Entola2's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 16 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

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Forgive me for asking, but is this still a thing that Paizo is actively working on? They only reason I ask is that Virtual Table Tops from small startups have been announced and have come out since Paizo announced their VTT. If it is a current project what is time table for release? 2014? 2015?

Please do not take this as a negative post, tone is hard to convey in text. This is a legitimate question from a GM who is very excited to move my game off my current VTT and onto Paizo Game Space.

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I would be interested in playing. I have experience running a D20Pro game for over a year now.

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When a rogue gets sneak attack and is using two weapons, does the sneak attack apply to both the primary and the secondary attacks or just the primary?