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So from what I can gather, officially any and all undead are always 100% evil all the time.

So what would happen if a Lich put a Helmet of Opposite Alignment on? Would that mean we have a good undead by the official rules?

I'm curious because from what I've read, Paizo seemed really buckling down on making sure Undead are always Evil.

mplindustries wrote:
JulesLetters wrote:
I'm worried that the nova option here is too easy to lean on. I made a 15th level character, and I see that with Composite Specialization, and Ice Blast, the damage is at 8d6+16+8d6+8 for what I've built. I can do this every turn for one burn. I have 213 HP, so I can take 14 burn before being knocked unconscious at 15. I can do this for four battles of three rounds apiece, and still have some HP to spare for getting hit . With Gather Elements, I can do this attack at 120 feet, which seems like relative safety. At level 15 I suspect this is not total safety, but to be fair, I haven't had a chance to play this in practice. Hopefully someone else sees what I'm getting at, though. The 'go nova' option burns you out (no pun intended), but is a significant DPS source at high level once the burn cost is lowered.

You can actually just use that move action to ignore the 1 point of Burn at 15th+.

Oh, and unless you have 32 Con, you can't take 14 Burn--your cap is 3+Con mod.

And for reference, 16d6+24 averages 80 damage. Pretty good. A regular fighter with a similar Strength score (apparently +8? must have forgotten Feel the Burn), Power Attack, and a +5 Greatsword swings 3 times for 2d6+32 (39 average--potentially up to 117 for all three hits). That's with a single feat and weapon's worth of investment and at zero cost. So, uh, the nova capability is kind of weak at the moment. The good news is that Mark knows this and will be raising damage!

Plus by the time you hit level 15, damage tends to be the least of your worries once monsters/PCs start being able to throw Save or Die/Lose/Suck spells every combat.

My opinion on what defensive abilities for each element should look like(as I mentioned last time I posted, haven't actually playtested this class yet, going by feel here).




Fire: DEFENSE IS FOR SCRUBS, IM A GLASS CANNON BUT MY BURNING FURY WILL DESTROY YOU BEFORE YOU CAN DESTROY ME, some joke about being different because it's a chemical reaction and not an element

Aether: SOMETHING...Aethery. I'll admit I've never been clear on what Aether is, so I'll leave it at that.

So I'll admit I haven't looked at the class itself too much, so I won't comment on it(beyond that taking CON damage to use my class features doesn't really sit right with me mechanic-wise).

However, I've seen the word balance being thrown a lot here, so I just want to say this to the guy designing the class.

Being worried about the class being overpowered is a reasonable thing to be worried what I'd like to say, but this is Pathfinder. The Wizard, Arcanist, and other 9th level spellcasters exist. Honestly, the Kineticist being overpowered is the absolute last thing you should be worried about as long as they don't have access to 9th level spells.

Now that you mention it, I did think the mention of non-animal forms seemed odd if I could only turn into Small/Medium animals anyways.

Alright then, thanks.


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First, the relevant quote from the ability.

"At 5th level, a totemic skald gains the ability to wild shape into the form of a Small or Medium version of his totem animal, as the druid class feature. His effective druid level for this ability is equal to his skald level – 1. He can use this ability twice per day at 11th level, and three times per day at 17th level. This doesn't allow the skald to assume other forms, such as elementals, plants, or other kinds of animals."

I'm having trouble telling from the way it's worded, is the Totemic Skald only able to Wild Shape into Small/Medium animals with his Wild Shape forever, or does scaling "as the Druid class feature" mean it increases up to Tiny/Large and onwards at the appropriate level a Druid of his level(minus 1) would?

I need to know, is there any weapon properties, magic or otherwise, I can put on my weapon that would increase my Caster Level for a class? (Bard in this case).

If not, is there a workaround I can do for it? I'm getting a custom homebrewed weapon soon and boosting my Bard CL is part of it's property.

By the rules, it looks like Vital Strike on a charge is a no go.

That said, if I was DMing, I'd personally allow it, an account of it not being that big of an issue.

Concerning this power, would one fused creature be able to use Fusion with another fused creature?

For example, if an 2 Egoists used Fusion with another creature, would each Composite Egoist then be able to Fuse with each other?

While I don't mind the hybrid class ideas(even if the Brawler screams a little too "Who needs Monks ever!?" to me), one type of class I would really kill for is a copycat caster, similar to the Blue Mage from Final Fantasy, albeit tweaked a bit to fit Pathfinder.

Dang. Alright, thanks.

Ah, that makes sense. Are Paladins able to use those scrolls fine as well since they're divine?

1. I have a scroll of Summon Monster 2/Divine. I'm aware of what Summon Monster 2 does, but what's with the Divine part of it?

2. If I am correct in reading, only magic weapons with the Returning property come back after throwing it?

Morgen wrote:
Yes, someone using illusion spells knows that they don't produce real effects (unless they are very deluded) and would be able to see through the translucent outline.

Now that'd be a fun character concept. An Illusionist who's deluded into thinking he's a conjurationist and believes he's actually summoning creatures, when instead he's just creating illusions. Maybe not incredibly effective, but eh.

Ok, those help quite a bit. Thanks :)

(a lot of rambling here, feel free to skip to questions if you don't feel like reading it, questions start below +-+-+ line)

I will pre-note, I have not yet played any game of Pathfinder, and what I do know is from hearsay and some browsing of the Pathfinder SRD. I started with D&D 4e about 3 years ago, and 4e is currently my only TTRPG experience, and I'm starting to look into related games and heard a lot about this one. After browsing the SRD, the Summoner is admittedly the first class that really jumped out at me as a "Holy censored, I HAVE to play this class!", partially from my love of summoning classes and from being really intrigued by the Eidolon mechanics, the evolution stuff in general.


I did do some reading on the SRD, however, there are a number of things I don't quite get. Some might be better suited for Rules Questions, though I'd prefer to have to check as few topics as possible.

1. On the Merge Forms power, it says "All effects and spells currently targeting the summoner are suspended until the summoner emerges from the eidolon (although durations continue to expire)." This means for anything that lasts...say 3 rounds, if I stayed merged with the Eidolon for 3 rounds, the status has zero effect and still wears off three rounds later?

2. On the Twin Eidolon feature, when I assume my Eidolon's STR, DEX, and more importantly CON stats, do my maximum hit points go up to adjust to my new CON score? This question also applies to when thr Synthesist "summons" his own Eidolon "armor" and the Synthesist gets it's CON.
2a. Also, on the Synthesist archetype, I noticed Twin Eidolon doesn't get replaced. I assume this means it's unchanged from the base class?

3. My main draw to the Summoner was the Synthesist archetype. However, I noticed it's banned from organized play according to the SRD. I'm curious on the reason behind this.

4. When I use Evolution Surge spells to add evolutions to my Eidolon, can I use multiple ES spells to add multiple evolutions, or do they not stack?
4a. Are points the Eidolon gains in this manner available to "borrow" with the Aspect and Greater Aspect features?

5. While not a good idea, am I allowed to leave Evolution points unspent to take with the Aspect feature?

6. I noticed the Eidolon gets the multi-attack feat for free when he reaches 3 Natural Attacks. The claw is listed as having "+x/+x" on it's attack bonus. Does this mean it counts for 2 natural attacks for the purpose of the free multi-attack feat, or just one?

7. And finally, on the subject of Natural Attacks, I read on the Summoner Class guide that Primary attacks should always be taken over Secondary attacks unless I'm making a weapon-using Eidolon. Why is that?

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I appreciate any answers given. I apologize if some seem obvious or are on the SRD, but as I said, I have zero non-D&D4e experience and only did some SRD reading.

I've always personally had the opinion there should be a baseline class, called either Paladin or Champion that by default, doesn't have any alignment requirements, and has alignment-generic abilities(Smite Enemy, Detect Threat, etc), then have alignment-restricted archetypes that replace them with more alignment-focused powers(Smite Enemy is replaced with Smite/Detect Evil for Good Paladins Smite/Detect Good for Evil Paladins, and..idk, Detect Coconuts and Smite Fish for Chaotic Stupid Paladins I guess).

But then again, I've never been a fan of alignment restrictions by default, so take my opinion on the matter with a grain of salt.