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Edrec Rocksmasher's page

101 posts. Alias of Phurs.


is allowing anyone to edit these items (probably since not many will agree with prices/bulks/or levels)

but be considerate & don't delete anything!
as I have a backup and will just replace ANYTHING deleted, and I check it daily!

and the last 3 pages is a little write up I did on how to set up a useful system for colonies

Doing a map of the space around Merton's house right now give me 30 minutes

Merton's House

First of all lemme tell you where we will begining our campaign.

The area is near Sword Keep on the border of Thrane and Breland in a village known as Besorne only a days travel on foot from the Greenhaunt.

Your local contact in town is Merton Mornspike (CG 1/2 Elf Rogue 12) a retired adventurer who started this little village 20 years ago.

Other important people in town.
Mayor Rol Burnes (CG 1/2 Elf Expert/Wizard 6/9)
Father Brod Lorbex (LN Human Cleric of Dol Arrah 9)
Sister Mary Bores (LG Human Cleric of the Silver Flame 3)
Capt. of the Town Gaurd Vorcon the Dog Faced (LN 1/2 Orc Fighter 6)

(Please note Sister Mary is well respected in town where her followers are not. SHE IS NOT A ZEALOT!)

Lemme say a bit about myself I've been playing d&d in all of its forms since 1978. I've been both a dm and a player in at least 20 tabletop games. 2-3 of which lasted over a year and one of those took 4+ish years. I've played every class, I've moaned and groaned about rules I didn't like. I've played every campaign setting tsr has thrown out of its doors and then some. While I haven't dmed in 11 years or so. Mostly cause of rules I dislike immensely and I've listed those below under house rules. When I finally found a campaign world I like, I couldn't find any players I come on these forums and see people clamoring for eberron and go hmm might be time to try out dming again but that's beside the point. (I play in at least 2 other campaigns at this time along with starting this up.)

Against the Flame:

The Flame has gone out of its way as of late to make every one of its neighbors anxious and weary. Clandestine raids into neutral nations and against dragonborne houses hasn't won them any love on these fronts either.
Someone has even gone as far as to say the Flame is just a front for a power hungry religious zealots, and a dragon has been working behind the scenes trying to expose these individuals.
Do you have what it takes to raid against one of the most powerful groups in the world. If so a mysterious figure in skarn politics is looking to recruit you. The emerald claw is more active these days as well operating with impunity near church areas.

Basic Premises
1. As the majority of the flame is honest and good. Making attacks against their assets requires a certain bit of hostility and well frankly evilness therefore no one may serve the flame. If you wish to be a paladin you must choose a different Lawful Good Deity or just the ideals of paladin hood! And you best be willing to bend some of the rules of being paladins. In other words Lawful Good is discouraged! I will overlook minor offenses against your alignment/religion i.e. slaying of flame church members who are zealots and I determine zealot status!(this is a last resort entirely!)

1a. No player may be ce but I will allow le and with a good back-story ne!

2. This is a 60/40 campaign meaning 60% of your actions will involve little to no combat and the remaining will involve heavy combat

3. Some heavy rule modifications are present

4. Since I’m looking for 6-8 players’ combats are at least cr8 to begin!

5. You must be willing to work for a hidden factor! Which depending on how long the game continues may NEVER come to light!

Character Creation Rules:

Players may begin at 4th if they choose this option I’ll allow up to 3 racial challenge rating
Players may begin at 5th if they choose this option I’ll allow 1 or 2 racial challenge rating
Players may begin at 6th if they choose this option for standard races

5d6 drop 2 lowest dice
Assign as wanted
Then raise any stats below 12 to 12.

You may not drop a stat below 10 with racial penalty or raise it above 24 with bonuses

2 talents with option of 3rd with disadvantage
Plus Every character receives the following talent free.
Strong Power Reserve
Effect: 5% bonus to SPP

Max Hp to begin (yes that means all levels you start with
Not racial hd these are limited to 2 being maxed)
Beyond this your hps will raise according to this chart
d6 4.5
d8 5.5
d10 7.5
d12 8.5

All other racial bonuses are included

Not Playable Classes: Hellenic Sorceress, Deathmage, Dragon Rider, Malefactor, wilder

All other classes and all feats are possible

All equipment is acceptable

Players may only spend 2500gp or less on a single item

Rules on Classes
Paladins are frowned upon! not because of the class but because of the starting alignment of LG!
Any class that requires LG alignment must be played carefully! NO CE classes sorry I don't like this alignment as they are allowed to do as they please without
Repercussions (IE I don't allow murdering of non zealot flame members!) If you wish to play a CE
Class you must set your alignment to NE and I will allow this!

Psionic are allowed for 1 player in the group must be a psionic race

Clerics receive both spells for their 2 domains IE if your healing/sun then you receive the healing and the sun domain spells

House Rules/Rule Changes:

#1 Massive damage is a moronic rule it doesn't exist Period! No Player Can Die from a 50+ damage attack till their HP drop below -Con.

#2 Undead Characters are extremely rare if you want such a thing you are to use the elf rule stating you are healed by positive energy!!!!! No Exemptions!!!!!

OK I understand this is a controversial change to the rules as its very rarely if ever used but i as a player and a dm consider it to be a paramount importance. If you can't accept this I am sorry but the change isn't negotiable.

#3 Magic is different in my campaign or at least the cast per day rules are!

D20srd website with original spell point vrs spell slots

For the list on spell point gained per level for each caster type A,B,C,D,E
spreadsheet for spell points

Spell Point Rules vs. Spell slot and extra sub rules
Spell Casters are divided up into 5 categories based upon spell slots

A. Ranger, Paladin, Anti-Paladin, Vanguard
B. Bard, Alchemist, Inquisitor, Magus, Summoner, Schooled Bard, Archon
C. Wizard, Cleric, Druid, Witch, Hedge Witch, Shaman
D. Specialist Wizard, Priest
E. Sorcerer, Oracle, White Necromancer, Magister, Eldritch Godling

Extra Power Potential
Effect: +2 Concentration and 5% bonus to SP

Universalist wizard
Upon Reaching 5th Level receives a 5% boost to SP
Upon Reaching 15th Level receives a 10% boost to SP
Yes Specialist wizards don't receive this as they already get 20-30% more pp than a universalist does!

All B Class Casters receive 5% Boost to SP at 10th Level
All A Class Casters receive 2% Boost to SP at 6th level and the fortitude feat automatically so plan for it.

Divine/Natural Favor
All Divine spell casters receive 3% Boost to SP at 4th Level
Further this boost goes to 5% at 12th level

Because of the strength of magic in eberron all casters receive 5% bonus setting to sp

No spells like mnemonic enhancer- There is no way to increase your sp per day thru use of magic short of Limited Wish/Miracle/Wish or magic items. If you can design a feat/what have you that allows for said ability and give it to me I may allow 1d4's once to thrice per day.

Magic Item Rule differences.
Pearls of power give 1,2,4,6,9,12,16,20,25 SP depending on level instead of spell slots.

Rings of wizardry/divine might reduce sp cost of spells
1 will provide 5 per day
2 will provide 4 per day
3 will provide 3 per day
4 will provide 2 per day
5 will provide 1 per day
1-3 will provide 10 points per day useable in 1-3 units

Wands/Staffs/Rods have exactly the number of SP to use said spell the number of times equal to the number of charges remaining (a no BRAINER!!!)

PP Regen Rate is 1/4 spent PP every 2 hours of rest.
Active PP Regen rate is 1% of your PP per hour.

This rule being the one rule that is hard to understand is listed last but applies to all spellcasters
every die of damage above normal(ie fireball 5d6) costs 1 spellpoint extra (this evens out the potential for misusing spells that cost half but do the same damage!)

say a 9th level Generalist Wizard wants to cast said fireball and he wants to cast it doing all 9 dice, we take the base of a 3rd level spell cost and apply which is 4 you add 4 dice of damage which is 4 so 4+4 is 8 you must spend 8 powerpoints to cast said spell where as if you had cast a 5th level 9d6 ice storm you would spend 9. So you see that the difference in cost isn't that great 8 vrs 9.

Meta-Magic Feats Increase the spell cost in proportion to the increase in level its cast at thus a fireball w/quickened would be cast as a 4th level spell and cost 6 before the above rule would apply to increase damage dice.