
Elnarak's page

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Dabbler wrote:
Elnarak wrote:

So in. order to benifit from crane, i would have to be FD the whole turn with -4 intll end of turn when iswitch to crane?


Actually, reread crane. Mojorat is correct in that you DO get the bonuses to hit defensivly even if not in the stance activly. You just dont get the AC bonus unless active

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So in. order to benifit from crane, i would have to be FD the whole turn with -4 intll end of turn when iswitch to crane?

When a monk is attacking in a style such as dragon style as part of a full attack action, can he use combat style master to swap to crane style at the end of his turn as a free action. Crane style says "While using this style and fighting defensively or using the total defense action", Can he swithch to crane at the end of combat, or does he have to spend an additional action to fight defensivly befor he can activate crane.