Ereus's page

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James Jacobs wrote:
Ereus wrote:

Two questions,

How does the absorbed into the afterlife plane thing like?
Are you just unconscious for the rest of forever or are you in a heaven like state where your with your family and such?

And is there any canonical limits to what magic can do? Could one make a spell where one grows bat wings gains the strength 10 men and pretty much becomes a stereotypical demon?

There seems to be words missing from your first question... but what happens to your soul in the afterlife varies WIDELY depending on your alignment and faith and where you end up. The last volume of Mummy's Mask has an entire article that talks about this subject.

There are canonical limits to what mortal magic can do, as stipulated by the spells that exist in the game. When a deity or other more-powerful-than-a-PC creature gets involved, there's no limit other than the imagination and desire of the world builder.

A spell where you grow bat wings and get strong and all that already exists in the form of various polymorph spells.

Sorry, What i meant was you said people get absorbed into the plane of existence they end up in after a VERY long time as a outsider. I was asking what the consciousness experiences post absorption?

Two questions,
How does the absorbed into the afterlife plane thing like?
Are you just unconscious for the rest of forever or are you in a heaven like state where your with your family and such?

And is there any canonical limits to what magic can do? Could one make a spell where one grows bat wings gains the strength 10 men and pretty much becomes a stereotypical demon?

Theoretically could a deimogod like being kill another immortal being like a great old one? like say Bokrug kill Cthulu?

How often does Pazuzu leave the abyss?

James Jacobs wrote:
Ereus wrote:
Also what happens to souls again in the various afterlives do they just stay there forever or what? Because if they don't get a choice of whether they want to be absorbed into the plane or not kinda sucks.

Souls either become outsiders and live very long lives on the outer planes, and when they die they "decay" into that plane's quintessence... or they bypass that life bit and just add to the plane's quintessence.

They DO get a choice as to what happens to them, though... but that choice is something they make via all of their decisions and actions in life as a mortal.

So what happens to the consciousness of the soul when it becomes one with the planes quintessence? and could one give the soul form again with a wish spell or through some divine power?

Also what happens to souls again in the various afterlives do they just stay there forever or what? Because if they don't get a choice of whether they want to be absorbed into the plane or not kinda sucks.

Just had a thought, Since Earth exists, does that mean HP lovecraft the author was genuinely inspired by the great old ones in Pathfinder? and i don't have the monster manual on me but does Hastur get summoned by saying his name in Pathfinder?

2 Questions, how does talk to animals work? as Talking to animals implies sentience, or does it translate in a way that makes the concepts primitive and understandable to non sentient animals,
Also Could one kill a great old one permanently by destroying the place they respawn at in the case of bokrug?

James Jacobs wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Ereus wrote:
If Golarion somehow got connected to our Earth by some forth wall breaking magic, Would everything related to the Great old ones and Outer gods become hazardous like all the Cthulu toys and such?
Only if that's the story your GM wants to tell.
If you, personally, knew that you could GM a real-world game that caused the dimensional boundaries between our world and the fictional world that you helped create to break forever simply because you told a story where they broke, would you and why?
I would, because this world has some problems that magic could fix. Of course, those fixes might cause new problems... but then we'll just do more magic! :P

I feel like Pazuzu would quickly get annoyed with the new people constantly saying his name.

If Golarion somehow got connected to our Earth by some forth wall breaking magic, Would everything related to the Great old ones and Outer gods become hazardous like all the Cthulu toys and such?