
Emilia the Devout's page

42 posts. Alias of Icyshadow.


I wonder when Icy will find a campaign where I can make a comeback...

Why did I have to be reminded of how I lost my home and family?!

The next poster shall recall the most pleasant experience they have had.

What? Wait, why are you suddenly behind me?

Are the other people in your group busy?

They haven't been responding to questions as diligently as you have.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope Mikaze shows up soon...

Praise the sun! ...wait, isn't this the thread dedicated to Sarenrae?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Praise the sun!

James Jacobs wrote:
Chrysanthe Spiros wrote:
So, here's a question. What are the best ways to avoid the harmful effects of a succubus' Energy Drain?

1) Being enough of a friend that she chooses NOT to drain your life.

2) Death ward.

3) Being immune to energy drain (such as by virtue of being undead).

4) Being fast so that you can get away and get some restorations before you die.

Wait. How DOES one befriend a succubus?

That was the plan, but they cancelled the trip because the stars weren't right yet.

The next poster seems to be staring at me for some reason...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Time to complete this list! I'm only giving four to each, but feel free to add fitting ones that I missed.

Humanity in Golarion

(Some cultures are missing from this list)

Chelaxian: Damerrich, Eritrice, Halcamora, Ragathiel

Garundi: Bharnarol, Chucaro, Seramaydiel, Sinashakti

Keleshite: Eritrice, Lalaci, Olheon, Seramaydiel

Kellid: Pulura, Rowdrosh, Tolc, Valani

Mwangi: Immonhiel, Jalaijatali, Picoperi, Ylimancha

Shoanti: Black Butterfly, Jaidz, Pulura, Valani

Taldan: Arqueros, Falayna, Halcamora, Zohls

Tian: Arshea, Chucaro, Ghenshau, Korada

Ulfen: Andoletta, Falayna, Tolc, Ylimancha

Varisian: Ashava, Black Butterfly, Irez, Soralyon

Vudrani: Chadali, Korada, Soralyon, Winlas

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Back, fiend! You do not belong in this world!!

...naked boobs? >///>

Granted. Someone else deleted it for you.

I wish I was an elf!

Feels like home here...

The next poster just went to the land to the north.

MythrilDragon wrote:



Oh no!! *Casts Ressurection*

Speaker of the Blouse wrote:
*Flashes boobs*

Oh my, how indecent!!

What do you think about Kyonin?

And what of the great goddess Sarenrae?

I'm quite sure Kyra has told you much about her...

Granted! It will be left somewhere else tomorrow.

I wish for more attention.

I'd have to say that the Cleric is the best class.

Also, would someone care to help me with that Tiefling?

Behold the power of the Dawnflower!!

The next poster is powered by darkness.

I fight for what's right, but I won't call myself a heroine until I've earned the right for such a title.

I believe that's enough fighting for today, you two...

My mind is being overwhelmed with RP posts right now.

What is that? *Staring at the apathetic elemental*

The next poster could explain that this being is...

*Sense Motive after looking at Candlejack*

...I think not.

*Hands Candlejack his own card back*

What kind of miracle? *She runs off to investigate, her curiosity being something of a weakness*

I feel like I've been forgotten by my creator.

*Gives an angry glance at Icyshadow for some reason*

I knew I should have brought a stake with me...

*Actually Channels Positive Energy now*

Back away, fiend!

Victory goes to Sarenrae!!

*Starts to Channel Positive Energy*

It's true!

And those who deem themselves Evil shall be redeemed when possible.

The next poster thinks he is evil, but he can still be shown to the light here.

Frowning bald person. that a talking chicken?

Wait, I don't think we've ever even met!!

The next poster will help me build a sundial.

Where am I?

What's going on in here?

But I didn't even know how to play...

...the next poster will go on an adventure!

I am willing to try and discuss things on your behalf, little green guy. Just keep the torch down and those odd dog things away from me, and we should be able to come to an agreement of some sort...

What is this world coming to? I just saw a warrior claiming to be a Paladin of Lamashtu earlier, and then a Gnome preaching about the Rough Beast.

Either way, what should I do with a friend of mine? His heart is in the right place, but he always seems reluctant about actually going on adventures and bringing the light of the Dawnflower to those in need of it. He's an elven ranger, so I am a bit confused about his insistence on staying in the local taverns...

Why am I suddenly scared of asking questions now that a fellow cleric is here?

Now I wish I had a more fitting avatar for this character. Thankfully I could write how she looks like in the profile.

Not sure why, but a gut feeling tells me you should invest more in Con and less on the Int. Then again, that just might be me.

Off-topic/In-character: Why not instead join the church of the Dawnflower? You could still travel and bring good to others...

Mike Schneider wrote:

Careful with the cleaver, lady; Sir Buckethead Champion of the Weefolk and I were just tusslin' a bit, and....

<appraises approaching package more carefully>
<Barry White voice-mode ON>

Hey, doll; let's you and I head off some place more discreet. <wink> ...I have a wand of Reduce Person that's just your size!

*The half-elf cleric suddenly blushed, though it's not clear exactly why* "Wh-what? This isn't the time nor the place for things like that!

And what are you going to do about that knight you just attacked?"

*Noticing the Halfling attacking the Hellknight, the half-elf rushes to heal the armored man, her scimitar ready at hand in case the Halfling decides to jump at her instead* "Stop fighting!! Neither of you wants something like this at the streets!!"

I've been in Cheliax for only a while, and I still fail to grasp the reasonings behind the legal slavery around here...