
Elton's page

Organized Play Member. 334 posts (3,618 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 2 wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.

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Short and Sweet


This Guide is short and sweet and allows those who have the Beginner's Box guidelines on creating characters for the Pathfinder's Society. Each part of the document goes through in detail on how you can create a character for the Pathfinder Society in detail, showing you each page you can go to for details on creating your character for the Pathfinder Society.

The guidelines are perfect for beginners. Such as points, and choosing traits. The guide is only 5 pages. I would give it five stars, but since I didn't have the Beginner's Box I found the guide somewhat confusing. But still I recommend this guide to anyone who has a copy of the Beginner's Box and want to graduate to the Pathfinder Society.