Mask of the Mantis

Eildath's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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spacetimc wrote:
Great list - happy to see "The Black Hole" get a nod

Agreed. The Black Hole is still my go-to movie for moody gothic sci-fi. And Maximillian, one of the scariest robots to ever come out of film.

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*just stares at the Oblivion*

That's just not cool. :_(

"That was the end of Fantasia. Only a few fragments of this once rich and beautiful world had been left by the Nothing."

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Oh hey, Hobkins are the Hopskinville Goblin, aren't they? If so, Kentucky monsters represent!

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Odraude wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Man, I should totally make an Alias with a Lumanara avatar for whenever I post in Adam's thread. Preferably whenever I post Power Rangers-related questions. >: )
I love the Lunarma. It's pretty much replaced the Grell as my favorite Aberration. It looks like a Metroid and a Tentacruel had a horrifying, spiky baby.

See, I love the Lunarma, but the impression I get from both the text and the art is that they're some kind of Invader. Possibly from Space.

Dropping down from above, spitting globs of acid on their foes as they drop in ranks from the sky...

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I'm cautiously optimistic about the Velociraptors... if they have art, I hope they are /resplendently/ feathered.

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Gotta respect the fez. Fezes are cool.