
Eisith Berrik's page

39 posts. Alias of Gyrwynt.

Full Name

Eisith Berrik


AC 14, Touch 12, FF 13 | Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +3; +2 VS Charm/Comp +2 VS Curse/Hex | CMD +12


Perception +6 | HP 10/10 | Not Rage-Singing (6/6 rounds)








Cayden Cailean


Common, Dwarven, Halfling

Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Eisith Berrik

Eisith Berrik:

NG Halfling Bacchanal 1
Init+1; Senses / Perception +6
AC 14, touch 12, Flat-footed 13 (+2 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Size)
hp 10 (8[Class]+2[Con])
Fort+5 Ref+2 Will+3
+2 vs Curse effects/Hexes
+2 vs Charm/Compulsion effects
speed 30 ft
Melee Dagger +3 (1d3+2 19-20)
Ranged Dagger +3 (1d3+2 19-20)
Special attacks: Raging Song (6/day: +2 Str/Con, +1 Will save, -1 AC)

Spell-like abilities: (CL 1st: Concentration +4)

1/day: Goodberry

Skald Spells known (CL 1st: Concentration +4)

1st: (2/day) Cure light wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Goodberry
0th (At will) Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic, Summon instrument
Str 14 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB+1; CMD 12
Feats Psychic Sensitivity
Traits Birthmark(Cayden Cailean), Helpful(Halfling)
Adventure Skills Knowledge (All) +1, Perception +6, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +9, UMD +7
Background Skills Appraise +4, Knowledge (All) +1 Linguistics +4
Halfling Racial Traits Blessed, Fleet of Foot, Keen senses, Halfling Luck; FCB +1 Skill Rank
Languages Common, Dwarven, Halfling
SQ: Bardic Knowledge +1, Fermented Fruit
Combat Gear: Dagger, Leather armor, Alchemist's Fire x2
Other Gear (mwk Backpack): mwk Backpack; Common Grappling hook, Silk Rope (5o ft), Tankard, Daggers x3, Potion of Remove Sickness; 10 gp 7 sp 8 cp

Eisith Berrik is the latest in a long line of Halflings who have lived and died in service to a Minor Arclord of Nex, Augustus Berrik. Graciously being lent their masters Surname, the Berrik halflings handled all the minor troubles of estate. Indeed, a Berrik Halfling was expected to live in the service of the Berrik family.

All that changed when Augustus was cast out of his station, and sentenced to exile: The former wizard had been defeated in a duel and cursed with a Feeblemind spell. The disgraced and barely sentient ex-wizard was spirited out of the country, the Berrik Halflings finding him a new home along the shores of Lake Encarthan. Now a resident of Druma, his halfling servants were able to sell familial holdings to pay for a quiet, simple life. Unfortunately, there was not enough money left in Berrik's coffers to afford a magical remedy- And even then, the halfling servants held worries that should a political enemy hear that Augustus had been healed, there might be lethal repercussions.

And so, Augustus lived the rest of his life on the shores of Lake Encarthan. In time, Augustus somehow managed to start a small family, and the Berrik Halflings began to split off, leaving their former lord to find jobs anew.

Generations have passed, and the Berrik line has faded into obscurity. It is nothing more than a old fable told around the fireplace, or a curiosity when a human and halfling bearing the same last name meet. Berrik humans are known to have inherited supernatural luck (Or un-luck) from their distant arclord- An echo of the tragic duel that exiled their late father. Likewise, Berrik Halflings are known for being sensitive to the occult... A strange side effect from their familial presence around powerful magicians and wizards.

Eisith Berrik spends his time in Isger, preaching the good word of Cayden Cailean. Unrelated to his lineage, the Halfling was born with a tankard shaped birthmark along his forearm- Chosen before birth to be a vessel of the drunken gods faith. The preaching came naturally, the halfling happy to help those effected by the Goblinblood wars find new faith and purpose in the bottom of a frothy mug.

Eisith Berrik wears bell-bottom pants and a light blue shirt. Both sleeves have been torn off, revealing his birthmark, a tankard brimming with booze. A small sheathe looped around his waist holds a small dagger, though the sturdy backpack he carries has three more tucked away. The small halfling prefers to remain out of sight and mind during day to day life, just as most Halflings. However, In dangerous situations his demeanor changes to a more rambunctious, loud persona, bolstering his allies with untrained, drunken lyrics and dance- Often cutting himself off mid-lyric for a quick swig of something alcoholic.