Erik Mehring's page
15 posts (226 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
Zmar wrote: Erik Mehring wrote: The players enter a room with a water trough, a pedastal with a large hollow in it, a 3 gallon bucket and a 5 gallon bucket. In order to open the next doorway, the players have to fill the pedastal with exactly 4 gallons of water on a single pour. If they don't, something suitably horrible happens before they get a chance to try again.
The Solution (and I hope I did this tag right) ** spoiler omitted **
I like that puzzle a lot :) Unless the PCs happen to carry a clay 1 gal. jug, waterskin, whatever... with them it's good puzzle! :D Yeah, but to simplify and streamline gameplay, my charachters, who always have a cleric among their rank, just say "we have create water, so don't need to worry about that" which I am okay with. Of course yo could make it more of a railroad and enchant the water that it only stays in those buckets, or something like that, but yeah, I loike how you think outside the box :)
The players enter a room with a water trough, a pedastal with a large hollow in it, a 3 gallon bucket and a 5 gallon bucket. In order to open the next doorway, the players have to fill the pedastal with exactly 4 gallons of water on a single pour. If they don't, something suitably horrible happens before they get a chance to try again.
The Solution (and I hope I did this tag right)
I like that puzzle a lot :)
Ravingdork wrote: Actually, now that I think about it, the poison did 6d6 HP damage AND 1d6 Con drain, so yes, that was the case.
I take it then, that you are of the opinion that previously accumulated damage could NOT be transferred if a HP draining effect (such as Con loss) would kill him due to his already weakened state?
Yes, that is the way I would rule it, only if the current attack is actually doing HP damage could HP damage be transferred to the eidolon. Trying to argue that previous damage could be transferred sounds to me like "What if I cast a cure on someone earlier when they had full HP?" if that makes sense.
Ravingdork wrote: Even if you don't consider the HP loss to be damage, the summoner nevertheless had suffered damage to his HP total (from the breath weapon attack) that could be transferred over the eidolon in order to keep him alive (at the time of the Constitution loss). Does that sound about right? If there was other damage involved in the attack other than the hp loss from CON drain, then yes, that HP could be transferred. But if the only HP lost was from the CON drain, then no.
I would rule that no, that constitution drain is not transferable to your eidolon. From the final playtest rules:
"Effects that cause death but not damage are unaffected
by this ability. This ability does not affect spells like
baleful polymorph, f lesh to stone, or imprisonment, or other
spells that do not cause actual damage."
Since the HP loss was not actual damage, but loss of HP due to ability damage, I would rule that it cannot be transferred. The loss of HP was a secondary effect to the Actual damage, which was done to the ability score. That's how I would rule it. Some might argue that the rules don't preclude the Ability damage from being transferred instead to save you, but I don't see that as completely kosher with the apparent intent of the rule.
I agree with the above.
Also, If you play with 3.5 resources, PHBII has a feat that allows you to ready a counter charge, so that if an enemy charges, you charge him in response, called cometary collission.
OK, i am new to the message boards, sorry for kinda inserting this q in here, but what is SRD?

Some of the best advice I ever got as a DM is that the best way to make the game fun and interesting is byt rewarding players for the choices they make rather than always trying to thwart tem. For instance, if a caster can teleport 3/day, build a dungeon that requires him to do so, instead of trying to find ways to keep him from doing so to bypass your dungeon's elements.
I think that applies here. Your charachter has this build, so put him in situations where he has to use it, or even espand on it, in order to accomplish tasks. For instance, place enemies or an item across a large gorge protected by an antimagic field and a wind wall. Give your enemies the ability to teleport 3/day as a quickened action so that he has to chase them down. Have the rest of the party thrown in jail unjustifiably, and make him chase down the real criminal who is on horesback. Any way you can reward his decisions with situations where he has to use the abilities will keep his charachter intersteing and more fun.
John Robey wrote: I'll keep looking ... but gee, I sure wish some prominent and respected publisher would come along and build it. *cough, cough*
-The Gneech
Yeah, wouldn't it be great if Paizo put together a downloadable software package that could be updated with future books as they came out for a reasonable price? Us GM's would sure love it, especially if it had was to input homebrew stuff into it :) Oh wait, should I have not mentioned them by name? O.o
Haha, wow, I'm bad at reading >.<
TriOmegaZero wrote: Yes, it is a bonus to attack rolls, and when using Combat Maneuvers you add all bonuses to your attack rolls to the check. Where do you get that from? All I find in the RAW is that CMB is based on BAB+STR+SIZE... some feats and abilities as well, but not anything else.
Okay, first I love some of the ideas I've gotten for my campaign from this, but here are some of my favorites for what has happened to my charachters.
1) To keep a really dumb Barbarian in line when he tried to wander off from the party sometimes, he would randomly find a "really pretty birdie with red eyes" (i.e. a cockatrice) and try to pet it, and the party would always find him somewhere turned to stone.
2) Deck of many things got that same Barbarians imprisoned by Tiamat
3) One of the parts of a recent dungeon had Demons trying to seudve the party. Half of the Charachters failed their will saves, and the follower of a charachter (his wife in game) got impregnated by the Demon.
4) The party is being hunted by an Astral Stalker. As they were heading through a portal, it had hidden and readied an action, and grabbed the last guy heading through, snapped his neck, and threw his dead body through the portal as a warning to the rest of the group.
For the spells, yes, but the summoner can cast Summon Monster as a spell like ability 3+Cha modifier a day as a spell like ability, not from his daily allotment of spells. Would those feats affect this spell-like ability?
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I'm currently working on a summoner, and while looking at feats it seems like spell focus: conjuration and augment summoning should be shoe ins for the summor, but since the primary summoning ability of the summoner is a spell like ability, it doesn't seem like they would take effect, which seems kind of unfair since then a Conjurer would be a better summoner than a Summoner. Also, the summoning of the eidolon doesn't have an ability listed with it (ie. is it ex? su? or sp?) so would any feats taken affecting summoning affect the eidolon? Any thoughts?