DM Talomyr's Council of Thieves (Inactive)

Game Master Talomyr

A resistance rises in order to stop injustices in the former Chelish capitol, Westcrown.

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Grand Lodge

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Welcome to the Council of Thieves: The Bastards of Erebus.

Westcrown, the City of Nine Stars, once the seat of power of the Chelish Empire, was a bastion of civilization and the center of the church of Aroden.

Following the death of Aroden, Westcrown fell into chaos, becoming known as the City of Twilight as the citizens of Westcrown lost hope.

Order was eventually restored to Westcrown, but under the Diabolic yolk of the Thrice-damned House of Thrune. Now the populace fears to leave their homes at night, lest they become prey for the shadowbeasts that inhabit the city. During the day, the city suffers under the cruel ministrations of the overbearing Dottari and Imperial Hellknights from nearby Citadel Rivad.

For eighty years Westcrown has suffered these indignities, but soon a resistance shall rise…



Your recent actions and words have gotten you noticed. The Dottari seem to watch you more carefully now that your disgust with how life is in Westcrown has become more evident. But perhaps not all those who have noticed are displeased…

Sitting down at your table, as you eat your mid-day meal, is an attractive human woman (it is quite possible she would be stunning if she chose to dress the part). Leaning in closer to you she says, “You know you’re right, there are forces behind what goes on in this city other than what the Lord Mayor says. If you are interested in finding these powers, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late tomorrow afternoon. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.



Your desire to purge the world of evil has brought you to Westcrown. Your first few days in Westcrown have done nothing to change your opinion of the once proud city. You have seen people suffer under oppressive laws and corruption rampant. As much as what you have seen has angered you, it did not disturb you nearly as much as what you saw one night you stayed out too late, shadowy tendrils dragging an unfortunate deeper into the darkness. There is much evil in Westcrown and it must be purged.

Sitting down at your table, as you eat your mid-day meal, is an attractive human woman (it is quite possible she would be stunning if she chose to dress the part). Leaning in closer to you she says, “I’ve seen the creatures before, the Lord Mayor says he does not know what these creatures are, but the old folks of Westcrown remember a time before these ‘shadowbeasts’ plagued our streets. If you are interested in helping us rid Westcrown of these beasts, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late afternoon two days from now. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.

Black Addie:


After Ol’ Meg was murdered by the Dottari, you sought a way to get even. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, not everyone you have sought information from has been quite about it.

Not long before sunset, and thus the beginning of curfew, a woman comes to see you. “Good evening.” she says, “If it is revenge on the Dottari you seek, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late tomorrow afternoon. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” With a bow and a half-smile the woman leaves without saying another word.



After escaping from the prisons of the House of Thrune, you have resided in Rego Cader, knowing the Dottari do not often venture far into the badly damaged sector of the city for fear of the monsters that have taken up residence in the ruins.

This fear does not extend to some, an attractive woman approaches you in a rather seedy establishment in Rego Cader and says, “You look like you might the type I’m looking for. Meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late afternoon two days from now, and perhaps we can work out a mutally beneficial arrangement. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.



One afternoon while searching through the Ramble Gardens, you are startled by the voice of a woman behind you.

“Aren’t you tired of catering to the whims of some degenerate ‘noble’?” Asks a woman. “Your brethren, scratch that, the people of Westcrown as a whole need your help. Your help and the help of other like minded individuals. If you wish to end the injustices that have been showered upon you and your kind, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late tomorrow afternoon. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.



One morning following your morning prayers to the Inheritor, an attractive woman enters the chapel, says a short prayer and comes over to you.
“You’re a Legis aren’t you? I’ve heard the story of what happen to your kin and I’ve seen the creatures before, the Lord Mayor says he does not know what these creatures are, but the old folks of Westcrown remember a time before these ‘shadowbeasts’ plagued our streets. If you are interested in helping us rid Westcrown of these beasts, meet me at Vizio’s Tavern in the Rego Scripa late afternoon two days from now. When you arrive, knock on the door and ask for Janiven.” After delivering her message, the woman leaves as suddenly as she arrived.

You may each make either Knowledge (Local) or Diplomacy (Gather Information) checks to find out more about the Tavern or the woman. Two checks required, please specify which rolls are for which information.

DC 10 – Woman


This Janiven woman is not unknown throughout Westcrown. In the past she’s worked for several guilds and mercantile interests, sometimes as a caravan guard, but more often as a city guide and bodyguard.

DC 15 – Woman


As stated in the DC 10 spoiler plus, Janiven is known for being a bit rash (for example, she recently dragged her charge half-dressed out of a whorehouse when he refused to head back to a safer part of town before sundown).

DC 10 – Tavern


The tavern is named for the family that once ran the establishment. Vizio’s was a place where merchant guards went to relax, gripe about their jobs, and look for new work. Several months ago the family patriarch passed away and the rest of the family moved out of Westcrown and the tavern has stood empty since.

DC 15 – Tavern


As the DC10 spoiler plus, The tavern seems to have new owners, a half-elf man and a human woman. They have not re-opened the tavern for business as of yet.

I will be out the rest of the evening, feel free to interact amongst each other, ask questions of your host, etc. and I will respond in the morning.

HP: 44 /44; 0 non-lethal AC 19; touch 14; flat-footed 16 Fort: +5; Reflex: +5; Will: -1

Knowledge (Local) for the woman: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Knowledge (Local) for the tavern: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Kevorin (or Kev) tentatively pushes open the door of the defunct tavern and peers around inside. Seeing no immediate danger, he lowers his great ax and makes his way cautiously to a dusty table, seating himself in a rickety chair. His hulking half-orc frame dwarfs the table as his huge strong hands dwarf the tankard of ale he asks for and doesn't touch.

He sits at his table in silence, speaking only if spoken to, watching all around him.

HP 53/53, AC- 21, Flat-Footed- 19, Touch- 12 CMD 19, Fort- +9, Reflex- +6, Will- +10, Perception- +13, Init- +5, AOO- +9 (1d10+6), Judgement 2/2, Bane 6/6

1d20 - 3 ⇒ (1) - 3 = -2 (Diplomacy for the woman)
1d20 - 3 ⇒ (7) - 3 = 4 (Diplomacy for the tavern)

Heh... That just about sets the tone for my character's information gathering skills throughout the campaign. Morghrim's clearly been grabbing suspicious looking characters, ramming them against a wall and snarling at them. Guess I should have rolled Intimidate...

Well... you're certainly a big lad aren't ye? comes a voice from behind Kevorin. Turning, he sees a muscular looking Dwarf in scale mail armour sat with his back to a wall near the fire; sharpening a dangerous looking polearm on a whetstone.

The Dwarf is a little shorter than average for his race but that doesn't seem to hinder his self-confidence; as he looks Kevorin's powerful frame up and down, eyes glinting at the obvious challenge the half-orc would be as his prey.

Judging from the careful entrance ye made, leading with that gurt big axe of yours, i'm thinking maybe some berk has a mind to gut ye, aye? Share an ale and a tale with Morghrim now, and mayhap he'll aid your cause, should it be a righteous one lad.

Diplomacy (untrained) for the woman: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Diplomacy (untrained) for the tavern: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

A knock at the tavern door draws the attention of those within. One of the attendants goes to the door and opens it a crack. After a brief whispered conversation, the door opens further and a slender woman dressed in dark peasant garb enters. The woman wears a black veil over her face, making it difficult to determine her age or appearance in the dim light of the common room.

The veiled woman pauses as she momentarily studies the other occupants. With a slight nod of her head to the half-orc and dwarf, she makes her way to an unoccupied table and sits with her back to the wall. Without a word, she removes a small pouch from a pocket within a multi-colored scarf (the only bit of color about her person). She opens the pouch and removes an ancient set of cards. She shuffles the cards, selects one, and studies it intently for several seconds. Then she places the card back in the deck, shuffles it again, and begins to lay out a spread for a Harrow reading.

For DM Talomyr:
Addie is using her Harrowed feat for the day. Suit drawn: 1d6 ⇒ 4 (Attribute: Intelligence); card drawn: 1d9 ⇒ 3 (The Joke (chaotic good): A terror that must be overcome - but not by physical means. This monster can only be defeated by trickery or artifice. This card can represent the value of humor in finding the way past a difficult person or task.)

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Diplomacy checks:
Woman: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Tavern: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Well, let' see what's become of Vizio's wonders Valeron, as he knocks lightly on the door to the tavern.

It wouldn't be apparent to the eye that Valeron is anything more than a simple warrior. Longsword at his hip, steel shield strapped to his back, and a suit of scale armor that looks older than the young man. His expression is a mix of weariness and curiosity, as he shields his eyes after having just entered from the sunlight.

He scans the common room... a bunch of folks with their backs up against the walls - how trusting, he muses.

Knowing Janiven to be something of a caravan guard, he rules out the mystic shuffling the cards and approaches the half orc and the dwarf sharpening his polearm.

"You two.." he begins in a low voice, "you wouldn't happen to be some of Janiven's crew would you?"

27... any more tasty bits about the woman?

Black Addie's Harrow Spread:

Card Placements:

Positive Past: The Empty Throne (lawful good, Charisma) (TRUE MATCH). The Empty Throne has a sense of loss that is palpable. The ghost signifies that those who are gone will always be with us. They taught us important lessons, if only we choose to listen. This card can bring information from a far-off or ancient source.
Unclear Past: The Locksmith (lawful neutral, Dexterity) (TRUE MATCH). The Locksmith presents the subject with the keys she needs to unlock her destiny. He grants the tools to access a new location, clue, or treasure. He does not grant insight into how or where to use the tools granted. This card often represents a strange, ancient, or magical object.
Negative Past: The Winged Serpent (lawful good, Wisdom) (Partial Match, MISALIGNED). The Winged Serpent is a powerful being. Knowledge and prudence are separate keeps bridged by understanding. The couatl represents this bridge, knowing whether now is the time to strike. Misaligned, this card means either not seizing a moment or doing so ill-advisedly.

Positive Present: The Hidden Truth (lawful good, Intelligence) (Partial Match). The Hidden Truth symbolizes the ability to see past the obvious and the banal to a greater truth within. Sometimes this discovery is an esoteric one, sometimes it is a literal find, such as an item revealed within a room. Regardless, it is a card with the power to reveal secrets.
Unclear Present: The Theater (neutral good, Charisma) (Partial Match). The Theater is the card of true prophecy. The puppets act out a scene, just as the prophet acts out a scene in which she has no part. The prophet is the audience and the prophecy is the show. She has no influence on what she sees, and its importance is often not recognized until too late.
Negative Present: The Demon's Lantern (chaotic evil, Dexterity) (Partial Match). The Demon’s Lantern is the card of traps and tricks, sleight of hand and sleight of mind. These will-o’-wisps and the man who sought their light represent an impossible or intractable situation.

Positive Future: The Paladin (lawful good, Strength) (Partial Match). The Paladin symbolizes standing strong in the face of adversity. The Paladin does not back down under any circumstances. This card usually indicates the need to stay the course or do what one knows is right, even if it takes a heavy toll.
Unclear Future: The Peacock (neutral, Dexterity) (Partial Match). The Peacock is a creature of astonishing beauty, but it is a beauty that can only be retained if frozen like a cockatrice’s statues. Smarter people accept the passage of time and dance out of The Peacock’s way. Its appearance always signifies a sudden personal shift in attitude or societal change.
Negative Future: The Dance (lawful good, Dexterity) (OPPOSITE MATCH, MISALIGNED). The Dance is a rich and delicate framework that, like the universe itself, requires everyone within it to abide by its rules, lest the entire construct collapse. It advises staying in perfect step, knowing your place in the greater good. Those who step out of the pattern do so at their peril. Misaligned, that pattern might be hypnotic, but not to the good of all.

Male Human Fighter 1

Diplomacy checks (Gather information) -
Regarding the woman -1d20+7=20
Regarding the tavern -1d20+7=27

Cadwyn walks briskly through the streets, making his way towards Vizio's tavern. More than once, the young man looks over his shoulder. Gods, I remember a time when I could walk the street with my head held high. I feel like a wanted man, though I've done nothing. The blonde man sighs deeply and turns the last corner, approaching the door to the run-down tavern.

Cadwyn stops at the door and adjusts the tabard he wears over his light armor. A soaring falcon, in yellow-gold thread, over an azure field; his family's symbol, and one he used to be proud of. He never could say whether it was hope for redemption or plain superstition, but he still wore it, still held on to the dream that one day...things might be better.

He sighs again, and raps on the door. Without waiting for an answer, he pushes it inwards, stepping into the door and standing tall at his full height, several inches over six feet. He scans the room quickly, and gives a beaming smile.

"Evening, friends, if I may presume. I'm looking for Janiven." He glances at the veiled woman. "And unless she has decided to cover her pretty face in mourning, I suppose you are not her."

Without waiting for an answer, he pulls a chair up to the table where the half-orc sits. "Hail and well-met all, I am a Tallis, called Cadwyn, and methinks we may be here for a shared purpose. What brings you gentle folk to this...fine establishment?"

Knowledge local DC 15 (if you don't mine DM) -

The Tallis family is a family of minor nobles, known for their shelters for the homeless. Cadwyn is the second son of the head of the family, Giles Tallis. Rumors of an...unsavory...nature circulate about the shelters the Tallis family operates. If DM Talomyr thinks this is too presumptuous, disregard that you know this. :)

Addie looks up from her cards as the young nobleman enters the tavern.

Cadwyn Tallis wrote:

"Evening, friends, if I may presume. I'm looking for Janiven." He glances at the veiled woman. "And unless she has decided to cover her pretty face in mourning, I suppose you are not her."

Without waiting for an answer, he pulls a chair up to the table where the half-orc sits. "Hail and well-met all, I am a Tallis, called Cadwyn, and methinks we may be here for a shared purpose. What brings you gentle folk to this...fine establishment?"

The veiled woman stares at Cadwyn Tallis for a moment longer, then turns back to her cards. Wordlessly, she picks up the card from the top right corner (the Paladin card) and studies it consideringly as she looks from the card to the young Tallis.

Male Halfling Alchemist : 4

Knowledge(local)(untrained)(About the woman)1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 Hey! Looks like I got a 10!
Diplomacy (Gather Information)(untrained)(about the Tavern)1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Wart does his best to travel throughout the city unnoticed (Stealth 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27), with his backpack full of toys. He keeps his eyes down and generally acts like a good little slip when he is on the main streets.

Once he finds the place mentioned by the woman he saw at the Ramble Gardens, he looks around to check to see if he is being watched or followed (Perception1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24).

"Ohh boy," he mutters to himself, "Hope you know what your doing up there Everbloom."

He knocks on the door as instructed, waiting for mere moments before the door is opened.

Wart leans in so as to reduce the amount of sound he makes, "I am here to see Janiven."

Upon gaining admittance, he stands in the doorway for a moment as his vision adjusts to the darker interior. Seeing those present, as well as the host, whom he nods slightly to and begins moving further into the tavern. Wart moves over to where the veiled woman sits in the corner.

He approaches slowly, eyes slightly downcast, and asks softly once he draws near. "Beggin' pardons, Ma'am. Would you by chance be from the Gardens?"

He slightly shifts from one bare foot to the other, waiting for a reply.

Grand Lodge

Shortly after all of her guests have arrived, Janiven brings out bowls of a hearty stew and some bread.

"What can I get you all to drink this afternoon? Ale? Wine? Please make yourselves comfortable, when you have finished your meals, we can discuss business."

Once the meal is finished and everyone has chatted amongst each other for an hour or two, Janiven asks for everyone's attention.

"Again, thank you for agreeing to meet me here, especially with the rather dubious invitations you were given. I have chosenn each of you for a singular reason - everyone here, myself included, has suffered, whether we realize it or not. I have lived in Westcrown my whole life, and although I love this city, I must admit, as must you, that despite our peace and prosperity, we continue to suffer. Fear should not be an expected part of life, and yet each night brings feat to our doorsteps. Yes, Westcrown has been safe from war and famine for nearly seventy years, and yes our businesses have prospered - but this safety and prosperity has been bought in the coinage of fear and prayers to Hell. Other lands live free from tyranny. Other cities do not fear the night. Other governments do not seed the streets to monsters of the infernal shadows. Westcrown was once such a place, and she wants to be again. Westcrown is not only her buildings and canals and docks and history - she is also her people. Westcrown is our friends and neighbors, our mothers and fathers, our siblings and cousins, our sons and daughters! With but a small group of supporters and dedicated brothers and sisters, we can earn the trust and admiration of those people. A Westcrown free of these shadowy beasts that stalk our streets is one step closer to a Westcrown free of the devil that is the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune!"

Knowledge(Local, History, or Nobility) DC 10

Janiven's words are nothing less than treason, and punishable by death. Given the unforgiving natures of the Dottari and the Hellknights, some ramifications could be heading your way simply for being here and listening.

After finishing her speech, Janiven will respond to any questions or comments her audience may have. While she answers these questions, she seems a bit distracted, occasionally glancing at the door or out the windows, as if she is waiting on something.

Male Human Fighter 1

Knowledge(Nobility and royalty) check - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Cadwyn clears his throat, and for the first time since he walked in the tavern looks a bit nervous.

"My lady," he begins hesitantly, "though I as much as any wish to see changes made in my once fair city, I must be blunt. That which you speak, treason. I do not decline your offer out of hand, but I want to make sure that you, and all present, understand that this is no simple matter of civil disobedience. Gods, they might have our heads just for being here speaking to you."

Cadwyn slowly smiles, "So now that that is out of the way, what do you propose?"

Wart wrote:

(Wart) knocks on the door as instructed, waiting for mere moments before the door is opened.

Wart leans in so as to reduce the amount of sound he makes, "I am here to see Janiven."

As the door opens wider to admit the halfling, a black tom cat darts through the opening, races across the room, and hops up onto the table next to the veiled woman.

Wart wrote:

Wart moves over to where the veiled woman sits in the corner.

He approaches slowly, eyes slightly downcast, and asks softly once he draws near. "Beggin' pardons, Ma'am. Would you by chance be from the Gardens?"

"Why yes, Master Wart, I am from the Gardens," the veiled woman greets the halfling, speaking with a low soft voice as the black cat studies him intently.

"Fancy meeting you at a gathering such as this," she says, giving the halfling a meaningful look. "Please, have a seat. I have a feeling we're about to hear something very interesting..."

HP 53/53, AC- 21, Flat-Footed- 19, Touch- 12 CMD 19, Fort- +9, Reflex- +6, Will- +10, Perception- +13, Init- +5, AOO- +9 (1d10+6), Judgement 2/2, Bane 6/6

Morghrim watches the entrances of the other hirelings with a grim expression on his face. These were his would-be allies? He studied them all carefully, making judgements of them and their likely strengths, weaknesses and uses to the greater good.

He first regards the man stood before him, and the question the man posed.

He has the look of a warrior about him... A potential sword brother perhaps. At least he has the subtelty to keep his voice down...

Morghrim thinks to himself, wincing inwardly as another, blonde human announces who he is looking for to the whole common room and sits by the large half-orc.

Pausing to weigh up the question in his mind, Morghrim meets Valeron's gaze and replies calmly-

I am of no one's crew, manling. But I sense you meant no disrespect in your choice of words; so mebbe i'll let it slide eh? Aye, I am looking for the lass ye speak of. She asked me to help her rid the streets of these shadow beasties. I cannae speak for yon orc-blood here, but judging from his oh-so-careful entrance; I surmise he is here for the same reasons?

Staring at the veiled woman who nodded at him now, Morghrim is immediately suspicious-

Hiding her face eh? Something to hide perhaps? Still, I doubt harrow readers have an easy life in Westcrown. Perhaps she hides out of neccessity.

Studying Cadwyn carefully, noting his crest, Morghrim thinks to himself-

Nobility hmm... Perhaps one I can converse on the delights of philisophy and the arts of blessed Shelyn with. I hope he does not turn out to be an evildoer; it would be a disappointment to have to kill a cultured man.

Seeing the nervous looking halfling speak to the veiled woman, Morghrim cannot help but smile.

Ah little one... Be more sure of yourself. The blood of heroes flows through your veins. Always the halflings have achieved more than the bigger races expect of them.

During the meal Morghrim eats with gusto, displaying horrible table manners and eating the fine food with his bare hands. He seems aware of the disgusting mess he is making, and grins throughout, uncaring. He also appears to enjoy his food immensely. During Janiven's speech, he continues to sharpen his polearm, listening carefully. When she finishes, he rises to his feet and salutes the woman with his weapon.

Your cause is a noble and just one. Morghrim Maestros will lend his glaive to this endeavour. But tell me, what exactly happened to motivate you to make this change? What do ye stand to gain from this lass? Morghrim asks, his natural suspicion overriding his enthusiasm to help her cause.

Sense Motive 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Damn two posts made while I typed this :(

Grand Lodge

Cadwyn Tallis wrote:
Cadwyn slowly smiles, "So now that that is out of the way, what do you propose?"

Janiven smiles, obviously pleased with Cadwyn's response.

"I am but one of several like minded individuals that seek to return Westcrown to her former glory. The fact that Egorian has little concern for the former capital of the Empire works in our favor, but we still need numbers and the support of Westcrown's citizenry if we are to invoke any change in our once proud city, a lesson learned from our neighbors in Andoran."

Everyone can make a Perception check DC 20

You hear in the distance, but obviously approaching the sounds of clanking armor.

Grand Lodge

Morghrim Maestros wrote:

Your cause is a noble and just one. Morghrim Maestros will lend his glaive to this endeavour. But tell me, what exactly happened to motivate you to make this change? What do ye stand to gain from this lass? Morghrim asks, his natural suspicion overriding his enthusiasm to help her cause.

Janiven with nothing but sincerity on face responds, "What do I stand to gain? Nothing more than every citizen of Westcrown would gain."

Male Human Fighter 1

1d20 ⇒ 11

Cadwyn smiles and motions for her to go on, obliviously to anything but the attractive woman's words.

Assume Cadwyn made introductions to everyone during dinner. He is polite, disarming, and rather charming. Things are moving along and I don't want to backtrack!

HP 53/53, AC- 21, Flat-Footed- 19, Touch- 12 CMD 19, Fort- +9, Reflex- +6, Will- +10, Perception- +13, Init- +5, AOO- +9 (1d10+6), Judgement 2/2, Bane 6/6

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 Perception Roll

Sounds like our little meeting's about to be interrupted by armoured soldiers. I for one, will not be dying old and toothless in my bedchamber! Morghrim bellows

Morghrim positions himself 10 feet from the door, so he is in a position to take an attack of opportunity at anybody entering the room. He also casts shield of faith, increasing his AC to 20.

(Inspired by Cadwyn here) Assume Morghrim is boisterous, tactless and self-assured. He seems to have good intentions though; so far that's possibly his only redeeming feature.

If Retcon is permitted-

Janiven wrote:

"What do I stand to gain? Nothing more than every citizen of Westcrown would gain."

That's not the only question I asked ye, lass. What's made you so inspired suddenly?

Knowledge (History) check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

The veiled woman continues to study the cards laid before her as she listens to Janiven's speech. A faint smile twitches at the corners of the the veiled woman's mouth at the stirring conclusion of the speech, and the responses of the young nobleman and the gruff dwarf.

"The Harrow confirms her words," the veiled woman says cryptically. "Unless we stand strong in the face of adversity, and make a change in the attitudes of ourselves and the people of the city, Westcrown will be consigned to continue its current dance toward corruption and damnation."

With those words, the veiled woman gathers her cards, reverently placing them back within their pouch and tucking the pouch back within her scarf. Then she scratches the black cat behind its ears, eliciting a rumbling purr of contentment from the feline.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

At the dwarf's words, Kev bolts out of his chair, hefts his ax and moves to a spot where can easily step to flank with the dwarf.

Perception check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

A heartbeat before the dwarf's outburst, the veiled woman picks up her cat and quickly stands, staring at the tavern's entrance door.

HP 53/53, AC- 21, Flat-Footed- 19, Touch- 12 CMD 19, Fort- +9, Reflex- +6, Will- +10, Perception- +13, Init- +5, AOO- +9 (1d10+6), Judgement 2/2, Bane 6/6
Nazard wrote:

Perception: 1d20+2

At the dwarf's words, Kev bolts out of his chair, hefts his ax and moves to a spot where can easily step to flank with the dwarf.

Morghrim grins at the Half-Orc

Well we may not have shared an ale in the end, but by Grundirk's grey ass-hairs we shall spill evil-doers blood together instead! The ale can wait, heh...

I'm taking girlfriend out to a restaurant so will be absent over the next few hours. My actions will be to-

-Protect the group as much as possible, continually moving to threaten as many opponents as possible even if it provokes attacks of opportunity.

-Activate my justice judgement as a swift action in the first round of combat- Justice: The judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 each round after the first, to a maximum of +3 on the third and following rounds. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.

-Swing my heirloom glaive to smite evildoers- Heirloom Glaive- +5 (+0 BAB, +3 Strength, +1 Masterwork, +1 Trait) 1d10+4 20x3 slashing (reach weapon).


Initiative- 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
First Attack Roll-1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
First Damage Roll-1d10 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Edit: Bah, mininum damage of 6. Still, I should get an attack of opportunity too so-

AOO Attack Roll- 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
AOO Damage Roll- 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

+2 to these attack rolls is the half-orc is effectively flanking

Grand Lodge

Morghrim Maestros wrote:

That's not the only question I asked ye, lass. What's made you so inspired suddenly?

"I've been moved into action by a like minded individual, as I hope you all shall be."

Morghrim Maestros wrote:

1d20+8 Perception Roll

Sounds like our little meeting's about to be interrupted by armoured soldiers. I for one, will not be dying old and toothless in my bedchamber! Morghrim bellows

Suddenly there is a pounding at the door. "Jani! Jani!" says the voice of an out of breath voice.

Janiven opens the door to reveal a quite obviously exhausted and frightend teen-aged boy.

Looking quite concerned, Janiven asks "Morosino, what is it? What's wrong?"

The boy's heavy-breathed response, "They've got Arael."

An almost fearful look crosses Janiven's face. "Go on...who's got Arael?"

Coming inside and closing the door the boy slumps against the wall, trying to catch his breath. "The Dottari nabbed Arael, and the Hellknights of the Rack are trying to get custody of him! There's a bunch of Hellknights on their way here now! I only just made it in here; they've already surrounded us!"

At this point everyone hears the sounds of clanking armor Morghrim described. I'll go ahead and roll initiatives for the party, if this is not something you would like me to do in the future, just speak up.

Initiative Rolls:
Janiven = 24
Hellknights = 16
Cadwyn:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Morghrim:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Addie:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Valeron:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Wart:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Kev:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Grand Lodge

Initiative Order:
Janiven - 24
Cadwyn - 17+
Morghrim - 17
Hellknights - 16
Kev - 14
Wart - 11+
Addie - 11
Valeron - 1

Round 1:

Janiven, looking out the window, quickly locks the door and moves toward the bar. "There's too many of them. I fear this a fight we can not win. Follow me."

Cadwyn and Morghrim are up. Morghrim - I saw your posted action, but given Janiven's action feel free to retcon if you so choose.

HP 53/53, AC- 21, Flat-Footed- 19, Touch- 12 CMD 19, Fort- +9, Reflex- +6, Will- +10, Perception- +13, Init- +5, AOO- +9 (1d10+6), Judgement 2/2, Bane 6/6
DM Talomyr wrote:

Initiative Order:

Janiven - 24
Cadwyn - 17+
Morghrim - 17
Hellknights - 16
Kev - 14
Wart - 11+
Addie - 11
Valeron - 1

Round 1:

Janiven, looking out the window, quickly locks the door and moves toward the bar. "There's too many of them. I fear this a fight we can not win. Follow me."

Cadwyn and Morghrim are up. Morghrim - I saw your posted action, but given Janiven's action feel free to retcon if you so choose.

Morghrim reluctantly follows Janiven, but acts as a rearguard with his glaive protecting them. He delays his action until the very last (waiting for Valeron to react) and covers the doorway with his shield of faith etc. to protect him until everyone has begun moving. Seeing as how he's now going to be doing a fighting retreat rather than a bar brawl, he uses his Protection judgement instead of his destruction, and straps a buckler to his arm (+1 AC, -1 attack penalty).

Thats 22AC now, rising to 23 in Round 2 and 24 in Round 3

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

As the afternoon passed on, Valeron's attitude shifted first from skepticism to hesitation, then from hesitation to contemplation. Is this an action The Inheritor would approve of he wondered. Is this a risk I'm crazy enough to make? and thinking about crazy he cautiously watched the enthusiastic dwarf. Perhaps it was the alcohol talking, but finally the young man nodded his willingness to assist Janiven and the others.

With the sounds of approaching hellknights, Valeron unstraps his shield, draws his longsword and takes up a position very close to Janiven.

"Lead the way, I'm not letting you out of my sight." he says, displaying his first signs of boldness this day.

Before leaving the room, he quickly moves to Morghrim, seeing the dwarf's offer to be rear guard, and softly says a prayer to Iomedae, before turning to Janiven's side.

Casts Virtue, giving Morghrim +1 HP for 1 minute if he gets in trouble

HP 53/53, AC- 21, Flat-Footed- 19, Touch- 12 CMD 19, Fort- +9, Reflex- +6, Will- +10, Perception- +13, Init- +5, AOO- +9 (1d10+6), Judgement 2/2, Bane 6/6
Valeron Legis wrote:

As the afternoon passed on, Valeron's attitude shifted first from skepticism to hesitation, then from hesitation to contemplation. Is this an action The Inheritor would approve of he wondered. Is this a risk I'm crazy enough to make? and thinking about crazy he cautiously watched the enthusiastic dwarf. Perhaps it was the alcohol talking, but finally the young man nodded his willingness to assist Janiven and the others.

With the sounds of approaching hellknights, Valeron unstraps his shield, draws his longsword and takes up a position very close to Janiven.

"Lead the way, I'm not letting you out of my sight." he says, displaying his first signs of boldness this day.

Before leaving the room, he quickly moves to Morghrim, seeing the dwarf's offer to be rear guard, and softly says a prayer to Iomedae, before turning to Janiven's side.

Casts Virtue, giving Morghrim +1 HP for 1 minute if he gets in trouble

Morghrim takes the opportunity to grab Valeron, wrist to wrist, in he warrior's handshake. Morghrim nods his thanks grimly for the magical aid.

Cat in arm, Addie joins the others as they move to follow Janiven, placing herself in the middle of the group.

Grand Lodge

I'll give Kev and Wart some time to post their Round 1 actions before moving on.

It is somewhat curious that Janiven has asked you to follow her, with only other visible exit being the door to the kitchen. None of you remember seeing any other exterior entrances to the building other than the door Janiven recently locked.

For information's sake, Morosino is acting on Janiven's action, as she pulls him along.

Perception DC 15:

Janiven is heading behind the bar, glancing in that direction you see what appears to be a trap door in the floor.

HP: 44 /44; 0 non-lethal AC 19; touch 14; flat-footed 16 Fort: +5; Reflex: +5; Will: -1

Kev stays at the back near the dwarf.

Grand Lodge

Well I guess I could go ahead and post the Hellknights action. Guess I should pay attention to my own blood initiative order.

Looking out the window, you see what appears to be a company of at least six Hellknight approaching. Shortly after you hear a loud banging at the locked door of the tavern, as the Hellknights attempt to break the door down.

"Open this door in the name of Her Infernal Majestrix Queen Abrogail II and our Dark Lord, Asmodeus!"

HP: 44 /44; 0 non-lethal AC 19; touch 14; flat-footed 16 Fort: +5; Reflex: +5; Will: -1

Perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Male Halfling Alchemist : 4

RETCON if allowed, OOC:
I was going to post about during the hour of polite conversation and what not, having Wart go into the back or to the bathroom, and change into his Dirty Deeds outfit. This is what I get for taking a nap! If not allowed, no worries!

Wart's eyes dart about the room, assessing the possible tactical options. He moves over behind the bar, following Janiven.

Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10.

He hunkers down near the bar, and begins digging through his backpack.Drawing his adventurer's sash out of his backpack, move action

If retcon allowed, he positions himself near where the bar allows for entrance behind it, setting himself up with cover, and makes a Stealth check to disappear as he ready's a standard action to throw a bomb if the Hellknights breakdown the door: Stealth:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

A small voice calls out from near the bar, "Clear the doorway ladies and gents...the HellKnights are about to catch a glimpse of their beloved Hell! At least 10 feet should do fine!"

Kevorin will cover people's withdrawal down the trap door. He switches to his crossbow and hides himself near the halfling. Stealth 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Male Human Fighter 1

"What in the nine Hells?" says Cadwyn, surprised at the quick reactions by the rest of the group.

Perception check - 1d20 ⇒ 4

After the boy Morosino enters and relates his story and the Hellknights come a-knocking, Cadwyn moves to stand with the dwarf and half-orc. Asmodeus is no lord of mine, foul beast. He calls to Janiven, "I would very much like to follow you elsewhere, my lady, but I don't recall any exits save the one which is now, to put it mildly, unavailable. So unless you know something I don't, which is entirely possible, I don't know that now is the time for a drink. Or perhaps, it is the perfect time for one."

Cadwyn, if given further instructions as to where the group plans to flee, will aid the rest of the group to exit before himself. After everyone gets out, only then will Cadwyn move to follow the rest.

At the sight of the halfling preparing some concoction with which to surprise the approaching Hellknights, Cadwyn calls, "Do me a favor, Master Halfling, and don't burn half the city down. If I'm going to die, I'd like it to not be by burning to a crisp. I'm a bit averted to the smell of burnt hair."

Grand Lodge

Wart wrote:

If retcon allowed, he positions himself near where the bar allows for entrance behind it, setting himself up with cover, and makes a Stealth check to disappear as he ready's a standard action to throw a bomb if the Hellknights breakdown the door: Stealth:1d20+10

A small voice calls out from near the bar, "Clear the doorway ladies and gents...the HellKnights are about to catch a glimpse of their beloved Hell! At least 10 feet should do fine!"

The retcon is not a problem, particularly when the pace of the game seems to moving along fairly well.

Grand Lodge

Round 2:

Janiven opens the trap door in the floor that lies behind the bar.

"Quickly, down here, we may yet reach saftey." She says, hurrying the young boy down the rope ladder below.

Janiven will wait until everyone else is down the trap door before following.

Cadwyn and Morghrim are up, then the Hellknights.

Male Halfling Alchemist : 4

starting Mother's day festivites, so I will post in advance as to not hold up the game. Please feel free to modify if the situation warrants it.

Wart will move to near the trapdoor, and ready an action to throw a bomb at the door should the hellknights break through. The intent is to follow down through the trapdoor asap, and if everyone is clearing out to avoid detection, then scrap the bomb, and Wart will follow into the deeps...

Attack Information:

Possibly throwing a bomb at the door, aimed at a square just in front of it. The incoming Hellknights should hit the splash range if nothing else.
Attack: Bomb 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 vs. AC 5. Range: 20ft, please modifiy for range as necessary.

Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 fire damage

Splash damage: 4 Fire, Reflex DC 13 for half damage

Also, I was under the impression that this was a sudden flash of an explosion, and thus less prone to lighting things on fire, but I could be wrong. If so, no worries...I am still throwing it!

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"Where does this lead?" the Iomedan quickly asks Janiven as he makes his way to the bar, gesturing for the others to get moving.

"I'm afraid I must insist you go ahead and allow me and others to cover our withdrawal."

Diplomacy to urge Janiven not to wait to be last out: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Valeron nods at Addie, as if to communicate she should be next through the trapdoor.

Grand Lodge

Valeron Legis wrote:

"Where does this lead?" the Iomedan quickly asks Janiven as he makes his way to the bar, gesturing for the others to get moving.

"I'm afraid I must insist you go ahead and allow me and others to cover our withdrawal."

Diplomacy to urge Janiven not to wait to be last out: 1d20+11

Valeron nods at Addie, as if to communicate she should be next through the trapdoor.

"It's a tunnel leading to the sewers. And while I appreciate the sentiment, I don't have time to discuss this...get your ass down the tunnel."

More Hellknights are visible through the windows now, a quick estimate would tell you that there are now 12-15 of them.

Male Human Fighter 1

Cadwyn hesitates, glancing quickly at the Hellknights pounding on the door and the trapdoor. The bastards out there might already know who I am...I can't let them see me just yet. After a moment of debate, Cadwyn elects to proceed down the ladder., calling, "I'll be the foreguard. Some of the other heavies should bring up the rear."

HP 53/53, AC- 21, Flat-Footed- 19, Touch- 12 CMD 19, Fort- +9, Reflex- +6, Will- +10, Perception- +13, Init- +5, AOO- +9 (1d10+6), Judgement 2/2, Bane 6/6

Whats the point of volunteering to be the bloody rearguard when everyone stays behind anyway?!

Round 2 Action-

MOVE YER ASSES MAGGOTS! Morghrim yells as he begins to make his way towards the trapdoor. Once he's there, he will stay 5 feet away from the trapdoor, warding the retreat with his glaive, and be the last to leave, unless Janiven gestures for him to go down the trapdoor, in which case he will accept her wishes.

Male Why's it always got to be that way? DM 14

Disregard previous post....Wart is going down the into the sewers after Cadwyn

Grand Lodge

Janiven tells everyone (Morghrim included) to get down the trap door.

As Morghrim enters the trap door the front door of the tavern flies open, as heavily armored Hellknights enter the room.

Janiven drops down the hole, following Morghrim, and closes the trapdoor along the way.

Once down the tunnel, Janiven bolts the trap door.

"That won't hold them long, we need to be going."

You follow Janiven down a rough hewn tunnel about 20 feet before coming to a simple wooden door. Janiven opens the door and hurries the party through. Once everyone is through, she closes and bars the door.

"That should buy us a little time," she says, lighting two sunrods and handing one of them to Cadwyn.

"Now let's see...hopefully they're still here" she continues, pushing aside a rock to reveal a small hollow in the wall. "Here, you guys take these." She hands each member of the party two potions of cure light wounds.

"I'm afraid we'll have to separate for your own good. The Hellknights saw Morosino and they likely know that Arael and I own the tavern, but with any luck they did not get a good enough look at any of you to identify you."

"We have a safehouse that you can reach by going a number of different ways through the sewers. Arael and I marked the paths with a symbol that can only be seen by light of a sunrod," she says, bringing the sunrod close to the ceiling to reveal a drawing of an eye.

Knowledge(Religion) DC 5

The eye is the holy symbol of Aroden.

"Get to the safehouse, and you will be cared for. I have to get there as soon as possible to let the others know of Arael's capture."

With that Janiven and Morosino run off down one of the side passages off of the main sewer-way.

The main sewer way is 10 feet wide, the various side passages are 5 feet wide. In both cases the ground is wet and the area is dark. Moving faster than half speed will require a DC 5 Acrobatics check or risk falling into the sewage.

Beyond the healing potions, you all gain 250XP for avoiding this first potential encounter with the Hellknights and what I assume will be your continued working with Janiven.

While you are heading through the sewers, I will need a marching order from you guys.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

Once inside the sewers, the Iomedan says a couple words, and his shield begins to illuminate with a soft glow, pushing back the shadows a bit.

"Well," he says, "let's get going, Hellknights are tenacious and likely to pursue if we delay."

Male Human Fighter 1

Cadwyn stays near the front and offers to pass the sunrods off to any of the group who don't need both hands to be effective. He offers to take the lead and requests that another skilled melee combatant remain with him, and another bring up the rear.

Grand Lodge

Sorry...see the edited post above.

Male Human Cleric 5 / Inheritor's Crusader 1

"The eye - it's the ancient symbol of Aroden", the Iomedan relates to the others.

"Beats following a symbol of Lamashtu or worse," he jokes, trying to lighten the mood a bit, seeing the grave looks on other's faces.


Party order:

Here's a stab at party order, feel free to critique. Put Mohg in 2nd line since he has a reach weapon. I joined up front since I had a shield, and have Kev in back since he has a crossbow and can tumble past the front line if needed?

Cadwyn Valeron
Mohrgrim Addie
Wart Kevorin

Grand Lodge

Valeron Legis wrote:

"The eye - it's the ancient symbol of Aroden", the Iomedan relates to the others.

"Beats following a symbol of Lamashtu or worse," he jokes, trying to lighten the mood a bit, seeing the grave looks on other's faces.


** spoiler omitted **

That party order works as long as you stay in the main spillways, what order will you all have if you go down one of the secondary lanes? (I suppose you could keep that same order and just squeeze, but I wouldn't suggest it.

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