About Eris KleizaStatistics:
Female Peri-Blooded Aasimar Psychic (Esoteric Starseeker) 1
NG Medium Humanoid Init +2; Senses Perception +4
Melee -1 Ranged +1
Resilient (Combat):
Darkest Before Dawn (Faith):
Magical Knack (Magic):
Pathfinder Recruit (Campaign):
Bauble Fascination (Race):
Feats Additional Traits:
Skills (12 points; 6 class, 4 INT, 2 Background)
+2 Perception (Keen Senses)
Languages: Taldane, Varisian, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, Draconic.
Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ AASIMAR (Peri-Blooded): Darkvision:
Ability Modifiers:
Alternate Skill Modifiers:
Alternate Spell-Like Ability:
Deathless Spirit:
Scion of Humanity:
PSYCHIC (Rebirth Discipline): Phrenic Pool Ability: Charisma Discipline Powers: Your myriad lives inspire diverse exceptional abilities. Past-Life Memories (Ex):
Mnemonic Esoterica (Ex):
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Phrenic Pool (Su):
Phrenic Amplifications:
Psychic Discipline (Ex or Sp):
Phrenic Amplifications: ESOTERIC STARSEEKER: Written in the Stars:
The Thrush: comprehend languages (1st), magic mouth (2nd), tiny hut (3rd), dream (4th), remote viewing (5th), battlemind link (6th), phase door (7th), discern location (8th), wish (9th). The Lantern Bearer: liberating command (1st), glitterdust (2nd), guiding star (3rd), wandering star motes (4th), true seeing (5th), sonic form (6th), prismatic spray (7th), sunburst (8th), meteor swarm (9th). The Newlyweds: charm person (1st), enthrall (2nd), synesthesia (3rd), break enchantment (4th), reincarnate (5th), joyful rapture (6th), mass synesthesia (7th), bilocation (8th), overwhelming presence (9th). The Bridge: endure elements (1st), resist energy (2nd), daylight (3rd), fire shield (4th), wall of force (5th), contagious flame (6th), reverse gravity (7th), create demiplane (8th), world wave (9th). The Daughter: bless (1st), hypnotic pattern (2nd), heroism (3rd), freedom of movement (4th), hostile juxtaposition (5th), cloak of dreams (6th), greater hostile juxtaposition (7th), irresistible dance (8th), freedom (9th). The Rider: anticipate peril (1st), acute senses (2nd), ablative barrier (3rd), dimensional anchor (4th), echolocation (5th), blade barrier (6th), grasping hand (7th), frightful aspect (8th), ride the lightning (9th). The Patriarch: command (1st), spiritual weapon (2nd), dispel magic (3rd), telekinetic charge (4th), contact other plane (5th), find the path (6th), mage’s sword (7th), brilliant inspiration (8th), gate (9th). The Wagon: expeditious retreat (1st), twisted space (2nd), haste (3rd), mirror transport (4th), teleport (5th), fluid form (6th), walk through space (7th), etherealness (8th), time stop (9th). The Pack: calm animals (1st), animal aspect (2nd), rage (3rd), greater animal aspect (4th), summon monster V (5th), mass bear’s endurance (6th), summon monster VII (7th), animal shapes (8th), shapechange (9th). The Mother: identify (1st), aid (2nd), invisibility purge (3rd), stoneskin (4th), spell resistance (5th), contingency (6th), mind blank (7th), refuge (8th), wall of suppression (9th). The Stargazer: know the enemy (1st), augury (2nd), arcane sight (3rd), locate creature (4th), feeblemind (5th), geas/quest (6th), arcane sight (greater) (7th), moment of prescience (8th), dream voyage (9th). The Stranger: disguise self (1st), invisibility (2nd), displacement (3rd), riding possession (4th), prying eyes (5th), veil (6th), project image (7th), maze (8th), divide mind (9th). The Follower: forced quiet (1st), darkness (2nd), vision of hell (3rd), enervation (4th), waves of fatigue (5th), shadow walk (6th), simulacrum (7th), destruction (8th), energy drain (9th). This replaces the bonus spells normally granted by the psychic’s discipline and the phrenic amplifications gained at 1st and 11th levels. Major Amplifications: An esoteric starseeker gains this ability at 15th level. Spells:
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ SLA: Pyrotechnics (1/day) 0th (at will) DC 14 Detect Magic
1st (4+1/day) DC 15 Color Spray
2nd (0/day) DC 0 3rd (0/day) DC 0 Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS Leather Armor
Acid Flask x2
Money 84 GP 7 SP 8 CP
Summary Notes and Tentative Conclusions Section from Sayrin Firewyne's Research Journal on Eris Kleiza. Eris Kleiza is an improbable girl due to the convergence of three characteristics, all extremely uncommon. She is an aasimar. She demonstrates conclusive evidence of at least one past life, and most probably multiple reincarnations. Lastly, she manifests psychic abilities that show considerable promise for high degrees of development and power. Any one of the characteristics would make a person unusual, but to posses all three with so little of note in one’s biography to account for them is difficult to grasp. The lack of any clear and verifiable causes has made it impossible to satisfactorily account for their presence in Eris despite year of historical inquiry, experimentation, and theoretical analysis. Eris has proven to be a frustrating young woman in this regard. Eris first came to my attention 8 years ago at the age of 10. Her parents brought her to see me. They were both herbalists who sold botanical ingredients wholesale to alchemists working in both the static and unstuck districts of Uringen. They resided in the static district and, when I spoke to them, expressed deep reservations and fears about unstuck Uringen. There is irony in this because Eris was born in unstuck Uringen by accident. Her mother went into labor while making a delivery, and was unable to travel out of the unstuck district before giving birth. While they feared exposure to unstuck Uringen during her birth might in some way contaminate Eris, they noticed nothing amiss immediately. Later it became apparent to them that her eyesight was particularly keen in the absence of good light, but nothing further until recently. Within the last few months Eris had on two occasions exhibited the ability to cause naturally burning fires to erupt into massive ariel displays of lights and explosions similar to fireworks while extinguishing the original fire when not physically proximate to it. Both cases corresponded with displays of temper on her part. One took place inside the house, which was destructive, while the other was outside fortunately. They began to suspect Eris may be naturally capable of wielding arcane energies, a sorcerer. As a sorcerer myself, I was very interested in the story Eris’s parents told me, and agreed to keep Eris with me while I investigated. It was almost immediately apparent to me that Eris was not a sorcerer. She showed no facility for manifesting any arcane effects aside from one that was too powerful and advanced, well off the scale of what any nascent ability could produce. Simply put, there was no developmental curve from simple to complex. As for her vision, she could always see in darkness as a biological capability, like an Orc or Dwarf. These two discoveries led me to investigate the possibility of Eris not being completely human. A review of literature and my own experiences led me to discount many possibilities because they are not known to satisfy both of the traits Eris possesses. The closest match I found was a particular sub-type of aasimar, know as peri-blooded or emberkin. Testing failed to prove my hypothesis conclusively. I was able to use a standard spell to reduce Eris in size with the magic working exactly as would be expected on a human. If she were the product of both human and planar ancestries, the magic would have failed. However, there are recorded examples of distant planar ancestry where the blood connection has grown weak. Such individuals may be sufficiently human for the magic to work properly, yet still show some characteristics of the weakened ancestry. With no other reasonable matches, I have tentatively concluded that Eris is such an aasimar. There is one alternative, and much stranger, possibility which I will return to after describing the other anomalies. As one might expect, my investigation took some length of time. In order to keep Eris occupied, I took it upon myself to begin educating the poor girl so she could take something valuable away for her time with me. Eris turned out to be exceptionally bright, almost preternaturally so. On occasion our discussions of books I set for her to read revealed she knew more about a subject than the book alone could have imparted to her. This was unpredictable, and extremely partial. Her language in conveying such information was also notable. She spoke as if from direct experience or memory, rather than in terms more distant, as one would if the information were relayed to her by another through story of hearsay. As the investigation into her potential as an arcane practitioner proved to be a cul-de-sac, one innate ability and nothing more, I turned my attention to her mind. As I catalogued her knowledge, a pattern emerged. She never spoke authoritatively about the future, and only about the present within her own very limited range of experiences. However Eris spoke about the past as if she had herself experienced certain things known to have taken place. This was always fragmentary, bits and pieces rather than whole accounts or stories. What I found through research matched certain known examples of reincarnation when it occurs, for lack of a better term, spontaneously, as opposed to the use of magic to reincarnate. Eris did not show a degree of memory retention as great as Samsarans are reported to show, but the overall match is good. Finally I come to the last, and most impactful finding about Eris. She had been frustrated with her inability to pass any of the tests I put to her, and secretly continued to work at one of the tasks on her own to prove she could do it. Some time later she showed me that she could now do what I had asked. But, she had neither studied and properly memorized the cantrip, nor did she awaken a magical ability. The particular test was to produce sounds of different types in other parts of the room. After having her repeat the performance a number of times as I checked for arcane or divine magic, I found that she was replicating the well-known cantrip Ghost Sound through mental effort alone. Yes, Eris is in fact psychic, capable of manipulating and directing purely mental energies into magical effects. It was at this time that I delivered my findings to her parents. I suggested to them Eris remain with me. I explained her particular gift and told them she would have the best chance of developing her talent if its growth was directed by a teacher. They agreed, and Eris has now been my pupil for eight years. It has sometimes been trying for both of us since I could only mentor her by making educated guesses based on written records and through trial and error. That said, I am proud of what we have accomplished. Eris has made great progress for one so young, and shows much potential going forward into the future. I remain frustrated, even after eight years, in untangling the origins of her talents though. There are many factors to consider, possible combinations of effects, and unknown information for any final and definitive conclusion to be reached. I will lay out what I think at this point in time, and consider Eris's case to remain open for amendment should more information come to light. Any explanation must consider the three characteristics involved, her identity as an aasimar, reincarnation, and psychic ability, while asking is question: Are all, some, or none of the characteristics causally linked? From this question follows the next: If any of these are not coincidental, why are they linked? What is the reason? Rather than going down the rabbit hole of exploring each and every permutation of an answer, I will limit myself here to what I think to be mot likely and why. Aasimars are rightly understood as a hybrid variant of some race; it is a heritable condition. However, reincarnation introduces a twist. Are aasimars made in body, in soul, or both? Here keep in mind that Eris does not present fully as an aasimar, but as a human with a couple of traits that are best explained by defining her as an aasimar. There is no knowledge or history of any aasimars in prior generations of her family, nor is there any known evidence of the kinds of celestial exposure that might cause spontaneous manifestation. These could be simply forgotten with time, or never known by anyone, but in this case there is an alternative influence at work, unstuck Uringen. It is commonly thought that unstuck Uringen occupies a pocket dimension between the Material plane and the First World while it is missing. It is further theorized that when “between” the Material plane and the First World, unstuck Uringen is more strongly impacted by its contact with both the Astral and Ethereal planes, which as transitive planes, overlap with both the Material plane and the First World. If a demi-plane is periodically shifting between being principally connected to the Material plane to the First World and then back again, the Astral and Ethereal planes may permeate the demi-plane more than usual during those transfers. If this is so, perhaps a soul traveling the River of Souls slipped through to unstuck Uringen. As I mentioned previously, the nature of Eris’s past life memories suggests more than one prior reincarnation event. This soul may have transitioned purposefully, aware of the possibility, rather than accidentally. It may have located the unborn Eris as an empty shell to inhabit, and taken up residence in her body. This would have pre-empted a standard ensoulment. While Eris may have a human body and aasimar soul (my preferred hypothesis), an aasimar body with a non-aasimar soul is also possible as well. Finally we reach the question of the origins of her psychic abilities. A soul slipping through from the Astral plane would have been bathing in that plane’s energies for some time. It is well attested that both the Astral and Ethereal planes are strongly linked to esoteric magic like Eris’s psychic casting. Vudran texts suggest an innate ability to harness psychic abilities in most, perhaps all, sentient beings with the proper training. However Avistan is impoverished for psychic individuals compared to those lands. They are, perhaps not incidentally, the lands where reincarnation is most common. I posit there is a common connection between the two due the Astral and Ethereal planes. Reincarnated souls are richer in the energies of those transitional planes, and thus the attainment of psychic talents is easier and perhaps stronger in those cases, individual exceptions acknowledged of course. Recall that Eris spontaneously manifested psychic casting through untrained application of her own will. I did not, in fact could not, mentor her to achieve that breakthrough. I considered other possibilities. For example I long believed her psychic talents were due to breeding with a polymorphed esoteric dragon. An occult dragon would be the most likely candidate. I have long suspected the presence of at least one or two occult dragons to be present in Uringen. The unique nature of the esoteric knowledge present in unstuck Uringen would be irresistible I think. This is one of the hypotheses I did not share with Eris or her parents of course. I have settled at this time on the hypothesis I have laid out above due to parsimony and support by the preponderance of available evidence, not because it is conclusive. Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'4" | Weight: 120 | Hair: Light Auburn Brown | Eyes: Brown Appearance & Personality: 1. Eris has brown hair, not too dark or too light, with a noticeable red or warm hue to it. Her eyes are a similar very warm brown. While Eris is attractive, she lacks the more than human kind of beauty so many Aasimars possess. 2. Eris might be pretty, but she needs fashion help. Spending so many years at the remote Gray Falls Lodge with an oddball gnome has left her with little sense of what to wear to blend in, and little impulse to figure it out. She often looks like some sort of hobo. Particularly offensive is the almost shapeless gray felt cap she usually wears. It looks like half a potato sack on her head. 3. Don’t be fooled by the journal entries Sayrin Firewyn. It may sound like she runs a tight ship, but really the Gray Falls Lodge is a blizzard of chaos. Her experiments involving Eris were haphazard and erratic, even if they were thorough and considered. The environment didn’t provide much structure in Eris’s life, and it shows in how she goes about things. 4. Aside from Sayrin, most of the other company Eris had at Gray Falls Lodge didn’t model habits or behaviors that help very much in normal society. There was a constantly changing stream of Pathfinder Agents, who are generally eccentric people, and fey coming and going at the lodge. Eris, going through her impressionable years there, modeled much of her manners, likes and dislikes, and views, on Sayrin and that crowd. Regular people find Eris rather weird, and the uptight can find her downright unsettling. This is especially true when Eris is in a joking mood. She tends toward fairly dark material for humor, including practical jokes and pranks that can take things pretty far. 5. Eris tends to be energetic and upbeat. She can be a little excitable. While she is well educated, she doesn’t tend to be one to ponder or ruminate before acting. She sees herself much more as a decisive person of action. 6. In the absence of her parents Sayrin Firewyne has taken on parental, or at least ‘cool auntie’ roles for Eris. The two of them are close, and in some ways Eris has modeled her interests to coincide with Sayrin’s. Her fascination with astronomy is one example. Eris’s favorite thing at Gray Falls Lodge is the telescope. Another example is Eris’s enthusiastic admiration for the Pathfinder Society. For years Eris has heard stories about Pathfinders and their adventures from Pathfinder Agents themselves as they have come and gone from the lodge. Induction into the Pathfinder Society and receipt of her own wayfinder was a mark of adulthood to Eris. It was a natural progression into participating in the profession that has completely surrounded her for years. 7. Eris is not highly devout. As with other things already mentioned, her worship of Desna and Shyka reflect Sayrin’s interests in Stargazing and the First World respectively. For Eris, there is also a personal, totemic connection to the two deities. For Desna it is the same as for Sayrin. With Shyka, Eris sees something of a mirror for her own reincarnations; depth of time, but also always the existence of a Shyka, while different incarnations of Shyka, different particular Shykas, exist through time. 8. Eris can be inattentive, or not present in the moment, and clumsy. Neither of these are good qualities in a Pathfinder Agent. Sayrin has worked with her in both problems on and off for some time. There has been some minor improvements as a result, but it is still a notable weakness. |