F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Sorry to see you go.
But I think that probably means that we should call it a day.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
If Pluchak doesn't speak Giant, then prob no one does. Although I'll try it in common and Ulfen.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Oh, the poor beastie. I suppose we'd better just burn it and get it over with."
Elinor seems to have genuine compassion for the monster.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Well if it doesn't come out, I'm going in after it...
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Come out come out wherever you are," Elinor calls in a sing-song voice, and proceeds into the darkness poking around, looking for trouble, as usual.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
'Concentrate Elinor, concentrate. Don't think about his beautiful brown eyes. Or his strong yet gentle fingers brushing your palm. Or...I said *don't* think about...'
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Sure we're not just following some of your old tracks Pluchak?"
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Elinor strips off her gauntlets, puts her fingers in her mouth and gives a shrill and piercing whistle.
"We're coming! Ready or not!"
She shrugs at any disapproving looks.
"What? It's not like they's not going to hear us anyway."
She picks up her shield again and strides deeper into the tunnel (and renews the light spell on her sword if necessary).
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Ha! Action."
Any sense of how long it's been there? Blood still wet, congealed or long dried?
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Oh Bryn. My brother has MS, it's managable for him after several years since diagnosis. He says "use the MS society website" for information - other sources are scarier and less informative. How old is your son?
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Yeah, take care Narnel. Now Ellie's plans of a four in a bed romp with Pluchak, Narnel and Abbas will have to go on indefinite hold :-(
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
If there's light and time, Elinor will likely demonstrate that this is indeed the case by reading out the funny bits e.g. where it says The folk of Haughin's Ear are renowned for their generosity and public spirit... (probably in a variety of silly voices). (Or, The Lady in the tower is definitely not evil.)
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Unless there's another entrance, it's back the way we came and take the third exit.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"This must be ancient history, they's well into decadance."
She'll pick it up for later study.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Elinor scans the books quickly in case there's a copy of The Evil Plan of the Wifey in the Tower or a bodice ripping romance then joins Pluchak to see if he's spotted anything in the darkness.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Elinor realises they're looking at her.
"Oh, that one," she says, pointing 'straight ahead'.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"I divvent naa, I think we're here now and either there's a purpose to it or we make one. What's the worst that could happen?"
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
No spoilers, I gather this series diverges from the books and I get them on DVD when they come out.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Climb? Dressed like this? You'd have to put me on a rope and lower me down like a sack of rusty potatoes. I'm not sure my dignity will stand it."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Elinor puts her hand on Abbas' shoulder and leaves it there until a random movement causes it to slide off.
Oh bugger. Now I have this image of Elinor's severed hand balanced on Abbas' shoulder. So I thought I'd share it with you all.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
I think the cover from the stakes and bodies probably cancels out the benefit of angle...
@Abbas - maybe it would help if we pushed him in.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Not with those rolls m'dear. Maybe the dice are telling us we shouldn't kill him?
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"No Taedric, we couldn't. I'm not giving anything, not even a creature like that, the illusion of hope only to betray it."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"If we pull it out, we have to let it go. We should kill it or leave it."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"You have a three sideded coin? That could come in handy!"
I'm going to be AFK for a week or so - I'll catch up when I get back :-)
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Hey, don't throw the scratched rock away, it looks lucky to me!"
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
"Left?" Says Elinor, pointing right.
Who's left? Me, Pluchak, Abbas, Taedric, Harlynne, Bryn? Still enough for a volleyball team. And very fighter heavy! Send in the mobs!
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
If only she were wrong. Me and my friends went to a mega-game a couple years ago and I'm afraid there was absolutely no way of missing who were the gamers from a hundred yards. (Although, our own group was positively slender in comparison).
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Call yourself a role player?!!
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Go on Abbas, do the "I'm a Teapot" song! (http://www.goblinscomic.org/04292015/)
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Other than once again, I've forgotten what we're doing here in the first place. Was there something about looking for points of power that were marked on a map?"
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"More glory for the rest of us and I can't say I'll miss the old misanthrope."
She strokes Tzurkhan.
"I will miss the brains of the outfit though."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Who is 'them'?
"I'm not sure whether you make more or less sense when you talk in common."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"What do you want with that grumpy old bastard?"
She pauses.
"Aidan, not the troll."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Not too far to walk, but it's not a safe journey. Is it your home?"
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Elinor grips Abbas' upper arm for a moment and then crouches in front of the prisoner a warm smile on her lips.
"I'm afraid you're not safe yet. But you will be."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Sigil wrote: Elinor is unable to help the man. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Yeah, right. I hurt things...
Heal: 1d20 ⇒ 3
"He's going to be just fine. Probably passed out before they did any real harm."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Elinor steps into the now open cageand takes her helmet off to see if she can wake the man with a firm but gentle shake.
(Better he sees a handsome blond than a half-orc half-dragon as the first thing when he opens his eyes).
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
I've always found that wiser is overrated and older is underrated.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Lassie, first, he's unconscious and can't hear you. Second, he's a prisoner and needs our help. Abbas, Pluchak, can you get this cage open?"
Mind, if he turns out to be a faux-jedi, you can beat him to your heart's content.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
bardic knowledge: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 (+another 5 if 'Kn:Local' is applicable).
Elinor is, of course, interested in the man and heads over towards him illuminating him with the light attached to her sword.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Elinor is probably poking around ahead already.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"I doubt it. It's magic of change and chance, not protection."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"I'm not so sure of that Bryn. Someone's enchanted it."
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
"Don't drink that my lovely; it'll probably turn you into a toad!"
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Happy Oestre to everyone from your resident non-denominational atheist!
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
Detect Magic, spell failure: 1d100 ⇒ 78 success.
F Human Fighter 2/Bard 2 (HP32/32 AC 27 Ft+4 Rf+4 Wl+3 Pcp +7)
YAY! Welcome back Sigil.
"Come out come out wherever you are!"
No doubt most of the group shake their heads in despair at Elinor's continuing refusal to take the potential for immediate death seriously.
"What are we doing here again?" she asks Aidan in what is obviously a blond moment.