Female Tiefling

Etrabadh's page

2 posts. Alias of monk by many names.


I am actually playing a Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae in a CoCT campaign right now and as one may think it makes for a very interesting deity PC dynamic, though in order to make it work I had to come up with an equally interesting backstory

Etrabadh was born the daughter of an osiriani Pharoah whose wife had been raped by a demon posing as her husband via an "alter shape" spell, her birth came with a surprise as the pharoah's baby had tiny horns and a tail. the Pharoah named this abomination Etrabadh, after a succubus who had killed his father many years prior to her birth. The succubus had desecrated his tomb and left a cursed armor atop his sarcophagus as a way to taunt his family; no one dared move it, fearing their own demise as a result of touching said armor. Her parents raised her in secret, having her live in a room directly over her grandfather's tomb. Knowing that Etrabadh had the blood of demons within her coupled with the fact that she was named after the cursed armor's former owner, it called out to her. Etrabadh's demonic heritage became all the more apprarent as she hit puberty, her parents could no longer hold up the facade they had so relentlessly struggled to keep so they shipped her with the armor to a convent in hopes they'd be able to help her.

This however came with consequence, as Etrabadh's grandfather had become an undead and killed her parents the night following the armor's removal from atop his sarcophagus. Fast forwarding 15 years, Etrabadh had become a very virtuous nun whose tiefling heritage had been put behind her so she could serve the "greater good". This all ended the night she met up with Gaedren Lamm, who killed Mother Aria, the woman who took her in. Etrabadh's sister nuns all blamed her simply based on the fact that she had evil blood within her and as a result, she was excommunicated. Etrabadh had began searching for him when, yet again the cursed armor called out to her. Etrabadh listened as its Abyssal words comforted her wounded heart, but she had a vision of Iomedae turning down her head in shape and disappointment of her. it was then that Etrabadh had to choose, regain her honor as a servant of Iomedae and bring this man to justice or live a life fueled by th hellish rage boiling within her.

Etrabadh knew what had to be done in order to please her lord, Iomedae, so she tirelessly cleaned her unholy armor in a pool of holy water until its shine could pierce the darkness in her heart. it was then that a shunned nun became...Etrabadh, Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae

My replacement for Quivering Palm and Empty body......

Benediction of Irori-Advanced Martial Arts, Ki pool of at least 16, Monk lvl of 20, Worshipped deity is Irori

by being a disciple of Irori, god of perfection, you have been given the ability to unleash his wrath upon those who threaten the balance within Golarion, but with this great power, comes a cost to match the magnitude of this gift. May you strike those fools into oblivion

by spending half of your total ki points and rolling a fortitude of 17, reduce your AC by 8 and raise your HD one size class(at the cost of your damage modifier, and the ability to use a ki strike), these bonuses stack. This ability can be used a total of once a week(the only exception to this is going through all three die rolls, so if you succeed only one, you still may only use this in battle once a week). if failed your AC and damage return to normal

(math may be a little wonky)

1st success(saving throw's DC is 18): -8 to normal AC, unarmed attacks do 4d8(damage of large monk)....flurry does a max of 192

2nd success: -16 to normal AC(saving throw's DC is 19), unarmed attacks 6d8(damage of huge monks)....flurry does 288

final success(must roll a natural 20): -24 to normal AC, unarmed attacks do 8d8(damage of gargantuan monks)

once all 3 are used the monk falls unconscious and lose 1d4 points Con per turn, until a "Cure Serious" is cast, or until Con drops to 1 point.
