Queen Abrogail II

Elsbeth Scarnetti's page

7 posts. Alias of Lord Manticore.


After the handshaking, she asks Elen if it is safe to enter the inn.

"I must admit that I've had at least an academic interest in the science of magic, but I've never had the time to begin learning. My interests landed me elsewhere, including here." As she says this, a warm smile appears. Her skin is soft, well maintained, where you shook her hand. At the same time, however, you get the sense that under the soft skin is a harder woman.

Ruul: make a Perception check, DC 32.

Elsbeth takes a step and offers her hand to Elen. Her hand looks dainty, yet still calloused. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Elsbeth. I see your azata is very friendly towards you. Are you a wizard, perhaps?"

Elsbeth looks down at her assistant, and gives him a tsk tsk look. Looking back up at the furry one, she says, "You'll have to excuse David's manners. He used to be an actor, and he can get carried away sometimes." They start looking at each other in a yes-no look exchange. From the looks of it, David probably won.

"Perhaps in a few moments. I'll let David and the men take care of that. I understand that there is a meal involved with our rent. When will that be?"

"Yes, the terms are quite agreeable, but I will admit that I will be spending most of my evening hours in the field office," Elsbeth says, pointing towards the hardened wagon. "When will be able to take our rooms?"

Elsbeth steps up to the porch. Under the shadow of the inn, she pulls her goggles up to her forehead, revealing deep, blue eyes. Her face pulls into a grin before you can get lost in them. "Are those...gears in the sky, I wonder?"

Perception under 30:
There's nothing unusual about either one of these people. Your first impression is that they've never fought in their lives, but there's something underneath that...

You also notice that the gnome hasn't said a word. There is a grin on his face as he lets Elsbeth do all the talking.

After conferring with Julius for a couple of moments, the woman and the gnome begin walking over towards you; Julius remains behind, probably to oversee the setting up of the camp. As the two get closer, you can make out finer details. She is a little more than five and a half feet tall, and her clothes are practical: loose cotton shirt, heavy wool pants, with a winter overcoat over for warmth. The gnome is dressed like a Russian Cossack: all fur and heavy materials, almost totally for warmth. Neither one are wearing any obvious armor or weapons for that matter. The woman's goggles appear to be nothing more than show, keeping out at least some of the sun's rays.

Walking up to you on the porch, the woman extends her hand. "Good day, ladies, minotaur. My name is Elsbeth Scarnetti, and this is my assistant, David Warwick. We understand that you have rooms available for the night?"