Adventuring Wizard

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Organized Play Member. 908 posts (969 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.

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This is an excellent adventure with memorable foes and NPCs. A crazed beekeeper, drunk treant, possessed druid, and a creepy evil fey queen are some of the highlights.

The players get the opporunity to be truly heroic by saving good guys in distress or sometimes deal with dangerous situations without bloodshed. In almost every case, the adventure rewards the path of good and that's refreshing in an era where the players choices tend to be grey and greyer.

If you're looking for an adventure with a great storyline in a family friendly package, then this is it!

Print Edition Unavailable

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Excellent Guide to Taldor


This smallish supplement is an excellent guide to Taldor. The descriptions of the country are vivid and bring to life the images of an old and once glorious empire whose time has passed. I especially liked the old canal system and the mercenary pirates out to get the Qadiran ships.

This is a excellent resource for players who want ideas on character background or for DMs for adventure ideas.

Print Edition Out of print

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Perfect Campaign Setting Book


This book describes the major races, cultures, and countries of the world of Golarion (where the Pathfinder Adventure Paths and Modules take place) and does an excellent job of painting a picture of what the world is like. I especially liked the write ups of the various human races and the exotic weapons.

Also included is a very nice poster map of the world detailed in the campaign book (the Inner Sea Region).


A good solid Conan-esqe story and campaign adventure. However, the complete lack of maps makes the product difficult to use and frankly is unprofessional and unexcuseable - even early 1st edition adventures from 30 years ago had maps!

Our Price: $59.99

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Castle Whiterock: Grade A


I've purchased two other Dungeon Crawl Classics and each time was happy with the products, but not overly impressed. Castle Whiterock impressed me.

The first thing I noticed about Castle Whiterock is the box is heavy! Once I opened the box and looked through the material I was pleasantly surprised at the historical detail and ties to so many possible adventure hooks and story lines - both involved in the main dungeon adventure and outside of it. This isn't just a big adventure, it's a complete campaign just as described in the product write up. Even the gazetteer is amazing with some great write ups of the major NPCs of the small Kingdom of Morrain.

The dungeon itself is a good solid crawl, but the best part of this product is the support material which allows you to take your characters off the dungeon path for city or wilderness adventure side treks to give them a change of pace once in awhile.