Erwin Van de Velde's page

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Is this written somewhere in the rule books?

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As a human rogue, you can choose for a bonus rogue talent every 6 levels, is there an equivalent bonus ninja trick? It is not in the books, but seems logical to me...

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From the description of spiritual weapon:
"The weapon that you get is often a force replica of your deity's own personal weapon. A cleric without a deity gets a weapon based on his alignment. A neutral cleric without a deity can create a spiritual weapon of any alignment, provided he is acting at least generally in accord with that alignment at the time."

So, I am playing a cleric of Sarenrae, found a wand of spiritual weapon created by a cleric of Rovagug, what is the form and the alignment of the weapon when my character uses the wand?

Hi all,

What is the alignment of a spell in a wand? E.g. a wand of spiritual weapon: what is the form and alignment of the summoned weapon? Is it determined by the creator of the wand or the caster?

Thanks for your replies!