About EinaEina Stats:
Note: The Kellid ethnicity just gives her the Hallit language. I figured she'd have a tribal language that she'd know and this was the best fit from the options in HeroLab. I can remove it if needed, but I'd like to have something that distinguishes her from the more civilized people from the cities and towns. Eina Female human (Kellid) aerokineticist 1/oracle 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 10, 91) NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +2; Senses Perception +5 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex) hp 12 (2d8) Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20) or . . quarterstaff +0 (1d6) or . . spear +0 (1d8/×3) or . . unarmed strike +0 (1d3 nonlethal) Ranged longbow +2 (1d8/×3) or . . sling +2 (1d4) Special Attacks channel positive energy 4/day (DC 13, 1d6), kinetic blast Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4) . . 1st (4/day)—bless, cure light wounds, protection from evil . . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 13), light, mage hand, mending . . Mystery Life Kineticist Wild Talents Known . . Defense—enveloping winds . . Infusions—thundering infusion (DC 13) . . Blasts—electric blast (1d6+1 electricity) . . Utility—basic aerokinesis -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16 Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12 Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Traits talented, uskwood hunter (nidal) Skills Acrobatics -1 (-5 to jump), Craft (bows) +5, Craft (sculpture) +5, Craft (woodworking) +5, Handle Animal +7, Knowledge (local) +2, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Lore (Tribe of the Storm Raven) +5, Perception +5, Perform (dance) +7, Perform (percussion instruments) +7, Perform (sing) +8, Perform (wind instruments) +7, Profession (cook) +5, Stealth +5, Survival +5 Languages Common, Hallit, Sylvan SQ burn (1 point/round, max 3), gather power, mental prowess, mind over matter, oracle's curse (haunted), revelation (channel) Combat Gear cold iron arrows (10), silver arrows (10); Other Gear leather armor, arrows (30), dagger, longbow, quarterstaff, sling, sling bullets (10), spear, belt pouch, flint and steel, spell component pouch, wooden holy symbol of Hawk, yak, backpack, bedroll, bird feed (per day), bowyer tools, candle, cold weather outfit, Cutting board, wooden (2 lb), explorer's outfit, feed (per day), hemp rope (50 ft.), Knife, cutting (0.5 lb), Ladle (0.5 lb), mess kit, pack saddle, pot, sculpting tools, Seasonings, local (0.5 lb), Skewer (1 lb), skillet, soap, Tinder packet (0.5 lb), torch, trail rations, Tripod, iron (3 lb), waterskin, winter blanket, 69 gp, 2 sp, 15 cp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Burn 1/round (2 nonlethal/burn, 3/day) Burn HP to gain greater effects on your wild talents. Electric Blast (Sp) Level 0; Burn 0 Gather Power (Su) Move: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 1 or Full-round: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 2 Haunted Retrieving stored gear is a Standard action or worse, dropped items land 10' away. Kinetic Blast (Sp) The kineticist can unleash her kinetic blast at a range of 30 feet at will. Mental Prowess (Su) You can't accept burn unless you can reduce the burn to zero. Mind Over Matter (Ex) Use Charisma in place of Constitution for wild talents. Oracle Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day, DC 13) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect. Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet. Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee. Thundering Infusion (DC 13) Blast deafens its targets -------------------- Little Thunderhead
Eina's Personality:
Using Ash's Guide to RPG Character Personalities Primary Motivator: Discovery/Adventure
Secondary Motivator: Love
Emotional Disposition: Curious
Moodiness: Even-tempered
Outlook: Optimistic (Upbeat)
Integrity: Conscientious (Honest, Pragmatic)
Impulsiveness: Controlled (Steady)
Boldness: Dauntless
Agreeableness: Agreeable (Warm, Empathic, Adaptable)
Interactivity: Engaging (Talkative, Candid)
Conformity: Conventional (Down-to-Earth, Practical)
Background Cliffnotes version:
- Eina was to be the next wise woman/lore keeper of her tribe, along with being the one that normally treated with outlanders. -Goblins raided her tribe's village, slaughtering most of them and hauling the few survivors off as slaves. Eina was the only one that escaped. She found Little Thunderhead and some of her tribe's treasure that had been overlooked after the raid. - In the several months since then, Eina has roamed the borderlands and the lands a little further from the wilds, but has yet to find the home and family she's looking for. - In her most recent stop, she's found the notice of Baroness Myrtle Hellbane. After getting someone to read it to her, she left for the village of Sowell's Orchard. Background - The Fluffy Version:
It ended in fire. The warriors of the tribe had fallen. The old and the young were screaming. The village of the Storm Raven Tribe burned, bathing the low hanging clouds in hellish light. Blood soaked the ground and death cries rang out. Spears were broken. Shields were shattered. The tribe was dying. Eina ran along the paths, ducking a goblin spear as it whistled by and diving under the grasping arms of a bugbear. She heard a girl scream behind her and tears ran down her face. There was nothing she could do, but run. Hobgoblins spotted her and gave chase, but she was quick, and these were the woods of her tribe. She hopped over the low fence that marked the edge of the animal pens, pointedly not looking at the hacked apart body of the young shepherd boy that had been one of the night’s first victims. The screams of those who could not escape haunted her footsteps as she disappeared into the dark forest. From her hiding spot, she watched as the goblin horde that had destroyed her home left, cheering and giving praise to their profane gods. The heads of those that had fought were raised up on cruel pikes. Lead by chains were only a dozen of her fellow tribesmen, mostly young boys and women, all that was left out of a tribe that once counted hundreds among their number. They were slaves now, slaves to the horde that had ripped their old lives apart. Eina was all that was left, the last of the Storm Ravens. Sorrow filled her heart, but it only served to feed the flames of a deep rage. Fury burned in her heart and she vowed that she’d never allow a goblin to live if it crossed her path. For the first time in her life, she understood the rage that would take some of the tribe’s warriors, The bear’s thunder, they’d called it. There was no thunder now, though, the need to remain hidden was too great. She watched. She waited. Her hate burned. === Little Thunderhead, the only one of the yaks her family raised to have survived the raid, plodded along at a pace he thought reasonable. The packsaddle she had found was loaded with what little riches had been left behind. Despite the weight, which would have staggered Eina to the point of immobility, Little Thunderhead continued to walk at his meandering pace as if he had naught but a feather on his board back. Eina walked beside him on the trail. The last trapper she’d spoken to had told her that the nearest village was a few days’ journey along the old road that had once helped troops move towards the Stormclaw Mountains during the Hellwar. She’d heard legends and stories about the conflict from the tribe’s lore keeper as she was being groomed to replace her, but that was all they were to the young shaman. She’d been born some time after the last bloody battle that had ended that terrible conflict. Stories and legends about goblins, though, those were very real to the young woman. Only a week had passed since that horrible night, and she had nearly broken down in front of the trapper as she’d warned him. The pain was still sharp, still fresh, but not as strong as it once was. She would heal, though it would take time. EIna was about to urge Little Thunderhead, or Thud as she called him, when a rustling in the brush ahead drew her attention. Her brow knitted as she looked at the noise in curiosity, only to furrow as a trio of goblins tumbled out and brandished their crude knives at her. ”Toll fer goin’ dis way! Hunnert gol’,” the middle goblin, who was also the largest of the trio, croaked in stilted common. The other two leered at her, trying, and utterly failing to intimidate her. ”I have your payment,” Eina replied in a cold, razor edged voice as she reached into the sack that held the bullets for her sling. The goblins, missing the tone of her voice began to congratulate themselves, paying little attention to what Eina was actually pulling from the sack, or what she held in her other hand. At least, they didn’t until the middle one was felled by a bullet striking him between the eyes. The other two turned and snarled at the young woman, now seeking blood. Eina felled the second with a well placed shot that shattered the goblin’s skull. She sidestepped the clumsy swing of the last goblin, so deep into his rage that he failed to recognize he was alone. Eina stepped back, slipping her quarterstaff from the bundle on Little Thunderhead’s back. The goblin swung again, managing to leave a scratch on her shin, but its victory was short-lived as the butt of her staff stove in his eye and jellied his brain. Eina breathed heavily for a moment as her rage faded back to a dull burn. She wrenched the staff loose and left the goblins where they lay, Her mood darkened even as the sun rose higher into the sky, and a breeze blew in from the north. ”Three less goblins,” she muttered harshly as her eyes smoldered with anger. === Her path had lead her west along the Stormclaw Mountains. After the fight with the trio of goblins playing at being bandits, she traveled another three days and just as the trapper had promised, found a small village named Misty Crossing. The village was split in two by the creek that ran through it and on towards some river that Eina did not know. The lands here were strange, flat and with only small dips and rises. She could see the horizon miles off and she saw the village long before she reached it. To the east, the peaks of the Stormclaws were small for all the grand majesty they held when they were close. There was nothing for it. She and Little Thunderhead needed food and fall was upon them. Winter would not be far behind. With a bracing breath, Eina entered a village of the Outlanders. === Spring was fast becoming summer. The heat was more than Eina was used to, having grown up in the highlands of the Stormclaws where the clouds and rain kept summers cool. The cooking fire in the hearth of the tavern's common room burned low and calls went out for more ale and wine to quench the thirst of the tavern's patrons. Eina paid the noise and heat little mind. She was too busy trying to figure out what the notice with fanciful writing and inks of at least three different colors said. She'd spent nine months traveling from town to town. Misty Crossing had been smaller than her tribe's village had been before the goblin raid, but Tarlot, the next town was much larger. That hadn't prepared her for Sweetwaters or Broaklesh, both of which dwarfed even the largest of the tribal villages she'd visited. Surely it wasn't healthy to pack so many into such a small space. After Broaklesh, Sunter was, not disappointing. Perhaps unimpressive? It looked to be the size of Tarlot, and the smell of the sea would have been nicer without the pungent aroma of fish and sewage that pervaded the town. In any case, She'd had many chances to practice the common tongue and had become quite adept at it, but she'd never learned to read its runes. They might as well have been some arcane language used by black and vile sorcerers for all she could tell. "Pardon, but what does that paper say," she asked, pulling on the sleeve of a passing mercenary. The man, so startled at her boldness looked down in surprise before replying. "Ken't ye read, lass? It be sayin' t'ead t'Sowell's Orchard if ye be lookin' fer gold an' glory fer rightin' wrongs 'n' such. Bunch o' crock that is. Ain't no money in servin' dem nobleborn," he answers before turning and heading on his way. Eina wasn't so sure. She'd seen a few young men and women come back to their home villages with fortunes in gold and silver over the fall and winter. She might be able to find a group she could be a part of, even maybe finally find a home. The bittersweet thought brought a wry smile to her lips as she sipped her drink. And even if there wasn't a chance to do either of those things, there were always bounties on goblins, she thought with a wicked smile and a dangerous glint in her eyes. === The fight at the bridge had been interesting. The man, once he had been found, had lunged at the woman. She had deftly knocked the daylights from him, and then tied him up to hand over to the patrols that sometimes passed this way. Eina had insisted on paying her toll, though. In hindsight, that might not have been a good idea. She was certain that she'd be sore in the morning. She had taken a beating and had been thoroughly trounced, but a good sense of humor and a willingness to go again had earned her passage. She hoped to meet the woman again sometime when they could talk for longer. She had seemed more like her kin in the Stormclaws than an Outlander. Still, she'd left bruises that would take some of the spring in her step when she awoke tomorrow. She slowed and stopped as she crested the last rise before the village of Sowell's Orchard and saw two men, travelers from the looks of them. Was that the notice she saw in Sunter? It had the same design, and it looked the same to her. Maybe they'd be working together? <<Hallit is quoted like this.>>
Notes on Little Thunderhead:
Little Thunderhead - STUBBORN! - Will pick Eina up with his horns by the back of her clothes and hang her somewhere if he feels she's getting to uppity. - About as labile as a boulder, and as dangerous as a moving one once you make him mad. - Doesn't mind much. - Loves apples and pears, and especially loves apple and pear wines. - Is smarter than a yak ought to be (though his stats don't reflect this. I prefer animals with some personality, and having him be smart enough to knock the person berating Eina into the nearest mudhole or trough is amusing to me.) Magic item wishlist:
- Something like the expedition pavilion. I would like for it to be more like a longhouse. A wagon like this would be amazing. - Any storm/lightning themed items. - A bow that'd allow her to focus her kinetic blast into the arrow. |