
Elysia Skyfrond's page

144 posts. Organized Play character for mousestalker.

How do you handle when a game stops being fun? And does your answer change if it's face to face or play by post?

By stops being fun, I mean the cumulative actions of the DM or the other players make playing a total slog. Either they are complete number crunching combat gods and you want to roleplay or vice versa. Or the DM acts as though the players are the enemy (well, they are, but he's really overt about it).

Do you gut through to the end of the adventure, quit without saying anything, try to talk it through or something else entirely?

Specifically, I want to have a white trash type character. I have been inspired by this song specifically as well as by Larry Correia's depiction of elves.

But would a white trash pathfinder character be an elf? The halfling stereotype would fit as well, especially if you throw in Bored of the Rings. Humans or any sort of half breed could work.

What about class though? That's the stumper right there.

Anyone have any suggestions? I'd like to stay as close to Core as possible.

I just realized that with the exception of two books out of print and gaming books, I have not bought a paper book in over two years.

I'm not really fond of PDF's, they get clunky on my tablet, but ebooks in either epub or mobi work very well for me.

The point of this is that I wish Paizo would publish in a ebook format other than PDF and also to find out what formats other pathfinders prefer.

So how do y'all read?

We've started a new campaign and my character is an elven Inquisitor for Desna (it makes sense in the game setting). She's level one and she's an archer rather than melee. Her chosen domain is Luck.

What other classes should she multi class, if any, and when?

Any advice on offer would be greatly appreciated.