
Erik Talbot's page

52 posts. Alias of Talomyr.

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I am looking for two to three players to join two existing players in a semi-homebrewed Chicago by Night game.

The game originated as a V5 game, but in the interest of getting more players, I have made the decision to switch the game to V20.

Character creation is standard as per the Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition rulebook, with the exception of being granted 20 XP to start off to bring you up to par with the existing characters.

Politically, the existing characters currently sit on a fine line between the Camarilla and the Anarch Movement.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions.


EDIT: One other restriction - the Generation Background. I would like to limit characters to 10th generation as the lowest generation to start.

Locations and NPCs

Place holder.

Locations and NPCs

Since it looks like we don't have any other takers, let's move discussion over here.

Wondering if there is interest out there for trying out a V5 game.

This game would not kick off for another month or so, and would be set in present night Chicago.

Starting power level for the game is fledglings/neonates who have been among the undead for 5 years or less.

I would be looking for 2-4 more players. Feel free to come up with an initial concept, but ultimately would like to construct the characters together to form a nominally cohesive coterie to start the game.

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps


Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

An adventure for levels 1-7

Lost in the sweeping dunes of an expansive desert! Your band, separated from its caravan during a sandstorm, stumbles upon the ancient ruins of a city, mostly buried in the sands. One of the structures, a prominent step pyramid, juts above the sandy wastes, beckoning for exploration. There must be untold riches secluded inside its dusty halls and crypts. But, more importantly, you desperately hope there is water, food, and relief from the unrelenting sun to be found therein. For without those basic necessities, your band will succumb not to some fell beast, but this harsh environment instead. Onward, as all heroes wish to meet their end while swinging a sword or unleashing arcane magic!

So, check your weapons, adjust your armor, and inventory your precious remaining food and water supplies. High adventure awaits in the underground chambers and tiers of a pyramid covered by the sands of time. But what of the peculiar masked humans who rule the upper levels of the pyramid? And what of the dark master that rules these humans from the lower levels of the forsaken halls? An adventure inspired by the classic pulp stories such as Robert E. Howard’s famous Conan story Red Nails….

This tome is an homage to the original dungeon crawl and sandbox setting first explored decades ago as B4: The Lost City.

There's the cliff notes on what it is. That being said, if there is a strong opinion in opposition of this adventure, I would entertain other ideas.

Roll20 Invite Link

Starting at 1st Level.

Ability Scores? I am open to debate on that subject. Whether that be point buy or rolled stats.

Allowed Resources:

For classes and archetypes - PHB, Xanathar's, and Tasha's. NOTE: For a number of the archetypes I have updated the earlier published ones to match the power level of the archetypes in Tasha's

Backgrounds - Any WotC published source save for Strixhaven or the Dragonlance UA article.

Races - PHB plus Aasimar.

Deities - Forgotten Realms

As you come up with your characters and their respective backgrounds, please provide a reason why your character would be part of a caravan crossing Anauroch (Forgotten Realms) nominally along the Black Road between Loudwater (in the Silver Marches) and points beyond in the Dalelands.

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Hello all. My ongoing (albeit at a leisurely pace) Kingmaker game (Pathfinder 1st edition) is in need of two new party members, one of which we would like to be a front-line/martially inclined type - the other new party member's build is a bit more flexible. The party is currently level 5 and at Fort Redemption, the former home of the Stag Lord and the center of the party's fledgling nation.

The leadership roles the group is hoping to fill/have currently open are Spymaster and Councilor.

Prior experience with the Kingmaker AP is not a deal breaker as long as you are capable of separating player knowledge from character knowledge. Kingmaker has been out for quite a while and I imagine a lot of folks have played at least pieces of it before. With that being said, I will be altering (and have been altering) enough things here and there that prior knowledge may not necessarily be all that helpful.

Character generation:

Abilities: 25 point buy

Hit Points: Maximum for 1st level, 1/2 HD + 1 for subsequent levels.

Sources Available: Paizo published only. NO 3RD PARTY. Unchained versions only for the Barbarian, Rogue, and Summoner. Monk can be either Unchained or Core. With the Unchained Barbarian being the default, all Rage-like abilities will default to the Unchained Mechanics (i.e. a bloodragers bloodrage etc.)

Traits: Two. You may take a drawback for an additional trait if you would like, but be prepared to play said drawback.

Races: I have a strong preference for Core races, but may be willing to accept one "oddball". Please feel free to ask about a race in this thread or via PM before spend too much time building a a character of a non-core race.

Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. That being said, your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment. I've seen too many games over the years go by the wayside due to party infighting.

Background Skills from Unchained are in play.

We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Campaign / Ultimate Rulership.

The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired.

The characters will start at fifth level and 10,500 gp to equip their characters. No more than half of your money may be spent on any one item.

Completed submissions need to be done mechanically with a brief background story, short character description (including a few notes about the character's personality).

You will not necessarily need an alias with a completed stat-block unless you are selected.

Maps are handled on a combination of (Combat) and Google Docs (Hex Map and eventually Kingdom Map).

Recruitment will be open for 1 week (closing 8:00 PM CST August 24, 2020), unless sufficient applications are received before then. If recruitment is to be closed early, a 24 hour warning will be given.

Here is a link to the current gameplay thread to see if this game matches your tastes or not before applying.

The party currently consists of:

Human Female Cleric of Erastil
Gnome Male Unchained Rogue (This character is likely to be switched out by the player to a Half-Elf Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue)
Elf Male Feral Hunter
Tiefling Blackblade/Kensai Magus

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask either in this thread or via PM.


Hello all. My ongoing (albeit at a leisurely pace) Kingmaker game is in need of an arcane caster. The party is currently level 4 and back at Oleg's. Next up is facing the Stag Lord.

Prior experience with the Kingmaker AP is not a deal breaker as long as you are capable of separating player knowledge from character knowledge. Kingmaker has been out for quite a while and I imagine a lot of folks have played at least pieces of it before. With that being said, I will be altering (and have been altering) enough things here and there that prior knowledge may not necessarily be all that helpful.

Character generation:

Abilities: 25 point buy

Hit Points: Maximum for 1st level, 1/2 HD + 1 for subsequent levels.

Sources Available: Paizo published only. NO 3RD PARTY. Unchained versions only for the Barbarian, Rogue, and Summoner. Monk can be either Unchained or Core. With the Unchained Barbarian being the default, all Rage-like abilities will default to the Unchained Mechanics (i.e. a bloodragers bloodrage etc.)

Traits: Two, one must be a Kingmaker campaign trait. You may take a drawback for an additional trait if you would like, but be prepared to play said drawback.

Races: I have a strong preference for Core races, but may be willing to accept one "oddball". Please feel free to ask about a race in this thread or via PM before spend too much time building a a character of a non-core race.

Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. That being said, your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment. I've seen too many games over the years go by the wayside due to party infighting.

Background Skills from Unchained are in play.

We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Campaign / Ultimate Rulership.

The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired.

The characters will start at third level and 5,000 gp to equip their characters. No more than half of your money may be spent on any one item.

Completed submissions need to be mechanically with a brief background story, short character description (including a few notes about the character's personality).

You will not necessarily need an alias with a completed stat-block unless you are selected.

Map sare handled on a combination of (Combat) and Google Docs (Hex Map and eventually Kingdom Map).

Recruitment will be open for 1 week (closing 8:00 PM CST August 27, 2019), unless sufficient applications are received before then. If recruitment is to be closed early, a 24 hour warning will be given.

Here is a link to the current gameplay thread to see if this game matches your tastes or not before applying.

The party currently consists of:

Human Female Cleric of Erastil
Gnome Male Unchained Rogue
Elf Male Feral Hunter
Human Male Unchained Scaled Fist Monk/Sorcerer
Human Male Paladin of Abadar

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask either in this thread or via PM.


Hello all. My ongoing (albeit at a leisurely pace) Kingmaker game is in need of front line melee combatant. The party is currently level 3 but will soon be level 4 and on their way to face the Stag Lord.

Prior experience with the Kingmaker AP is not a deal breaker as long as you are capable of separating player knowledge from character knowledge. Kingmaker has been out for quite a while and I imagine a lot of folks have played at least pieces of it before. With that being said, I will be altering (and have been altering) enough things here and there that prior knowledge may not necessarily be all that helpful.

Character generation:

Abilities: 25 point buy

Sources Available: Paizo published only. NO 3RD PARTY. Unchained versions only for the Barbarian, Rogue, and Summoner. Monk can be either Unchained or Core. With the Unchained Barbarian being the default, all Rage-like abilities will default to the Unchained Mechanics (i.e. a bloodragers bloodrage etc.)

Traits: Two, one must be a Kingmaker campaign trait. You may take a drawback for an additional trait if you would like, but be prepared to play said drawback.

Races: I have a strong preference for Core races, but may be willing to accept one "oddball". Please feel free to ask about a race in this thread or via PM before spend too much time building a a character of a non-core race.

Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. That being said, your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment. I've seen too many games over the years go by the wayside due to party infighting.

Background Skills from Unchained are in play.

We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Campaign / Ultimate Rulership.

The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired.

The characters will start at third level and 5,000 gp to equip their characters. No more than half of your money may be spent on any one item.

Completed submissions need to be mechanically complete with a brief background story, short character description (including a few notes about the character's personality).

You will not necessarily need an alias with a completed stat-block unless you are selected.

Map sare handled on a combination of (Combat) and Google Docs (Hex Map and eventually Kingdom Map).

Recruitment will be open for 1 week (closing 8:00 PM CST January 21, 2019), unless sufficient applications are received before then. If recruitment is to be closed early, a 24 hour warning will be given.

Here is a link to the current gameplay thread to see if this game matches your tastes or not before applying.

The party currently consists of:

Human Female Cleric of Erastil
Gnome Male Unchained Rogue
Elf Male Feral Hunter
Human Male Wood Elemental Wizard
Human Male Unchained Scaled Fist Monk/Sorcerer

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask either in this thread or via PM.


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Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

The banners snap in the wind as a chilly wind blows, the last remnants of winter clinging on as the early spring sun tries to peek out from an overcast sky. The open market in Restov, the largest city in southern Brevoy and the possible the only heart of civilization in the region, is crowded with merchants, pickpockets, beggars, nobles, and others from every walk of life. Though it is unseasonably cold for the 24th day of Calistril people are out in droves, spurred in part by the brisk market trade, but no less by rumors spreading of a grand announcement; one coming from the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne himself, Lord Noleski Surtova.

To understand Restov, and the whole of Rostland, one must think of the way that any colony mimics the land of its forebears. Part rough and tumble frontier town and part cultured center of trade and wealth, Restov is truly the meeting of two worlds. Here merchants brush shoulders with thugs, thieves quietly ply their trade while merchants do much the same with a smile on their faces, all while looking their victims in the eye. The city thrives and breathes, heedless of its dual nature. Some might say in no small part because of its dual nature.

In the center of Market Square stands a wooden stage, which doubles as a gallows as often as it does as a staging ground for less gruesome entertainment. A man, obviously a crier, dressed in livery showing a grey ship over a field of blue below and black above, flanked by two guards lazily carrying halberds and dressed in simple uniforms, slowly makes his way through the parting crowd, clearly making his way towards the stage.

The crier announces in a loud voice that carries to all corners of Market Square.

“Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that on this day, an expedition the likes of which has never been undertaken is thus announced. These heroes, brought to us by fate and choice, are hereby tasked with the exploration of the southern wilderness and return law and order to the region known as the Stolen Lands.”

Gesturing toward the six adventurers on the stage with him, the crier introduces each by name. "Today we honor these brave men and women as they go forth to secure our southern borders." He point to each of the adventures in question as he announces their name. "Razarak of House Medveyd. Bron, also known as the Wolf Arrow. Theodore Logan of the Order of Blue Rose, Ivo Crownwheel, a tinkerer of some note. Tove Hellstrom, Priestess of Erastil. And last, but certainly not least, Torsten Bock, who may very well have the manners of his pet, but will certainly be a great boon to the expedition."

Unrolling a parchment the crier recites, "Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, is so granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt.

Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The bearer of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered.

The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope.

So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of The Dragonscale Throne."

"Wish our brave adventurers well these next few hours, as they do our nation a great service."

Following the proclamation, disperses among the vendor stalls and minor entertainment provided in honor of those about to embark on the expedition.

You have two hours before you are due to depart for the Greenbelt, a place called Oleg's Trading Post in particular. What would you like to do?

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Welcome to the game.

Please check-in here and get to know each other a bit. The first in game post will be up on Monday.

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Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, is so granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt.

Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The bearer of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered.

The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope.

So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of The Dragonscale Throne.

Anyone up for playing the Kingmaker AP?

I'm looking for 3-4 more players who can commit to one post a day for long enough to finish the AP. I have one player that already has a spot in this game, and his character is a Dragon Bloodline sorcerer that will eventually be heading toward the Dragon Disciple prestige class.

Posting rate is expected to be at least once daily during the week, and hopefully at least once on the weekends. Naturally, I wouldn't expect everyone to always be able to post, and I get away from the internet sometimes as well. Advance notice in these occasions is always appreciated.

Character generation:

Prior experience with the Kingmaker AP is not a deal breaker as long as you are capable of separating player knowledge from character knowledge. Kingmaker has been out for quite a while and I imagine a lot of folks have played at least pieces of it before. With that being said, I will be altering enough things here and there that prior knowledge may not necessarily be helpful.

Abilities: 25 point buy

Sources Available: Paizo published only. NO 3RD PARTY. Unchained versions only for the Barbarian, Rogue, and Summoner. Monk can be either Unchained or Core. With the Unchained Barbarian being the default, all Rage-like abilities will default to the Unchained Mechanics (i.e. a bloodragers bloodrage etc.)

Traits: Two, one must be a Kingmaker campaign trait. You may take a drawback for an additional trait if you would like, but be prepared to play said drawback.

Races: I have a strong preference for Core races, but may be willing to accept one "oddball". Please feel free to ask about a race in this thread or via PM before spend too much time building a a character of a non-core race.

Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. That being said, your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment. I've seen too many games over the years go by the wayside due to party infighting.

We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Campaign / Ultimate Rulership.

The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired.

The characters will start at first level and with maximum wealth for their class.

Completed submissions need to be mechanically complete with a brief background story, short character description (including a few notes about the character's personality).

You will not necessarily need an alias with a completed stat-block unless you are selected.

I intend to keep recruitment open until 8:00 PM (US CST) February 15th, with party selection complete by February 19th. My intent is to make the first post in the gameplay thread February 20th.

Maps will be handled on

If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.

Grand Lodge

For reasons unto your own, you find yourself aboard the Jenivere. Some of you have been aboard for days, others significantly longer on the trip to Eleder.

The Jenivere is a large merchant ship, a Wyvern-class vessel commonly used by the Inner Sea nations for trade, exploration, and even war, valued for its combination of seaworthiness and capacity for carrying numerous passengers. Wyvern-class ships have made the dangerous journey to Azlant, Arcadia, and even around the southern tip of Garund, but the Jenivere and her crew run less perilous voyages. For the past several years, Captain Alizandru Kovack has made the western run between Magnimar to the north and Eleder to the south and then back with few complications, despite the fact that his route
carries him through waters controlled by the piratical Free Captains of the Shackles, brushes with the eternal winds of the Eye of Abendego, and into periodic conflicts with the Nidalese navy. Although Captain Kovack’s crew appreciate this record, the baseless fear that the Jenivere has robbed luck’s coffers one too many times lies heavy
on the hearts of many.

While the Jenivere is a merchant ship, primarily concerned with delivering goods to and from Sargava, she’s traditionally kept several compartments open to take on paying passengers. This trip is no exception. Beyond her usual cargo, the Jenivere carries one prisoner, Jask Derindi, and ten passengers, yourself included.

As the journey is near its end and you are scheduled to make port at Eleder well before the next nightfall, this will be you last night aboard ship. As is his custom, Captain Kovack has invited you all to a parting dinner this evening, prepared by the ship's cook, Rambar Terillo. With any luck at all, his work will be better than the watery soups he has seemed to specialize in for most of the journey.

Among the other guests of the Captain this evening are:

Aerys Mavato: A half-elven woman boarded in Port Peril, who has kept to herself most of the journey.

Gelik Aberwhinge: A sharply dressed gnome from Magnimar, Gelik spends much of his time writing in the ships’ common areas, and takes every opportunity to tell long-winded stories, boast of past journeys, or quip about anything in his field of view.

Ieana: A bookish Varisian scholar who tends to keep to herself, Ieana is traveling to Sargava to explore the ancient ruins there.

Knowledge (Local) or Diplomacy (Gather Information) DC 13:
Rumors aboard the ship alternately suggest that she’s the Jenivere’s owner, a Chelish agent, or Captain Kovack’s secret lover.

Ishirou: A scruffy human of Tian heritage, Ishirou boarded at Bloodcove and waits to reach Sargava with a quiet eagerness. Aloof but not rude, he gives the impression of one who has had a hard life but find himself currently without direction.

Sasha Nevah: This red-haired human boarded the Jenivere in Ilizmagorti. Since leaving Mediogalti Island, the
woman’s somber demeanor has gradually faded, revealing a boisterous and optimistic personality. None have yet questioned her about her missing left pinky finger.

Alton Devers: The Jenivere’s first mate is friendly with both passengers and crew, but he sometimes seems to chafe under the strong discipline of Captain Kovack.

"Thank you all for joining me this evening, my valued passengers and guests." Captain Kovack begins as he addresses the passengers of his ship. "I hope your journey has been comfortable and pleasant and that someday we may meet again. The first course should be out any moment now, but until then please have a drink or two and talk amongst yourselves or feel free to strike up a conversation with any of the Jeniver's crew, myself included."

I will be happy to respond as any of the NPC's, though my responses may be spotty between July 3rd July 8th.

Grand Lodge

Hello All,

As this campaign is by invitation only, we will not be bothering with a recruitment thread.

The intention is to start gameplay around July 8th, after I return from a short family vacation.

With that, on to the important stuff:

Character Creation Guidelines:

Point Buy: 20 Point Build with a minimum stat of 8 after racial adjustments

Races Allowed: Core. Featured Races from the ARG may be allowed if the character background makes sense for the game.

Classes: All Paizo classes, noting that Unchained Rules for the Rogue, Summoner, and Barbarian apply. Monks may choose either rule set for the build.

Traits: Pick two, one should be from the Serpent's Skull Player's guide.

Starting Gold: Maximum as per class

Starting HP: Maximum as per class at level 1, Pathfinder Society Rule (1/2 die type + 1) for subsequent levels.

Additional Rules: We will be using background skills from Unchained, along with Skill Unlocks. Stamina pool rules are something that I am willing to discuss if there is interest.

I'm not a big stickler on character sheet format and is open for debate. As long as I can find the information that is needed relatively quickly, we should be fine.

Please provide a short background on your character (a paragraph or two is sufficient), along with general personalty and appearance.

Posting Expectations: At least once daily during the week. Weekends can be a bit spotty for a lot of folks, so we will forgo that requirement on weekends.

If you are going to be away for a few days, no big deal, just let us know and you will be DM PC'ed as needed until you return.

Maps for Combat: I'm fairly certain that I will be using Roll20 for maps. Please make sure that you have an account and can access the site.

I think that covers most of it. If not do not hesitate to ask if you have questions.

Welcome to the game.

Grand Lodge

Apparently the original thread went the way of the Dodo bird, so here's a new one if we need it.

EDIT: Apparently a great number of discussion threads were archived recently.

Grand Lodge

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Welcome to the Council of Thieves: The Bastards of Erebus.

Westcrown, the City of Nine Stars, once the seat of power of the Chelish Empire, was a bastion of civilization and the center of the church of Aroden.

Following the death of Aroden, Westcrown fell into chaos, becoming known as the City of Twilight as the citizens of Westcrown lost hope.

Order was eventually restored to Westcrown, but under the Diabolic yolk of the Thrice-damned House of Thrune. Now the populace fears to leave their homes at night, lest they become prey for the shadowbeasts that inhabit the city. During the day, the city suffers under the cruel ministrations of the overbearing Dottari and Imperial Hellknights from nearby Citadel Rivad.

For eighty years Westcrown has suffered these indignities, but soon a resistance shall rise…



Your recent actions and words have gotten you noticed. The Dottari seem to watch you more carefully now that your disgust with how life is in Westcrown has become more evident. But perhaps not all those who have noticed are displeased…

Sitting down at your table, as you eat your mid-day meal, is an attractive human woman (it is quite possible she would be stunning if she chose to dress the part). Leaning in closer to you she says, “You know you’re right, there are forces behind what goes on in this city other than what the Lord Mayor says. If you are interested in finding these powers, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late tomorrow afternoon. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.



Your desire to purge the world of evil has brought you to Westcrown. Your first few days in Westcrown have done nothing to change your opinion of the once proud city. You have seen people suffer under oppressive laws and corruption rampant. As much as what you have seen has angered you, it did not disturb you nearly as much as what you saw one night you stayed out too late, shadowy tendrils dragging an unfortunate deeper into the darkness. There is much evil in Westcrown and it must be purged.

Sitting down at your table, as you eat your mid-day meal, is an attractive human woman (it is quite possible she would be stunning if she chose to dress the part). Leaning in closer to you she says, “I’ve seen the creatures before, the Lord Mayor says he does not know what these creatures are, but the old folks of Westcrown remember a time before these ‘shadowbeasts’ plagued our streets. If you are interested in helping us rid Westcrown of these beasts, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late afternoon two days from now. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.

Black Addie:


After Ol’ Meg was murdered by the Dottari, you sought a way to get even. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, not everyone you have sought information from has been quite about it.

Not long before sunset, and thus the beginning of curfew, a woman comes to see you. “Good evening.” she says, “If it is revenge on the Dottari you seek, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late tomorrow afternoon. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” With a bow and a half-smile the woman leaves without saying another word.



After escaping from the prisons of the House of Thrune, you have resided in Rego Cader, knowing the Dottari do not often venture far into the badly damaged sector of the city for fear of the monsters that have taken up residence in the ruins.

This fear does not extend to some, an attractive woman approaches you in a rather seedy establishment in Rego Cader and says, “You look like you might the type I’m looking for. Meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late afternoon two days from now, and perhaps we can work out a mutally beneficial arrangement. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.



One afternoon while searching through the Ramble Gardens, you are startled by the voice of a woman behind you.

“Aren’t you tired of catering to the whims of some degenerate ‘noble’?” Asks a woman. “Your brethren, scratch that, the people of Westcrown as a whole need your help. Your help and the help of other like minded individuals. If you wish to end the injustices that have been showered upon you and your kind, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late tomorrow afternoon. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.



One morning following your morning prayers to the Inheritor, an attractive woman enters the chapel, says a short prayer and comes over to you.
“You’re a Legis aren’t you? I’ve heard the story of what happen to your kin and I’ve seen the creatures before, the Lord Mayor says he does not know what these creatures are, but the old folks of Westcrown remember a time before these ‘shadowbeasts’ plagued our streets. If you are interested in helping us rid Westcrown of these beasts, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late afternoon two days from now. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.

You may each make either Knowledge (Local) or Diplomacy (Gather Information) checks to find out more about the Tavern or the woman. Two checks required, please specify which rolls are for which information.

DC 10 – Woman


This Janiven woman is not unknown throughout Westcrown. In the past she’s worked for several guilds and mercantile interests, sometimes as a caravan guard, but more often as a city guide and bodyguard.

DC 15 – Woman


As stated in the DC 10 spoiler plus, Janiven is known for being a bit rash (for example, she recently dragged her charge half-dressed out of a whorehouse when he refused to head back to a safer part of town before sundown).

DC 10 – Tavern


The tavern is named for the family that once ran the establishment. Vizio’s was a place where merchant guards went to relax, gripe about their jobs, and look for new work. Several months ago the family patriarch passed away and the rest of the family moved out of Westcrown and the tavern has stood empty since.

DC 15 – Tavern


As the DC10 spoiler plus, The tavern seems to have new owners, a half-elf man and a human woman. They have not re-opened the tavern for business as of yet.

I will be out the rest of the evening, feel free to interact amongst each other, ask questions of your host, etc. and I will respond in the morning.

Grand Lodge

Welcome to those who have been chosen to play, and to those who choose to lurk as well.

First, I plan on starting the game one week from today. This could shift by a day or two in either direction depending on how real life treats me. That being said, I will give at least 24 hours warning prior to starting the game early, or at least provide notice if it is going to be later.

Second, even though you have provided me with character backgrounds already, I will require one more bit of information from each of you:

"One large assumption that Council of Thieves makes about the PCs is that none of them should be particularly fond of the way the government in Westcrown currently operates. This isn't to say that all the PCs must be anarchists, but a PC who blindly follows the unfair edicts of the established government really won't have a reason to join the Westcrown Rebels." (Bastards of Erebus pg. 10)

So, with that in mind, I need the reason(s) you have a problem with the government as is.

This thread would also be appropriate for further fleshing out of your backgrounds should you so choose, do not feel that you have to, but you are certainly more than welcome to.

The thread is can also be used to express your opinions about the composition of the party, and any suggestions you wish to make prior to the selection of the remaining two slots (as of this posting).

Thanks for joining the game.

Grand Lodge

As a few of you might have seen on DM Sully's threads, that I've unintentionally hijacked, I'm accepting applications for a Council of Thieves game. Four spots are already spoken for but depending on responses, there is potential for two more.

I will not likely start the game itself for another week or two, so that should give plenty of time to get character concepts in mind.

Character Creation Guidelines:

20 Point Build
Core and APG Playtest classes allowed

Roll Starting gold (minimum mid point)

Pick two traits, one from the Council of Thieves Player's Guide and one from another source. I'm pretty flexible on the source, as I have most of the Pathfinder books these days, just refresh my memory as to the source that you are using.

Use this thread for posting of your basic concepts (preferablly with a short background).

Thanks, and good luck.

Since the extra damage is no longer extra dice, and not stated to be precision damage, is this damage multiplied on a critical hit?

In the playtest document the Inquisitor is listed as being proficient in "all simple weapons plus the crossbow, hand crossbow, longbow, shortbow, and the favored weapon of their deity."

Was there meant to be another weapon (repeating crossbow?), since the crossbow itself is a simple weapon?


Sorry for the double post.

The Knight's Challenge mentions an increase from d6 to d8 for the extra challenge damage, what would this be now that the challenge damage is equal to the cavalier's level?