
Emily Martin's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Vic Wertz wrote:

We'll reship it.

We are shipping them—they're getting lost between our printer and your mailbox.

If you choose to renew, perhaps you could try a different address for delivery—work, a friend...


Thanks for the reship. I just don't understand how three out of twelve issues could disappear and how the rest take at least 15 business days to arrive in the continental US. Is there anything you could do to raise the quality of shipping? I'd be interested in paying more issue if I could guarantee that they'd arrive in a timely fashion each month.

Help! I am missing issue 134. This is the third missing issue in a 12 month subscription. Plus, I just got the renewal letter, which includes the line, "Two weeks ago you recieved your last issue..." except, I didn't recieve it. Ever.

Help! You guys are now batting .750 on shipping to me. In the continental United States. I love the magazine, but is it worth this headache?

Help! I am missing issue 134. This is the third missing issue in a 12 month subscription. Plus, I just got the renewal letter, which includes the line, "Two weeks ago you recieved your last issue..." except, I didn't recieve it. Ever.

Help! You guys are now batting .750 on shipping to me. In the continental United States.

Please Paizo. No randomized cards! This is damned useful and I love the idea, but randomized cards would immediately put a kibosh on me buying anything beyond the core pack.

Just heard from Cosmo! Thanks for the help!

I've yet to recieve Dungeon 131. I sent an email to subscriptions and got no response. I called, but I haven't heard anything as of yet. Can anyone help me? I dig the magazine, but the mailing black hole is killing my joy-buzz.