Angazhani (High Girallon)

Ettin's page

112 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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A fighter who rolls a 1 for HP should be fine with enough paper towels anyway.

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Honestly the part that confuses me is that people think SKR is a game designer.

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Not charge $70 for monocles.

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Derek Vande Brake wrote:
I want to build a structure that can be seen from Castrovel...

Well, this is the internet, so.

"...What the hell did you guys build?"

"Well, the guild needed something to do, and we had all these stones lying around, so..."

"Is that..."

"Yes. That is a penis."

"You built a gigantic dong out of stone that can be seen from Castrovel."

"No other material was hard enough."

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KitNyx wrote:
Building structures anywhere is a good idea, but it will be abused. The only way to keep it from being abused is to make the crafting of it slow and difficult. Then the only ones who will go through the effort are those who REALLY want to build something, such as


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Silphael wrote:
I'm not wanting to launch any alignement debate, but

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KitNyx wrote:
And if a legendary dragon is killed, and its treasure is dead and the treasure gone...but now a group more powerful than the dragon has the items of uberness the dragon once guarded. If you can find out who, you can know where to go to get them for yourself.

If you have a player base of any decent size this is going to end more in frustration and hurt feelings than anything else, especially if some goons get their hands on them. Not to mention power creep - add more encounters like that later, chances are the people with "items of uberness" are going to have an easier time grabbing later items before anyone else and everyone else will have a harder time getting them. Or they could just log out, forever.

Also, it would require designers and programmers investing time and effort into designing a dragon encounter they think is fun (and the associated treasure), only for one group ever to enjoy the experience of killing them and taking their stuff. Your closing thoughts as a designer would be "man, I wish more people got to have fun with that dragon and his stuff."

It's an interesting idea but there are a lot of problems you'd have to address. There's a reason Ragnaros could be punched in the face for his hammer every week.

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Pfft. Chainmail was just an MMRPG version of the Battle of Hastings.

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2E was a glorified online board game. It ruined 1e forever.



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Elth wrote:
Point taken. All of these things should be punishable by full body release massage by a 300lb half orc hooker.


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Bruunwald wrote:
I think it's great that Paizo is stretching out and all, but it's starting to seem like Pathfinder Online is quickly eclipsing the tabletop game, and it hasn't even been developed yet!

Boy are you going to be mad when actual information about this MMO comes out.

Seriously, you are going to poop yourself inside out.

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Scott Betts wrote:
I outlined numerous reasons why obscuring the most basic identifying information is an awful idea. If you think I'm just bashing new ideas, you're not paying attention. I'm taking exception to poor ideas, and then explaining why they're poor.

But you're not taking immersion into account. Immersion is like a morbidly obese woman squeezing into a seat beside you on a cramped train. You could get up and move to another, much nicer carriage, but that is an old, tired solution thought up by people who haven't looked at other solutions.

The secret to an efficient, effective solution is realising that fat girls are beautiful.

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How realistic should we make the feeding? I think we could maintain a strong player base if you had to feed horses in real-time, requiring people to log in at least a couple times a day lest their mounts starve. It would also encourage roleplaying.

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Get thicker skin.

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Dexther wrote:
I think the right word is immersive! All of us want a game that can: Thievery anyone (skill challenge: target versus thief), climb anything, improved and complex crafting, pet, eating, sleeping, farming, breeding animals, fishing, hunting...

I don't see pooping on that list. What kind of verisimilitude-hating 4E Blizzard of the Coast fanboy are you?

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Daniel36 wrote:
Hey Scott, just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean you have to call me an elitist driveler, especially when you reply to everything I say like an elitist yourself. You're being unnecesarily unfriendly.

You're not that thin-skinned, surely?

Also your ideas are really bad.

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Two middle-aged nerds, surrounded by Star Wars posters. One slowly chews his pizza, hot cheese tenderly kissing the edges of his flourishing neckbeard.

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Let's be honest here, we all know this is going to happen in the back alleys of RP servers. Happens in WoW, happens in Guild Wars, happens in EVE Online, happens everywhere.

Why not just make a server or two for it? (Or zones, if you're going that route.) You don't have to name them "SEX DUNGEON" or anything - something classy and understated, maybe, like how "massage parlour"s work.

Plus, it would be great for all the Shelyn/Lamashtu-worshipping roleplayers.

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Why does Hoofed cost 1 RP when its main effect is to make a whole lot of magic items useless to me?

I am trying to make my anthro-equines and this foot segregation is really confusing me.

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What I learned from this thread is that Shifty is the man to go to for gay muscle porn.

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ENworld's moderation is terrible though.

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I once rolled a cleric of the concept of Friendship, to be the ultimate team player. Other players laughed and told me you can't get magic powers from friendship.

They're bronies now.

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Black Dow wrote:
Its a respect issue...
Black Dow wrote:
They'd still get their state handouts but would actually be helping build and construct their society rather than burning it and tearing it down. But will they? Not a chance - too much like f**king hard work!

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Wizards aren't that great! Fighters can be good too, if they sink a ton of gold into emulating some wizard spells!

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Magnu123 wrote:
What do you think of the concept that adventurers in the Pathfinder world have digestions with 100% efficiency and no waste? It would help to make an easier justification for the fantastic talents

I was going to post that the PC's bowel movements probably aren't important enough to be what sets them apart from the common folk, but for some reason "fantastic talents that characters have" made me think of things like spellcasting ability.

"So, Astor the Conjurer, how did you become such a powerful wizard anyway?"

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What if I didn't "ooooh" but the new release gave me a chubby?

Can I post that?