
Eisith Berrik's page

39 posts. Alias of Gyrwynt.

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The world of Bolla was once a thriving Earth-like planet, with an advanced ysoki race creating a near utopia. However, a druidic botanist created a species of giant, sentient trees, called the greenspear, with an unknown byproduct of supernatural powers to influence sapients. The greatest of the greenspears, the Blade, orchestrated an intricate plot to destroy the ysoki so that a new plant-based order could take over. A great magical battle flung Bolla into a planar scism that indeed destroyed all the ysoki, but also left the planet underwater. The greenspears eventually adapted, creating the scattered continents of kelp-like plants. Since then, an aquatic variation of skittermanders have called the planet their home, creating underwater civilizations, sometimes on the ruins of the exstinct ysoki civilization. Ghostly ysoki, confused and hostile, attack the world’s new inhabitants, as do rifti left over from the mass planar fractures of long ago. In addition, the skittermanders worship a great underwater tree they call the Grove of One. Little do they know that this is the Blade, which continues to plot for a plant-based world that it controls. Luckily, an astrazoan group of scientists who study interstellar threats has arrived disguised as skittermanders. They hope to study the cause of Bolla’s downfall and prevent any such occurrence from happening again, on Bolla or otherwise.

"Welcome one and all to the peaceful city of Tamran, the capital of Nirmathas! You'll find a happier people nowhere else, let me tell you. And why wouldn't we be happy? It's Archerfeast, one of the most exciting days a true blooded Nirmathian can enjoy! What...? You don't know what Archerfeast is? Why, you're in for a treat! One of Erastil's holidays, we celebrate with good food, good drink, and some good natured competition! You don't have to worship ol' Deadeye to join- Your more than welcome to enjoy the party! Heck, that Desnan living on the edge of town- Arianell was it? Anyway, her dances are the towns pride and joy..."

"A real shame she collapsed part way through her dance though- Caught a fever and couldn't stop mumbling about some blue flowers. The local clergy says she's stable and simply needs rest- Though... You didn't hear this from me, mind you- They think it's some curse. I hope no troublemakers are about- I wouldn't put it past those dastardly Molthuni to try and ruin our holiday... And speaking of... You wouldn't happen to be a Molthuni spy, would you...? Bwa haha! Scared you for a moment, did I? The look on your face- Well, don't you worry about a thing, I'm just pulling your leg. Go enjoy Archerfeast! I'm sure Arianell is just worn out- She's a fighter, that one!"

Adventurers wanted: 20 point build, 5th level

Character Creation:
-Max hp at 1st level, average hd every level after. Same goes for Animal companions, Phantoms ext.
-10,500 starting GP. Can't be blown on an item greater than 50% this value
-Elephant in the room feat tax removal
-Combat Stamina available for free for Fighters
-All Obedience's involve simple meditation and reflection on their gods tenets- No need to worry about a supply of evil-doers if you worship Ragathiel
-2 traits, or 3 traits and a drawback
-2 traits may be traded in for a single feat you would qualify for at level 1
-However, each player will be expected to choose one of the homebrew campaign traits.

Available Races:
-Core Races, Planar Scions, Dhampir, Gillmen, Skinwalkers, Kitsune, Wyrwood and Vine Leshies

Banned Options:
-3rd party content
-Summoners and Gunslingers (With the exception of the Bolt Ace Archetype)
-Worship of the Great old ones or Gyronna
-Any feature that would provide a cohort, such as Leadership or Monstrous Companion
-Druidic Herbalism and Guns (Guns are emerging tech, but off limits)
-Regular Campaign traits
-The following drawbacks: Avarice, Envy, Family Ties, Forgetful, Haunted, Headstrong, Hedonistic, Information Overload, Insatiable, Sleepy, Superstitious, Tainted Spirit, Umbral Unmasking, Unlearned, Warded Against Nature
-PvP actions (Including stealing because "It's what my character would do" or other antagonistic choices. And if your PC simply must act that way, either come to a peaceful resolution in ooc chat beforehand, or don't do it at all)

Sites and Posting Frequency:
We will be using a personal Discord for the campaign, and use Mythweavers for character sheets. Despite taking place on Discord, this will still be a one post/day, text only "Slow Burn" campaign. Combat will take place on a grid.

Homebrew Campaign Traits:
Childhood Friends You remember Arianell from your childhood, and the two of you have always been close, often rehearsing dances and idly gossiping with each other. You gain a +1 trait Bonus on Reflex saves, and Acrobatics is always a class skill for you.

Childhood Rivals You remember that, as a kid, you and Arianell used to compete with each other all the time, trying to be a better runner, a better dancer- Any shared interests became points of contention as you tried to out do each other. You Gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.

Molthuni Spy You are a proud Molthuni citizen, and are eager to serve your country. For better or worse, however, you are a sleeper agent- And you can't actually remember your standing orders, or any contacts you might have had. Passive Sense motive checks cannot reveal your true identity as a Molthuni Spy. Actions such as talking about Molthuni's virtues, carrying Molthuni paraphernalia, or otherwise hinting at your true nationality still open you up to Sense Motive checks as normal. In addition, personal thoughts about Molthuni are never revealed through divination and mind reading effects unless the caster intentionally looks for them- Giving you a second will save against the original dc to repress the info and end the effect

Aspiring Bookworm You had a lonely childhood... Until the book wagon came into town that is! The owner let you read all the books you wanted, but only until he left town. You can still remember the warm and comfortable smell of his library collection, and the many different and interesting tomes you pondered over. Linguistics is always a class skill for you. In addition, improve your research category by one stage- Novices become Scholars, and Scholars become Polymaths. Polymaths who take this trait gain a +4 trait bonus on research checks.

Guardian Librarian You used to run a book wagon, and traveled throughout Nirmathas to bring books to children who didn't have them. Unfortunately, Nirmathas is a dangerous place, and you've grown used to defending your library. Sadly, you can still remember the night Goblins managed to catch you off-guard, and turned your precious collection into a roaring bonfire. You have traveled to the capital to try and rebuild your lost collection of books, somehow. You gain a +2 Trait Bonus on all saves, a +2 Trait Bonus on Initiative checks and a +2 Trait Bonus on perception checks- But only while you or a party member are busy in the research phase while studying in a library.

Smoldering Revenge You remember your harsh childhood growing up in Galt- And how a Gray Gardener known as the Silver Blade stole the lives of your family. You can still remember the screams, the smell of smoke, and have resolved to track down the man known as "The Silver Blade" and bring him to justice. You have tracked him down to Nirmathas- But the trail has gone cold in the capital, and you've spent the past year looking for him- And you have a hunch he is involved in this years Archerfeast celebrations. **Sense Motive is always a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a new favored class option: (All) Add +1 to your Fire Resistance (Maximum resistance 15) You may choose this bonus upon taking a level in your favored class. This Fire Resistance stacks with Fire Resistance gained from other class features.

Tortured Soul Life is happy. The sun shines brightly, the wind feels pleasant, and you are generally happy. But once in a blue moon you can't help but wonder if you are forgetting something... You gain a +1 trait Bonus on Fortitude saves. In addition, you gain a +4 trait bonus on saves against any effect that would modify or manipulate your memory.

Alternative Memory You have your own unique and personal memories that draw you to the Nirmathian Capital. Gain a +1 trait bonus on will saves. In addition, you may select a single skill. That skill becomes a class skill.

Traitless You decided to select a single feat in place of two traits. Without a drawback, you can't seem to remember how you were going to get a campaign trait in! Special: This trait can only be taken by characters who either opted to swap out two of their traits for a feat. It provides no crunch, and has no apparent campaign relevance.

Special GM Forecast:
-Favored Enemy: Aberration, Humanoid (Human), Humanoid (???), Ooze, Outsider (Chaotic), Outsider (Evil), Outsider (Lawful), Undead
-Favored Terrain: Forest, Planes (???), Underground, Urban
-Instant rejection: If your base Wisdom is lower than 10, change your build
-Other:We will be using the Research rules from ultimate intrigue multiple times- It is important that at least one PC is proficient in Library research, as there will be multiple dusty old libraries to plunder secrets from- Some of which that have time- imperative reasons for quick research.

-Should anybody play a LoreMaster, a successful research check will reduce a Libraries kp by 2d6+2+Int modifier instead of the usual amount

-Additionally, Divination spells will provide bonuses for research, but will not over-ride some of the Library encounters or negate the need to study.

If you are interested, please describe your character below, as well as tell me which campaign trait they will be taking, and their general theme and class. I'm going to be running this campaign (concurrently) with two different parties of 6 people each. I'm hoping to start in about 7-8 days, but can be ready by Saturday the 30th if interest is high enough.

Character wise, the sky is the limit right now. I have a player trying to decide if he is going to be an Inquisitor or an Investigator, but that is the extent of party balance at the moment. If you have an interesting idea or question, feel free to ask me about it: I'm fairly laid back, and have a fairly balanced view of RAI and RAW.

And remember the most important rule: Have fun!