
Elysia Skyfrond's page

144 posts. Organized Play character for mousestalker.


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Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Thank you for running this! It was a lot of fun and I thoroughly enjoyed everyone's contributions.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

I just realized I have all my spells back! D'oh!

"Grease is the word"

Casting Grease on a four square with the henna soaked slattern and her scab blonde companion at the bottom of the square.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia, seeing the blonde throwing acid about, is enraged.

"Look here scab, acid hurling is my gig and you're breaking union rules! Throw something else!"

She then throws an acid splash at the non-union labour (a/k/a blonde).

1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 + 1 = 13 for 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 damage.

Elysia is bluffing. She does not belong to a union. She also has no bluff skill.

Poe flutters off, above to safety and a better vantage point. She never sticks around when the people start doing acid.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Spellcraft 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"Wha-?" Elysia exchanges positions with Trig, still unclear as to why that would be important.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"Poe, is it just me, or did that fog come from out of nowhere? I knew I should have worn a sweater. And this damp will do nothing for my hair nor for your feathers."

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

As soon as she exits the warehouse, Elysia sends her familiar for a quick flutter around the area.

Poe's perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia helps howsomever she can as long as it does not involve anything remotely resembling an acrobatics or dexterity check.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"My familiar could flutter to the crate well enough, but she hasn't learned her knots yet."

Quoth the raven,

"You mean you haven't taught me knots yet!" reprovingly

"That's what I said, dear"

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3
GM Alice wrote:
It'll be an Acrobatics check to jump up there - probably DC 10? I think that's what the old 'hop up' DC used to be.

Fixed the original post to reflect that

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia hops up on the box at L8 and then throws a blob of acid at rat red.

1d20 ⇒ 6 for 1d3 ⇒ 2 miss damage

Acrobatics for hopping up (unskilled) 1d20 ⇒ 4

So Elysia completely fails at everything.

That's it, I'm dying my hair black and getting severe black eyeshadow, the really streaky kind. I will miss dancing, but I can still lurk rhythmically.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia helps Trig with the gear. "Does anyone have any rope we could use? Or see any rope lying about?"

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"That's probably a good idea. The way it's placed suggests that it may be rigged to fall or even be trapped. It looks like bait."

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia sends Poe to scout the inside of the warehouse.

"Find out what you can. Be careful dear."

Perception, Elysia 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Perception, Poe 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia follows Trig, at a distance.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia has seen no one of interest. So she looks around, still sees no one and asks "Shall we press on? We need to get inside quickly, if peril is about."

We have had some rather funny posts, haven't we? It makes reading what everyone has said and done a treat. :)

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Elysia satres at Arithas in amazement. She also resolves never to date him. He would probably describe the furniture and architecture as we passed. I would be obliged to act interested.

"How interesting"

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"Huh, wha--- where?" Elysia says confusedly.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Perception -Zarta D. 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"That box is really magical. You may want to be careful with it."

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia stays to the back and casts 'Detect Magic'.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Eep! Just FYI...

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia looks at the woman in wonder. I wonder if she would help me out. I've never really been very good at the whole dressing up, dressing, down, dressing appropriately thing. And she's so well coordinated! Everything matches. And she smells nice. If ever there was anyone who could give me pointers, it's her.

"Excuse me, ma'am, when we're done, would you have time for a private talk, later?"

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

The nearest one, whichever that is

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 + 2 = 23 will save -2 if not an enchantment
spellcraft 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 2 = 28

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Waiting to see if Bendy succeeds

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Appraise 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia interjects with " The copper chest is magical, I just don't know what kind. The steel chest is also magical, but it belongs to no school I know." She seems apologetic at being able to provide so little information.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"At least there doesn't seem to be any violence or even yelling involved." she notes practically

Elysia sighs then begins casting Detect Magic.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3


Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Leaving might be the best plan. agrees Elysia.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Theme song?

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"May I ask a favour? If any of your cats ever have ginger kittens, especially female ginger kittens, please let me know? I could give her a good home..." Elysia says wistfully.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"None for me, thank you. I have no head for it." Elysia explains. There are really good reasons why few mages have Cayden Cailean as a patron she thinks, but keeps it to herself.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"What lovely cats!" Elysia says.

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Checking to see if they well cared for.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia gathers Poe close to her.

"Careful dear, there are cats about. They are not snacks."

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia listens attentively

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Yes. Elysia translates freely.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

ELysia keenly feels the peer pressure and attempts the feats of strength.

Door 1 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
Door 2 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0
Door 3 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (7) - 2 = 5

Satisfied she hasn't shirked any duties, she relaxes.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Very much interested in in Part 1!

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"I doubt I have the strength"

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia takes a five foot step to the side and holds action.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Starting Thursday, I will be at DragonCon. Posting will therefore be light to non-existent until late Monday/early Tuesday. Please feel free to bot me if needed.

And if anyone is going to be there, I would love to meet up.

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

"Let's be about this, then. Where to?"

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Spellcraft 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

My apologies, I forgot to to the squint thing.
Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Squinting 1d100 ⇒ 10

So the whole acid dart attack is a bust all the way around :)

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia hurls yet another acid dart.

1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 1 - 4 = 15 for 1d8 ⇒ 2 damage

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Does anyone have a cloak or blanket?

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Knowledge: Arcana 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Elysia five foot steps forward one square, spots the creature and recognizing it, tries to squint.

"It's a blindheim!"

1d100 ⇒ 12

1d20 ⇒ 19

Squinting like mad, she then begins summoning a viper
(Will be available next round and may last for two rounds).

Grand Lodge

female Elf
Wizard 1, PFS #68668-2, AC 11, Per +3, Init +3

Elysia follows the crowd.