste on the party
Divine favour on myself

Let the good times roll! =D

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Good thing this ain't a competition, though I gotta say, Rhon, if I ever need to invade a stronghold of giants I know who I'm gonna call on."

Attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 23 - 2 = 28
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6

Attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 23 - 2 = 35
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

Iterative Attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 - 5 ⇒ (12) + 23 - 2 - 5 = 28
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel ignores the yellow steed and goes straight for orange.

"I can do this all day," he huffs.

Attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 23 - 2 = 40
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
Confirmation roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 23 - 2 = 39
crit damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

haste Attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 23 - 2 = 40
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4
Confirmation roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 23 - 2 = 35
crit damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

iterative Attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 23 - 2 = 25
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

AC41, 52 vs orange giant.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Alrighty, here we are. Let the stabbing commence."

Unsure whether Amsheagar has any special tricks to pull against the steeds, Exiel steps through the air and stabs at the giant.

Against green giant
Aoo attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 23 - 2 = 38
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8

Against yellow giant
Attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 23 - 2 = 41
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9
Confirmation roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 23 - 2 = 38
crit damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

haste Attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 23 - 2 = 40
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2
Confirmation roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 23 - 2 = 32
crit damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

iterative Attack roll, crane style, fighting defensively, haste, heroism, divine favour: 1d20 + 23 - 2 - 5 ⇒ (14) + 23 - 2 - 5 = 30
damage roll: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
If Evil: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8

AC41, 52 vs yellow.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Hmm... They're a little bigger than I was expecting. Looks like a rough crew too. Most giants tend to be bruisers though. Let's see if I can draw some of their attention and get some flanking action going."

Exiel dips into his defensive crane style and takes a full defence action, then flies straight into the midst of the giants.

AC44 this round, and 55 against yellow.
With haste and the increased speed from being large, Rhon should be able to get into melee with a single move. We can try to bottleneck the giants and keep them away from the casters in the back.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Woot! Buff time!

Making the most of the time, Exiel begins buffing rigorously.

Haste should still be up for several rounds, barkskin has been cast.
Round 1: Fly back to my rapier, Cast extended resist energy cold
Round 2: Cast extended heroism, keep metamagic rod
Round 3: Cast Corruption resistance on self (15 hours duration), pick up rapier
Round 4: Cast divine favour, fly up 30ft

Exiel hovers about 30ft above the ground as he finishes his spellcasting, his golden rapier gleaming in his hand as he prepares to do battle.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Time to go, Lauriel!"

Lauriel shifts back into her tattoo form as Exiel dismisses his force sphere and flies forward 70ft, hoping to tag the wendigo in the following turn with some long range spells.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel realises his error as Purs disappears, leaving him in the path of the monster's fury. He raises his magical ward, deflecting the monster's attacks. He ponders his options as the monster flails at Rhon without success.

"Hmm... sorry guys, I'll need a moment to raise my defences before I re-enter the fray."

Realising that the monster will just target him the moment he dismisses his force sphere, Exiel begins preparing for that eventuality.

Free action drop rapier, move action draw metamagic rod. Casting extended barkskin.

Meanwhile, from within the safety of the force sphere, Exiel calls forth Lauriel to consult with her on what the creature might be, hoping to support the party with knowledge even in his disadvantageous position.

"Hey Lauriel. This thing's like a humanoid but has stumps for legs and it flies real fast. Howls alot, frosty, has the head of a feral elk but sharp teeth. Mean streak a mile wide. Any clues?"

Lauriel's knowledge planes: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (14) + 24 = 38

Questions in order of importance:
1. How to bypass its DR?
2. Other special defences or immunities?
3. Any special weaknesses?
4. Saves from highest to lowest

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

knowledge planes: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Exiel has no idea what this thing is...

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"What the heck is that thing!? Darn it, I don't have all my spells up yet. But I can speed us all up!"

Swift action crane style, standard action cast haste on party, move action to get adjacent to it, since it's grappling Purs and can't take AoOs.
Requesting map.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Aye, better a foe that we can actually fight than this endless cold!"

If the overland flight spell ran out earlier, Exiel would probably not have re-cast his overland flight after the first one ran out, but would re-cast it now. He would also re-cast mage armor and greater magic weapon if they run out.

Voting to press on too.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Just a moment, Rhon. I think I have an idea. We found some wings of flying back there. Perhaps we can put it to some use. If you summon Earl, he might be able to carry both you and Purs, and maybe even his dog. I can fly by my own magic, and Amsheagar can turn into an air elemental. If we are all airborne, we may be able to get to our destination a little quicker, and possibly avoid some unnecessary battles en route."

Casting: Extended mage armor, Extended greater magic weapon, overland flight (recast as needed), Threefold aspect

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Hmm.. Maybe it will be best to do the storyline-RP all at once at the end. I'll just go over and say hi for now. Sorry if I jumped the gun a little on this one.

Exiel goes over to Anastasia to say hi.

"Hey there little one. How're you holding up? You seem to have adjusted well to all of this. We're here for you, alright? Me and the dwarf and our new friends. Even the scary wizard-guy who's been hanging out here. We're here to protect you, so if you need anything, or if anyone tries to hurt you or scare you, come tell us and we'll take you away. In fact, if you want to leave this place after we're done with our mission, I think we can take you with us. There are so many places to see in Golarion. Varisia, Qadira, even Taldor. I mean, there are dangers, but it's probably safer than here, and you would have us to protect you. Reckon you would like that?"

Happy to resume the RP after we are done with the blasty-stabby parts.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Oof. That's alot to take in. I'll put the bonus stats into CHA of course. =D

I think Purs also has 2 negative levels to worry about, unfortunately.

Hey GM, I noticed that one of the uses of those fancy golden threads is "All conditions currently affecting the PC are removed." Would that include the negative levels and dex drain that Purs and Rhon are suffering from?

Exiel takes the opportunity to rest, grateful for the chance to recover his magical and divine powers.

"They sure did a number on us. But if we took on 4 past queens of Irrisen and came out on top, 1 more queen shouldn't be a problem... right?"

As they rest, Exiel whispers to the party, though he is focused in particular on his fellow-paladin of Torag.

"Rhon, I've been thinking about what we're learned about Baba Yaga's longevity. Personally, I don't much care about evil feeding off evil - they deserve each other, and evil destroying evil is just a case of one deserving the other. On the other hand, removing a system of goverment, even one as defective as Irrisen's monarchy, brings evils of its own if we do not replace it with something better. Anarchy and power vacuums breed evils of their own."

"But I wonder about the girl we found in that strange place, the one we rescued from Rasputin's stronghold. Anastasia. Unless I miss my guess, she may be favoured to replace Elvanna as the next queen. But she is still innocent. With guidance, she could be the best thing to happen to Irrisen in years, ushering in an unprecedented age of peace and kindness in a land that known none of it. But if she becomes that, then I would not want her to share the fate of the previous queens either."

"This troubles me. What are your thoughts on the matter?"

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel looks to his companions, and seeing that no one else appears to be moving, gives a long sigh and draws the dagger that they had found earlier.

"'Tis unsavoury work, and would that we could be done with all of this as soon as possible. But if this is what is needed to stop Elvanna from covering all of Golarion in deep winter, then I guess I'll do it. It's not like the remains of these poor sods can be defiled any further, or that they pleasant people to begin with."

With a grim scowl, Exiel performs the deed. Once it is done, he gathers the fallen bodies and casts burning hands to cremate what's left.

"A final mercy, that though your lives and undeath were devoid of warmth, it may finally end in warmth, as in a forge."

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Uh-oh. Damn I miss the pre-errata battle cry feat...

Exiel maintains his defensive stance and continues to fence with the crone while keeping a watchful eye our for new combatants joining the fray. Seeing that the crone is still able to inflict potentially debilitating effects on his allies, Exiel decides to end it as quickly as he can.

"Your highness, you've been a pain in the bum for far too long. Time for you to fall for good."

Smite evil.

attack roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 = 35
damage roll: 1d6 + 13 + 6 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 13 + 6 + (5, 3) = 33

haste attack roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 = 46
damage roll: 1d6 + 13 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 13 + (1, 1) = 16
confirmation roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 = 46
damage roll: 1d6 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

iterative attack roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 - 5 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 - 5 = 42
damage roll: 1d6 + 13 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 13 + (3, 2) = 23
iterative attack roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 - 5 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 - 5 = 34
damage roll: 1d6 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel gives a quick flourish with his rapier, then continues stabbing.

"Come on then. I can do this all day."

attack roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 = 45
damage roll: 1d6 + 13 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 13 + (4, 3) = 21
confirmation roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 = 41
crit damage roll: 1d6 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

haste attack roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 = 46
damage roll: 1d6 + 13 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 13 + (3, 3) = 25
confirmation roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 = 43
crit damage roll: 1d6 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

iterative attack roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 - 5 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 - 5 = 41
damage roll: 1d6 + 13 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 13 + (6, 3) = 28
confirmation roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 - 5 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 - 2 - 5 = 30
crit damage roll: 1d6 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

Smiting Red, osyluth guile on orange. AC41 generally, 48 vs Red and 51 vs Orange.

Whoa. Potentially 3 crits in a row!?

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Alright your highnesses. You want melee? Let's do melee."

Exiel flies in as he focuses Torag's divine wrath upon one of the witches and flies in for a defensive strike.

attack roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, haste, lingering inspiration from last round 'cos I count as human, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 + 2 - 2 = 49
damage roll (assuming first smite vs undead?): 1d6 + 13 + 6 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 13 + 6 + (4, 5) = 33
confirmation roll, smite evil, fighting defensively, crane style: 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 10 + 2 - 2 = 39
crit damage roll: 1d6 + 13 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 13 + 6 = 22

"Amsheagar, I can hold these two off for awhile. Wanna help Rhon finish off his opponent before she gets out of those chains?"

Smiting Red, osyluth guile on orange. AC41 generally, 48 vs Red and 51 vs Orange.

Remember that we are hasted, guys!

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel sees that the party is finally back in close proximity to each other and takes the opportunity to cast haste on the entire party. With his swift action, he goes into crane style stance to prepare for melee battle. He also takes the opportunity to fly back a little ways just in case Amsheagar has plans to charge at the approaching witches.

Haste is up guys!

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel tanks the damage and hopes that Amsheagar is able to remove the new ice wall so that Rhon and himself can get some of Purs' healing.

Seeing that the witches are determined to give Rhon a hard time, Exiel casts Chains of Light on the witch next to Rhon and then calls out to Rhon more words of encouragement. If Amsheagar is able to remove the wall of ice, Exiel will also include Purs in the effect to further protect him from the onslaught of icy spells.

Swift action heroic legends, using first level spell slot to give Rhon, myself and maybe Purs (2d10 ⇒ (8, 7) = 15 + 2xCON mod) in temp hp, and a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves for 1 round.

Chains of light on the witch next to Rhon. DC26 reflex

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Yeeeah..... not taking that tyvm. My dex is low enough.

Exiel does indeed cast another emergency force sphere to block the ray attack. He then dismisses this new sphere as well and throws a glance over his shoulder as Amsheagar dispels the wall of ice.

"We've got the advantage of action economy now. Hang in there, Rhon! Show that witch what a Son of Torag is MADE OF!"

Using a first level spell slot and my move action to activate heroic legends, specifically inspiring heroics, for Rhon. Rhon gets a +4 morale bonus to saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus to AC for a turn!

Also, daaamn, all this while I thought it only functioned like inspire courage. Turns out I can't inspire courage with this ability, but what I can do is just as good for different circumstances. If I'd known I'd have spammed this earlier.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel dismisses his force sphere to partake of the healing channel, then flies up to the pair of undead former-queens to the left. He takes a deep breath as he prepares to intercept more projectiles, or otherwise present a more (deceptively) apparently vulnerable target for the enemy.

"Come on ya witches. Neither of you have actually hurt me. Or don't you want a piece of the one guy here with the strongest link to your dear grand-mammy Baba Yaga?"

I think I have the most number of Mantle of the Black Rider boons in the party?

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Hmm... maybe I should've stayed next to Purs after all... Didn't realise he was that much lower on hp. Well, first things first.

reflex save roll 1: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (5) + 25 = 30
reflex save roll 2: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (4) + 25 = 29
reflex save roll 3: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (14) + 25 = 39

GM, a little bit of creative thinking here. Did the spell that was cast have a projectile that had to fly to a destination before exploding (like a fireball)? If it did, and it flew close enough to me, would I have been able to use EFS to catch the orb in my EFS so that is explodes inside my EFS affecting only me?

Holding off on my action pending your decision since it will determine whether or not I need to dismiss that sphere on my turn.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Sorry to be a pain GM, but just 'cos this seems like it's gonna be a difficult fight and in light of the unique challenges of pbp games, would you say that Purs should have an opportunity to have used his Unity ability to help Rhon or Amsheagar pass one of their saves?

Could I also change my movement again? If I saw that Rhon failed all his reflex saves before my turn came, I would probably have flown to his side and cast a quickened resist cold on him. Amshegar can then cast his resistance spell on himself and Purs next turn if we all survive.

Also would like to know about whether those doors behind us are open or closed. =D

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51
Amsheagar wrote:
Amsheagar has a communal resist spell that i was planning on casting next round. It won't get everyone, but it will get 3 of us.

Eeep. Hoping that it's nothing more than a scare! =O

And don't worry about me for the communal resist. I can cast energy resistance on myself, and I have emergency force sphere and evasion. I should be fine.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Eeek! Well, you'll probably survive thanks to the same voodoo that saved Purs, but that appears to be a once-off. Dang, we need to buy some time to put up some resistance spells. Purs did a 25hp channel, so there's that... Do you have any way to get cold resistance or a reflex-save boost? Or just spam heals on yourself and hope for better rolls next time! Worst case, I'll try to shield Purs so he can BoL you.

GM is that door open or did it shut behind us? I may need to d-door us out of here to heal up.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Could I ret-con my movement to move next to Purs so that if another cone of cold comes I can use my EFS to block line of effect from at least one of the ice-queens to him?

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Uh oh," Exiel mutters as he kicks off the ground and launches himself into the air, weaving a pattern in the air with his rapier to disperse the blasts of cold as he tries to twist his body out of the way.

reflex save roll 1: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (4) + 25 = 29
reflex save roll 2: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (14) + 25 = 39
reflex save roll 3: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (14) + 25 = 39
reflex save roll 4: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (14) + 25 = 39

"Brrr! That's COLD!

To be honest, I'm not too sure what to do. Depending on the amount of damage dealt, I'm most worried about Purs. And I think he might be the only one amongst us who can actually cast breath of life? Wait, iirc we got some special ward after we retrieved the first story-item?

Might be a good idea for Purs to pull back and get some cold resistance up, and for Amsheagar to turn into an ice elemental or something?

Would Earl be unaffected since he has not attacked yet and probably would have been gliding under the earth? Really wish I'd picked up a wall spell or other...

"Facing all four of them at once will be difficult. Purs, Amshegar, can either of you put up a big enough wall to let us divide and conquer?"

Exiel summons light from the celestial planes once more, fashioning it into bands that he then casts at the undead ice-queen in front of Rhon.

Might enable Rhon to get a coup de grace on her/it and keep her out of the fight for a turn or two.

If Purs goes unconscious but is still alive, Exiel will fly over his unconscious body and prepare to protect him from more AoEs using emergency force sphere. If not, he will fly up next to Rhon.

Bonus action crane style.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Would I have had time to cast resist energy a few times before combat started?

knowledge: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

"Hey look, the thrones are labelled with the names of the past queens of Irrisen. No Tashanna or Elvanna though. Guess that makes sense. If Elvanna were here, we wouldn't be having all this trouble. Heh and I guess in a way Tashanna kinda won her rebellion, at least in the sense that she didn't end up here. That counts for something, I suppose?"

"So now we know what happened to all the past queens of Irrisen and what fate Elvanna was trying to avoid. To be fair, can't say I blame her for not wanting to end up like this... Rhon why are you raising your axe?"

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Alrighty, if Purs is getting us all airborne, then I can cast invisibility on the four of us + doggo and we can fly over the giants. Earl can follow us from inside the walls via earth glide, so I can save a spell slot.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Well, at least that's taken care of. And it was good to have that rest too. Shall we proceed then?"

Exiel stretches and commences his daily buff routine.

Threefold Aspect (young)
Mage Armor
Greater magic weapon on my rapier
Overland Flight
Extended Barkskin
Extended Heroism

"Alright, let's go."

Once everyone is ready, Exiel will use dimension door to teleport the party past the linnorms again.

Per the previous plan, I can make myself and Rhon invis, and I can carry Rhon past the giants by flying over them. Earl can earth-glide past them, and I guess Amsheagar can too if he wild shapes into an earth elemental.

Purs, do you have access to spells that might help you get past the giants? I can help with a couple of castings of invisibility if you need it.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Seeing that the tentacled devil is an elusive foe, Exiel tries to weaken her to make her an easier foe for Rhon to hit. He traces a symbol of arcane power in the air, forming gravitational fields around her before abruptly balling his shield-hand into a fist, tightening the gravitational fields in an attempt to shatter her bones.

Boneshatter DC24 Fort save for half: 14d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6, 4, 5) = 61 Fatigued on a pass, exhausted on a fail

SR check: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

[b]"Well, looks like Rhon can handle that one. I'll see if I can do something about that fire-support first.

Greater command again. DC25. Targeting the 3 erinyes that are within 30ft of each other.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Get well soon mate!

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"Then let's be ready for them," Exiel replies as he re-casts heroism and barkskin, and then casts heroism on Rhon and grand destiny on himself.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Sorry, just started a new job this week, been flat out. Thanks for the reminder GM.

Exiel takes advantage of the haste and his proximity to the target.

attack roll: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
damage roll: 1d6 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (2, 2) = 12
confirmation roll: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
damage roll: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

iterative attack roll: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31
damage roll: 1d6 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 7 + (2, 1) = 11

haste attack roll: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27
damage roll: 1d6 + 7 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 7 + (4, 2) = 19

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Sorry forgot spell resistance.
CL check roll: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Exiel casts boneshatter on the erinyes that Purs and Rhon are savaging.

boneshatter damage roll, DC24: 14d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 5, 6, 5, 5) = 55

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

"They teleported in and said something about telling some Olcazra we've been found. I'm guessing demons or devils. Take them down before they break free from my spell!"

Lauriel flies to Exiel and reverts to the safety of her tattoo form.

Hoping to bring his allies into the fight as quickly as possible, Exiel flies back a little to get the whole party in range for a haste spell. As a swift action, he adopts his fighting stance and prepares for battle.

Entering crane stance, rapier drawn, party is hasted.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Oh and almost forgot.

Lauriel shifts from her tattoo form as Exiel moves forward. Seeing the other pathfinders sleeping in a convenient line, she breathes a line of cold over them, giving them a sudden but effective awakening

cold breath weapon: 1d6 ⇒ 2

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

Would you say it makes sense for Amsheagar and Purs to also keep their armor on and plan to prepare lesser restoration to remove the fatigue?

Exiel flies forward to draw the women's attention.

"You there! HALT!"

Casting greater command, DC25 will save

CL check vs Spell resistance, since they probably have it: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21 Hope that is enough.

The Exchange

Class [Paladin2/Oracle1/Sorcerer12] | HP:102/102 | AC: 40/ FF26 (Defensive Strategist)/ T 27 |CMB: +20 CMD: 39| Fort: +32 Ref: +28 Will: +34 | Perception: +8(darkvision)| Init: +13 [|] Lauriel: HP 51/51

My preference is to go ahead since I still have some resources to spare and the alarm is kinda raised, but also happy to pull back if Purs needs the rest. I'll leave the decision to Purs. Happy to take first watch if we rest.

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