Doh, I already need a pallet jack to move my D&D 3e, Pathfinder, and Rolemaster/MERP books... and now I feel the need to buy this. I hate the fact that I am an addict (since 1979). I should join a twelve step program like gamers anonymous. "hi my on line name is Elrond....hmmm"
But seriously, as a GM I will most likely get this and reform some of the clunkier 1st edition rules. I tend to home brew a lot. One thing I ported over already in my new campaign is the bard. I took some of the ideas from the play-test bard and smooched into the 1st edition rules. I will see how it goes but it makes the bard a bit more formidable at higher levels. My bard player likes the changes. I am leaving the other classes alone other than the DC for spells. I am taking that as well. It is easier/cleaner/faster. Oh and I like the expert/master/legend weapon bonus system. I will mix and match a bunch of other junk as well I am sure.