Serpentfolk Bone Prophet

Evil_Argonian's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


ArcaneDuellist wrote:
I had a thought today, how bad would it be for the accuracy issue if when using Striking Spell, when taking into consideration the number of slots avaliable, the action economy, if the "you treat the attack roll as a step better or the DC" line was just the norm, and then a crit bumped it up to two levels better/worse or use the fortune style roll twice like the Swashbuckler's Perfect finisher. That mechanic has the mathematical equivalent of +5 or -5 to the relevant roll and might fit the bill.

-I don't think this works - this is comparable to granting it a +10 to the spell attack or spell DC, which is of course waaaay too good. Being fortune-style effective +5 is more reasonable, but still too good.

Exocist wrote:

I don't think you can put that mechanic on the normal hit. It's fine for spell attacks (which are mostly damage), but bumping failure to critical failure on save spells is so insane that it drags the entire feature back.

Better just to remove that bit and have it use degree of success for weapon attack = degree of success for spell attack.

While I agree that this is better, there's an inherent swinginess in attaching the two results. A lucky natural 20 is now two crits for one, guaranteed. Plus, it doesn't interact very well with save spells.

The accuracy overall could use an increase. Personally, I think being able to add the item bonus from your weapon's potency runes to spells used through Striking Spell would help a lot - it partially makes up for the proficiency and ability score lack compared to a full caster at any given level, but makes sure that you're only getting this benefit in the distinctly Magus-y way of using Striking Spell, and thus doesn't step on any full caster's toes.

It'd also help to have a bit more allotted time to discharge a spell, so that it wasn't so pressing to swing as much as possible while holding one. I don't suspect that letting it be even up to a minute would be too powerful, since ultimately the more time a spell spends sitting in the blade, the more time spent not actually landing the effects of that spell.

Asethe wrote:

Thinking about the interaction of self affecting spells, they wouldn't be deliverable by strike anyway. Their effects always apply to self. So, following this, you manage to store them in your sword, you hit someone with it. The recipient of that strike doesn't get the effect; they would not be considered the origin or caster of the spell. You, or your sword, get the effect of the spell, as the point of origin, the caster in this case.

Actually, you wouldn't even get the effect yourself, per this line from Striking Spell...

Striking Spell wrote:

If you hit with a melee Strike using the receptacle for the spell, the spell is discharged, affecting only the target you hit.