
E'urus 'Greyshadow' Sapenti's page

2 posts. Alias of Jibril Johan Sameh.

Full Name

E'urus 'Greyshadow' Sapenti




Monk - Disciple of the Whispering Codex and Vessel of the Chained Tempset




Medium (5' 7", 138lbs)


55 (appears to be 35)


Initiate Knowledge Keeper (assistant lybrarian)

About E'urus 'Greyshadow' Sapenti

Terrible -3 | Poor -2 | Mediocre -1 | Fair +0 | Good +1 | Excellent +2 | Superb +3

(given) E'urus (EE-yer-us)
(family) Zhenguang (jen-gwANG)
(cloister) Sapenti (SA-pen-tee)
(aka) Faintstep (by teachers); Pideonum/Pigeon/Littledove (by fellow students); Greyshadow (a traveling nickname)


The Way of the 36 Chambers (Body)
Tiger Attacks Elephant (brawn/muscle) fair +0
Carry Water Up Hill (endurance/stamina) good +1
Hot Tea Five Times (constitution/health) good +1
Monkey Climbs Locust Tree (agility/avoidance) superb +3
Water From Cherry Blossom (grace/speed) superb +3
Hashi Grasps Snowflake (precision/aim) good +1
Heron Mounts Steeple (equilibrium/stillness) good +1

Fortress of the Many Towers (Mind)
Read the Morning Scrolls (knowledge/memory) mediocre -1
The Fable of the Stonecutter (reasoning/concentration) fair +0
Put Adder to Sleep (cunning/wit) good +1
Sleep Eyes Open (awareness/perception) good +1

The Meditations of the Temple Masters (Soul)
The Taming Power of the Great (presence/will) mediocre -1
Ten Thousand Stones (resilience/heart) excellent +2
The Taming Power of the Small (self-control/coolness) superb +3
Breath Stokes Fire (chi/magic power) excellent +2
Temple of False Mirrors (understanding/empathy) good +1
The Riddle of the Empty Cup (wisdom/self-esteem) good +1
The Feather and the Tempest (intuition/faith) good +1

Wealth (cash/credit rating) Poor (-2)
Table of Precedent (reputation/standing) Mediocre (-1)


Acrobatics fair +0
Balancing fair +0
Breath Control fair +0
Climbing fair +0
Escape fair +0
Gymnastics fair +0
Juggling fair +0
Jumping fair +0
Riding fair +0
Swimming fair +0

Blind Fighting fair +0
Double-Handed Combat fair +0
Unarmed Combat (blocks & disarms) fair +0
Unarmed Combat (breaks) fair +0
Unarmed Combat (locks & holds) fair +0
Unarmed Combat (nerve centres & stuns) fair +0
Unarmed Combat (repositions) fair +0
Unarmed Combat (strikes) fair +0
Unarmed Combat (trips & throws) fair +0
Weapons Master: staff fair +0
Weapons Master: teapot fair +0
Wrestling fair +0
Zen Archer fair +0

Concealment fair +0
Cryptography fair +0
Disguise fair +0
Hide fair +0
Pickpocket fair +0
Read Lips fair +0
Sleight of Hand fair +0
Shadowing fair +0
Stealth fair +0

Anatomy fair +0
Ancient History fair +0
Anthropology fair +0
Appraising fair +0
Dead Language fair +0
Diagnosis fair +0
Folklore fair +0
General Knowledge fair +0
Healing fair +0
Heraldry fair +0
Herbalism fair +0
Jargon fair +0
Language fair +0
Literacy fair +0
Mythology fair +0
Native Language fair +0
Psychology fair +0
Scribe fair +0

Arcane Lore fair +0
Occultism fair +0
Spell Craft fair +0

Calligraphy fair +0
Cooking fair +0
Dancing fair +0
General Mending fair +0
Investigation fair +0
Poetry/Prose fair +0
Research fair +0
Scrounging fair +0
Teaching fair +0

Animal Handling fair +0
Animal Training fair +0
Animal Lore fair +0
Boating fair +0
Camping fair +0
Cartography fair +0
Fire-Making fair +0
First Aid fair +0
Fishing fair +0
Foraging fair +0
Mountaineering fair +0
Orienteering fair +0
Predict Weather fair +0
Rope Use fair +0
Signalling fair +0
Survival fair +0
Tracking fair +0

Barter fair +0
Bluff fair +0
Detect Lie fair +0
Diplomacy fair +0
Empathy fair +0
Etiquette fair +0
Gambling fair +0
Gesture fair +0
Interrogation fair +0
Intimidation fair +0
Mediation fair +0
Public Speaking fair +0
Streetwise fair +0
Storytelling fair +0
Wit fair +0




This is going to be the most detailed section -- think about 3-12 entries from your 'supernormal powers' section, consisting of special things the character can do and give me some fluff detail. This can be a magic system, a set of divine boons, special martial artist abilities, etc. It can embrace a wide range between a feat and a whole magic system with a number of spells described.

The key here is detail -- if it's a special martial artist move -- where does it come from, how did the character learn it, and give some narrative details -- when it's used, does the whole vicinity go quiet? When a form of casting is used, does it make the character unable to speak for several minutes, and make the air smell like sulfur? The more detail the better.


Age: 55 (but appears 35)

Sex/Gender/Sexuality: male/male/bi-sexual (celebate)

Species/Subspecies/Ethnicity: humanoid/human/?

height 5’ 7”
weight 138lbs
skin tone dark almond
hair colour (description) very dark brown/very little body hair
eye colour golden brown
face round face, thin nose with flared nostrils, large lower lip, even now has something boyish about him

body marks
He has a blue line-work cloud tattoo on his upper back with a trail of clouds extending down the arms to the wrists. This was given to him by the official monk tattooists after he attaining the power of the chained tempest (a mystic fighting technique that allows him to control the air and use that power in combat)

He has many scars about his arms and body showing evidence of arrow wounds and sword slashes. His nose has been broken and he's missing part of the small knuckle on his left hand. The worst of his scars is a wound through his right thigh, once pierced by a pickaxe. It hurts when it rains.

What outfits do they usually wear -- what's their cultural basis, what do they reflect about the character? Detail a few common outfits they might don or want to acquire.

clothing, including headgear and footwear; some clothes alter or mold the shape of the body. As for footwear, high heels make a person look taller.

style and colour of haircut (see also dreadlocks, braids, ponytail, wig, hairpin, facial hair, beard and moustache)

cosmetics, stage makeup, body paintings, permanent makeup
body modifications, such as body piercings and tattoos

plastic surgery

decorative objects (jewelry) such as a necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings

medical or body shape altering devices (e.g. tooth braces, bandages, casts, hearing aids, cervical collar, crutches, contact lenses of different colors, glasses, gold teeth)

*You can tell when he finds something truly funny as his cheeks push into his eyes so that he cannot belly laugh and keep his eyes open at the same time.
*When he tries to concentrate his nostrils flare wide and his mouth purses to the right like a child trying to answer a riddle.
*He often sits crosslegged even in chairs.

Culture (sub-culture): What is their culture and/or subculture -- i.e., a French Catholic (but equivalent fantasy concepts).

Personality: Surly? Friendly? Under what conditions (Surly to strangers, friendly to long time acquaintances?


Tools: Not martial equipment -- i.e., a handyman set handed down from a beloved relative, give some history to the individual items. Were they purchased, made, or given? How old are they? How well made are they?

headphones/handsfree phone headset
hair ornaments
hats and caps

Arms and Armor: Same kinds of details as with the 'tools' category -- come up with stories about each dagger and/or sword, where they were purchased, what they've been used for, etc.


Any sort of ethical or meaning-making outlook, or combination of influences that motivates the character. Can be an organization or a perspective. Were they born into it, or acquired it? How stridently do they adhere to one or more of these affiliations?

What does the character do for a living or for hobbies -- how long have they done it? When and why did they acquire this interest?

What languages does the character speak, and how well (reading/writing/speaking level).

One special thing
Are they the only individual to speak a certain language? The last surviving member of a royal family?

One weakness/secret
Although he can be around fire when it's confined to a hearth or a campfire, E'urus is afraid of uncontrolled fire and still has occasional nightmares about being trapped in a burning building.


E'urus was the third of five children born to the Jenguang farming family on the river flats of???. They worked and lived under the shadow of Mount Jinzi, the Mountain of Gold.