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![]() Flooded chamber with Goldslip:
Sounds like an intimidate check! Tina, your inspiring example ability is the one that boosts others, as Cindy pointed out, and that one doesn't look like it boosts AC. The naiad looks at you quizzically, considering your strange answers, and shrugs as she swims. "Ok! My five year plan is to learn alchemy and become our people's alchemists. I just have to convince the gnomes to teach me, which will be tricky. Maybe if I bring them fish and show how fast I can learn..." She swims along a little further then stops. "We need to go down there into a cave." She points under the water. Alright, who has swim speeds, no need to breathe, etc? Even if you don't breathe, you need to swim to not get swept away or hold onto somebody with a much easier strength check than the swim would be. ![]()
![]() Making your decision: Sounds like a three votes, which is enough to get the ball rolling, to visit the naiads. Elarinal is thrilled to hear that you are willing to help her people. "Oh really! Thank you so much! Come, I'll lead you there!" She swims back out to the river and begins heading downstream, keeping to the river herself but poking her head up from time to time to converse. "So, what are you all doing in Last Hill? Do you have parties? What are your individual five-year plans?" She seems quite the talkative sort. Who's swimming, walking, flying as you head about twenty miles downstream? If you have anything else to say about how you leave Last Hill, get it in now. ![]()
![]() Tina doesn't know much about Charon's Necropolis but knows that she can expect water and undead. Probably traps, tricks, and puzzles as well. But Snowball said something pretty jumbled about south by southwest and a hundred mules so hopefully she can tell you a little more about that. DC 11 K nat:
Elarinal is a naiad, btw. Elarinal looks sadder for the first time when the sickness is mentioned "It's some kind of disease that's in the water. When one of us gets sick, their body fills up with this terrible fungus or something and they die. When they die, the fungus spills back out into the water and can infect more of us." She sighs. "So far, it has only killed a few of us but it's been our most revered elders. We live down the river about twenty miles by the river." Marked on large maps. ![]()
![]() "Sure!" cries Elarinal. "You are quite polite and nice so I'm sure it will be a pleasure to meet your friends." As you begin swimming up and out of the flooded chamber, she comments "I'm exploring because I love it. But also because some of my people have gotten sick and I'm looking for a cure." Just dropping a sidequest plothook. You guys can do what you want with it. ![]()
![]() Goldslip, I see I was very confusing. This is happening in the first flooded chamber. This isn't the kelpie, who you've heard typically lives in the second flooded chamber and is grumpy, from Snowball. This is someone else (you don't automatically know what creature she is) who's just wandered into the first flooded chamber. She's not a permanent resident, necessarily. Elarinal smiles warmly and gestures gracefully back toward the east wall. "There's a small passage there. I had to squeeze but I could swim right in from the river. I live up the river several leagues." She looks around the flooded chamber. "Do you live alone in this cave? It seems like a very interesting place to live but being alone would be sad." ![]()
![]() Goldslip, I added some creatures to the first and second flooded chamber. These are noted in the slide notes of the large map dungeon slide. Let me know which you'd rather interact with. While Goldslip is swimming, she sees another shape approaching. A human-sized, bluish girl with bright eyes and smooth skin glides through the water and smiles then opens her mouth and speaks in melodious bubbles. Aquan: "Hello! I'm Elarinal and I'm exploring. Who are you?" |