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Goblin Squad Member. 61 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Account reserved to money received.

Goblin Squad Member

Reward Quantity
New Player Pack 1
Destinys Twin 0
Daily Deals 1
Alliance Pack 1
Early Enrollment 1
Soundtrack Download 1
1 Month game time 0
Head Start 1
Shield Mate 1
Behind the Scenes PDF 1
Character Name Reservation 1

Your characters are earning XP.
You can log in and play.
You have no remaining monthly credits.
Your current subscription period runs until 2015/05/01.

I'd like to sell this account for 475$.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Account 1 reserved to money received.

And if the i don't get payment: I'll sell the unused DT account (Account 1) for 225$.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll sell the unused DT account (Account 1) for 250$.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll sell the unused DT account (Account 1) for 275$.

Goblin Squad Member

Unfortunately the deal didn't go through. So i'll use a other kind of 'auction':

I'll sell the unused DT account (Account 1) for 300$.

Everyday the account is not sold, i'll lower the price.

Goblin Squad Member

Account 1 reserved to money received

Goblin Squad Member

~20h to go, last bid (i post here) will extend the timeframe 20 min.

Goblin Squad Member

Current bids (highest until 19th of April):
Account 1 (unplayed): 225 $
Account 2 : sold (400 $)

Goblin Squad Member

Current bids (highest until 19th of April):
Account 1 (unplayed): 225 $
Account 2 : 300 $

Goblin Squad Member

Current bids (highest until 19th of April):
Account 1 (unplayed): 225 $
Account 2 : 250 $

Goblin Squad Member

Current bids (highest until 19th of April):
Account 1 (unplayed): 225 $
Account 2 : 225 $

Goblin Squad Member

Current bids (highest until 19th of April):
Account 1 (unplayed): 120 $
Account 2 : 200 $

Goblin Squad Member

As far as i know, its better to keep charakter names a secret, not every account buyer wants to be identified as an account buyer.
But the names aren't silly or overused.

Goblin Squad Member

Current bids (highest until 19th of April):
Account 1 (unplayed): 100 $
Account 2 : 150 $

and these are the prices, i will sell immediately:
Account 1: 400 $
Account 2: 400 $

Update: Account 2: 200 $ (13 min ago)

Goblin Squad Member

I was asked to sell these accounts:

1st (unplayed):

Reward Quantity
New Player Pack 1
Destinys Twin 1
Daily Deals 1
Alliance Pack 1
Early Enrollment 1
Soundtrack Download 1
1 Month game time 4
Head Start 1
Shield Mate 1
Behind the Scenes PDF 1
Character Name Reservation 1

Your account is currently inactive with 4 monthly credits remaining.

Reward Quantity
New Player Pack 0
Destinys Twin 0
Daily Deals 1
Alliance Pack 1
Early Enrollment 1
Soundtrack Download 1
Guild Early Enrollment 1
1 Month game time 0
Head Start 1
Shield Mate 1
Behind the Scenes PDF 1
Character Name Reservation 1

Your current subscription period runs until 2015/04/30.

Char 1:
Passiv Feats

Bow Weapon Proficiency (Level 1)
Clothing Armor Proficiency (Level 1)
Elven Racial Benefit (Level 1)
Elven Weapon Proficiency (Level 1)
Light Armor Proficiency (Level 1)
Simple Weapon Proficiency (Level 1)

Activ Feats

Basic Shortbow Exploit (Level 1)
Basic Shortbow Strike (Level 1)

XP: >249.000
Reputation: 5281

Char 2:

Passiv Feats

Power (Level 4)
Crusader (Level 2)
Hit Points (Level 2)
Base Attack Bonus (Level 1)
Clothing Armor Proficiency (Level 1)
Divine Attack Bonus (Level 1)
Dwarven Racial Benefit (Level 1)
Dwarfen Weapon Proficiency (Level 1)
Fortitude Bonus (Level 1)
Glory Domain (Level 1)
Heavy Armor Proficiency (Level 1)
Light Armor Proficiency (Level 1)
Simple Weapon Proficiency (Level 1)
Toughness (Level 1)
Willpower Bonus (Level 1)

Activ Feats

Holy Lance (Level 1)
Lighning Arc (Level 1)
Minor Cure (Level 1)
Minor Cure (Charging) (Level 1)

XP: >247.000
Reputation: 5361

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

1 hour to go.

Goblin Squad Member

Bid (800$) recieved (1 minute ago).

Goblin Squad Member

Bid (750$) recieved (8 minutes ago).

Goblin Squad Member

If there is no new bid in the next 12-13 hours, i'll sell to the highest bidder. I'll make a posting, when its only one hour to go.
I don't want to sit with a stopwatch in front of my PC, so if there is a bid short before the end, i'll add 10 minutes to the time, to give the other bidders a chance to respond.

Goblin Squad Member

bid (650$) recieved (0 hours, 2 minutes ago).

Goblin Squad Member

bid (600$) recieved (1 hours, 37 minutes ago).

Goblin Squad Member

first bid (500$) recieved (7 hours, 11 minutes ago).

Goblin Squad Member

I think thats more than a fair price... starting at 500$. (and if only 1 person is bidding, i'll sell for 500$). 2000$ is a buy it now option.

Not only three months of XP, but XP from day 1. How many Alpha/Platinum accounts are active since the first month (<100?). And how many of those have two unskilled Charakters with most possible available xp? So even, if nobody would buy it now, i could wait and sell it in months without decreasing its value.

Goblin Squad Member

EE Account sold.

Goblin Squad Member

EE Account reserved to money received

Goblin Squad Member

Sorry for not answering every pn, and not posting a price until now. Please understand that i want to get the most out of it, so i think these are fair:

Bid options min (highest until 2nd of April)
EE Account: 35$
Alpha Account: 500$

These are the price i payed:
EE Account: 75$ (or was it 70$?)
Alpha Account: 1000$

and these are the price, i will sell immediately:
EE Account: 150$
Alpha Account: 2000$

Goblin Squad Member

Charakters of both accounts are created in the first month of EE and no XP spend since then.

EE Account:
1 Char unused XP

Your characters are earning XP.
You can log in and play.
You have no remaining monthly credits. Either purchase credits through the store or set a rebill option below.

Your current subscription period runs until 2015/04/03. If you would like to suspend your subscription after this day, click Suspend.

2/2 Buddy Trail Invites

Alpha Account:
2 Chars unused XP (DT)

Your characters are earning XP.
You can log in and play.
Your account is being comped by Goblinworks and you will not be charged a subscription until this ends.

2/2 Buddy Trail Invites
20/20 Test Server Invites

Both Accounts (all 3 Chars) have never been played (only traveled ~30 min to reach a Settlement), no items are sold/destroyed/lost. So they are like just created, but with the highest possible unused XP.

Goblin Squad Member

Kreuz Bernstein will be a Crafting town.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lee Hammock wrote:
Class settlements also come with crafting training and facilities necessary for your classes, but not everything you will want to have. Crafting settlements on the other hand have all crafting trainers and facilities plus an auction house, but no class training. You can go train at other settlements for skills or feats yours does not teach, but if you train a higher level feat or skill than your settlement supports (based on the number of towers you control), you will not have access to that feat or skill. So crafters can go train class skills at friendly settlements, but have to keep their own settlement upgraded through claiming towers to use the skills they learn.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. —Harry S. Truman

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Eastern Sun (15) + Quadrivium (15) = Kreuz Bernstein

Goblin Squad Member

Join Kreuz Bernstein! We are the IKEA of Golarion, our chairs have names!

Goblin Squad Member

Give ranged attacks castet while running a chance of x% to knock you down for y sec... you may stumble if you don't look where are you running :-)

Goblin Squad Member

An alle Deutschsprachigen: hier seid ihr richtig, wenn ihr einen deutschsprachigen Gildenchat wollt: beitreten

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Join Kreuz Bernstein this week and we will name one of our trees after you!

Goblin Squad Member

But why? We didn't change our location nor moved in the top 10.

Goblin Squad Member

look at the numbers,

Last week:
15 Eastern Sun 28 42 H

This week:
14 Kreuz Bernstein 30 39.9 H

1 place up, two votes up, hdb down by 2.1
I tought as long as you are not in the top 10, you are getting each week an addition to your actually hdb. Or i'm wrong with that?

Goblin Squad Member

I wonder why our HDB is lesser than last week. (talking about Kreuz Bernstein / Eastern Sun)

Goblin Squad Member

Don't wait until you're able to download the client. Start your game now join Kreuz Bernstein and get involved in the metagame today!

Goblin Squad Member

Maybe we should leave the Empire, and join again!

Goblin Squad Member

We are very happy to have our nearest neighbors in the Empire of Xeilias!
Welcome, and get Wood for Stones! ;)

Goblin Squad Member

And dont forget the arrows!

Goblin Squad Member

That was a good one!

Goblin Squad Member

A second Bernstein... i think we need to talk about a franchise fee... 25%? :-)

Goblin Squad Member

But we need stone! :)

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Settlement Name: Kreuz Bernstein
Kingdom Name: The Empire of Xeilias
Settlement Alignment: LN

Lee Hammock said it best, "Do you want to be Kings of a Pile of Dirt or Knights in of a Really Cool Castle?" The urging of Goblinworks for the smaller groups of players to wake up and work together has not gone unheard!

The Leaders of Bernstein and Quadrivium have decided to join forces and direct toward a common goal. They will share the same land, the same vision and the same destiny. In order to reinforce this decision, their common settlement will be known from now on as "Kreuz Bernstein“.

The alignment of Kreuz Bernstein will be Lawful Neutral. Golarion's finest woodworks will be produced in this settlement around the clock due the different time zones of those involved. The wares produced in Kreuz Bernstein will enrich the markets of Callambea, and Golgotha will never run out of arrows. From today until eternity, Kreuz Bernstein is now a part of the Empire of Xeilias.

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