Empyreal Lord, Cernunnos

Euspa's page

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After reading about the first page of posts, I feel that a lot of the issue stems from the lack of knowledge surrounding the Gap. Perhaps the Devs are in some ways mirroring the Mournland from D&D's Eberron campaign setting.
In Eberron a cataclysmic event, likely magical, completely wiped a country off the map. Keith Baker, the creator of Eberron, has said to this day that the purpose of not giving canon answers to the cause of the Mourning was to allow Dungeon Masters to come up with their own cause of the event, thus creating a mystery for the players to potentially solve. The Forgotten Realms Setting has tons of books that are considered canon unlike every novel written for Eberron, which are definitively not, so maybe we don't need an answer from them specifically.
Writing in amnesia on a galactic scale for Starfinder is probably not the route I would have gone, but I must admit that it still presents the opportunity for potential epic level adventure hooks, provided some tweaking to the PF/SF story. If anything, instead of saying "amnesia," you could follow Keith Baker's canon by saying that "people just don't know."