
Evillain's page

82 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Hello everyone and welcome to my very first of hopefully many recruitment threads here on the Paizo forums.

I was first drawn to Reign of Winter when I stumbled on the campaign setting, Irrisen: Land of Eternal Winter while constructing a fey themed game for my local table. I was delighted and a bit miffed when I found the AP as there were several similarities. :p

Now without further ado, here are my submission guidelines. Straight from my brain. A complete submission will have all of the following. Though I'm not too concerned with the crunch, as of yet. Focus on the fluff. I love fluff, goes good with peanut butter. Oh, uh.. yeah anyway. Carry on. >.>

Character Creation:

Level 1
Abilities 15 pt buy, or roll 2d6+6 six times, you may assign your scores however you wish, and if you do not like the roll, you may either reroll one stat, or go with the point buy.
Races Any paizo races with RP 17 or below that are not the Wyvaran or Android, though core are much preferred. Aasimars and Tieflings may choose any of the variants, but may not roll for the alternate abilities. Alternate racial traits are fine.
Classes Any paizo classes, prestige classes are fine when requisites are met.
No Evil. No exceptions.
HPMax HP 1st level, 1/2+1 for 2nd and beyond or you can choose to roll. Rerolling any 1's.
Traits/Drawbacks2 traits. One being a campaign trait. You may attempt to buy a third with a drawback, but it will depend on each case.I am going to restrict the traits such as rich parents and chosen child that give you 900 gold to work with, save for signature moves, as it all goes into your masterwork weapon of choice.
Wealth Average or rolled character wealth for your class.
3pp 3rd party material will be considered on a case by case basis. If it's a good fit thematically, it will be more likely to be accepted and so on. Or if I just like it enough. Convince me. :)

Character sheets may be submitted in the form of a paizo profile, or using a website such as Myth Weavers

Additional Rules:

Automatic Bonus Progression I'm not changing the frequency of magical items, so your place on the table will be equal to your level.
Background Skills
Passive Perception As in 5e, using all relevant bonuses.


Alright here we go. Give it to me good with this stuff. I want to know the ins and outs of your character. Who they are, who they want to be. Their favorite color. But really I want two things.

A narrative style background, doesn't have to be long but I love to read too. This will give me a sample of your writing skills.

And the Ten Minute Background

About the GM: Totally not copy pasted from their profile :3:

Greetings. I'm a 27 year old husband and occasional couch potato. I work a mindless job and have nothing better to do in my brain but think up new characters. My favorite hobbies include gaming, reading, writing and singing. Mostly though I've spent most of my recent free time writing a homebrew pathfinder campaign for my three buddies irl and I've recently began to lurk these forums, following whatever game catches my attention that day before I'm forced to leave by my wife.

I first dabbled in tabletop when my close friend pressured me to try 3.5e in a homebrew game playing the villains. Since then I haven't left the house without my dice, a pen or a notebook with at least two fresh character sheets printed. It's been four years now and I'm showing no signs of quitting. To this day we see our earlier characters in our games as relevant npcs and we get fuzzy feelings.

I will keep recruitment open until the 17th of this month. All completed submissions before 11:59 pm (EST) on the 17th will be considered.

I am expecting a daily post rate. As I work during the day, I will most often be posting in the evenings or late at night. I am available to post on most weekends as well, but I will not require my players to do so but they will be free to do as they wish in that regard. If anyone expects they will not be able to post for some time, please send me a PM or post in the campaign discussion tab and I will bot your character as needed. If anyone is absent for more than a week without letting me know, I will replace them.

Some of the players that sparked my interest in running the game had been curious about an all female party. I will leave that to the four selected, and will not enforce it myself.

There we have it. I hope I've covered everything, and of course if there are any questions I will do my best to get them answered. Happy conceptualizing, and good luck!