Larur Feldin

Excelsius Darkstorm's page

10 posts. Alias of BiggestJay.


Liberty's Edge

Ryan. Costello wrote:
I was living in Windsor when the Beta rulebook became available. I had the hardest time getting the local gaming stores to get me a copy, or to find a group that was still interested enough in 3.5 D&D to give Pathfinder a shot. It's nice to hear that Windsor is starting to open up to Pathfinder.

Man things have really picked up here apparently! There are, at Hugin and Munin, 6 regular sessions of D&D during the week!!! Pathfinder is all full, not really open to the public. My Thursday event is booked way solid, so I'm going to start Saturdays now as well, starting in May, but still need to finalize that with the owner.

Sorry it was so weak when while you lived here!

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Cool! I've got over 5000 D&D and Pathfinder minis, and can make any kind of scenery, so it'll all look AMAZING.

Also, I'll have dungeon wall molds ready in a month, free standing, painted, and magnetically receptive on one side so you can place fridge magnet stuff on the dungeon walls to customize rooms (curtains, paintings, chains for prisoners, anything that belongs to a wall.)

I'll post a new thread when that stuff is ready to go. I just put them on battlemats and it blows player's minds away.

ANYWAY, the first game is full, so I'm going to open a Saturday event as well. 8 people showed up today to create characters. Quite a turnout, and the event isn't even listed here! Which I will do right now.

I'll check out Frostfur and First Steps (it'd be nice to intro the players to the campaign setting). About half the players have never played, and the others are real nice and patient. It's gonna be great!

Thanks everyone!!!

Big Jay

Liberty's Edge

Yep, those were the days! So good!

Liberty's Edge

Congrats sir!!!

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the info everyone!

I must have done something wrong re creating the event - in any case, the schedule's changed, so it works out well!

The gaming community in Windsor is unusually large and vibrant, I've been all across Canada in my GW days, and this city really surprised me.

There's a website run by a gentleman named Moe, the Windsor Gaming Resource, and he's on Facebook under that name as well. He's been single handily promoting all games and events in any store, club etc in the entire region for the last 10 years! He's a great guy and I believe his efforts have made the gaming in Windsor so pervasive.

Getting players won't be a problem! I've already received 4 definite players from advertising on the above mentioned WGR website and Facebook page.

However, I WILL get the event registered here tomorrow after I work out a schedule with the store owner tomorrow.

And I'll get on the as well!

Thanks again everyone!

Oh, and any opinions on the best Society adventure to start with? 1-5 or 1-7's I assume, but there are LOADS of them!

Liberty's Edge

Good job sir!!!

Cangames was my first and will forever be my favourite convention. I wasn't there at the very beginning, but pretty close! I eventually ran Car Wars, but I sure loved the RPG's. The best four days of every year!!!

I still remember going to Fandom every day to see if the pre-registration forms had showed up!!!

Hope everything goes well this year! I'll be there next year, I'm in Windsor now.

Good Luck!!!

Big Jay

Liberty's Edge

Holy Moly! I don't even have ONE star!!!!


Congratz good sir!!!

Big Jay

Liberty's Edge

Huzzah!!! Welcome aboard sir!!!

Liberty's Edge

Hello everyone!

I've moved to Windsor recently and have found the Windsor gaming community is vast and enthusiastic.

However, there are no local Pathfinder Society members, and specifically GM's.

I've applied to become a coordinator, and set up the first event to be run at Hugin and Munin, the long time flgs in Windsor.

Anyway, I created the event and added dates, description etc. How and when does it appear in the Paizo database as an event?

Thanks in advance! Looks like a friendly community!!!

Big Jay