EricVulgaris |

Update Time!
My buddy has been kind enough to also post the VODs of the game on Youtube so far.
Bullywug's Gambit ended pretty abruptly. I figured the time spent out at night for their newly risen as a Paladin meant that the tide sorta ran its course. SO, I had Harliss track them into the jungles bloodsoaked and PISSED. It's then they found out about her first mate and the threat to Lavinia's life so they rushed back!
I abbreviated the whole manor crawl as they've been to the place many a time and know the secret ways around (hell a PC recently stealthed into the manor anyways so I let it ride they knew how to do it with another proper stealth). They saved Lavinia, but ultimately from everyone's ordeals, their relationship with their employer has never been lower.
Now as DM here, I was sorta sweating bullets because now I'm gonna have to come up with some faction system & hooks to some other adventures in the city as I figure out how we get into Sea Wyverns Wake given how things are going with Lavinia.
We had some downtime, found out more about this pearl, but most importantly confronted Rowyn at their own celebration during the Dawn Council! Rowyn can dodge zone of truth with the best of them answering questions as best she could, but her real ace in the hole was her new husband, the scion of the Islarn family! He protected her through most of the delgations saying how she was working undercover helping to bring Vanthus to justice because Vanthus slew her husband's father. (That part was True).
Anyways I was prepping to run The Stink, The Styes, the Stye's sequel (the weaver?) and even that eberron adventure with the investigator that I'm failing to remember. I was foreshadowing all those sorts of stuffs for the party but NOPE! We're going to on our boat, now named The Black Storm.
Next post I'll explain a little bit of my process for The Sea Wyvern's Wake, because the Party has split up from Lavinia and going freebooter in the waters between here and the Isle of Dread. They're still ABSOLUTELY interested in finding out more about the Pearl and how to stop them and at least Bajko is on a family vendetta to slay Vanthus, so the idea here is to have an open sea sandbox that culminates in the Isle of Dread.
I've been drawing from Stormwrack, Stars Without Number, Strongholds and Followers, and The Ultraviolet Grasslands for ideas on how to upgrade the ship, engage in speculative commodities trading, piracy, both, and more!