
Eberronknight's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Silver Crusade

I bought the Deluxe Collector's Edition ($199) and the regular Anniversary hardcover version (before I knew about the Deluxe ever being made).

So that's around $260 and I have to pay $40 for the interactive PDF on top of this?.. that's just not right.

I get it, that if you were a AP subscriber, you would get that PDF but I shelled alot for the RotRL (including the minis, face cards, etc). I would pay $20 but no way $40.

Please Paizo, offer it at a discount for like a limited time but there are a lot of us that are going to run RotRl and would love this AP interactive map at a decent price.


Silver Crusade

Video games? Ha Ha... thanks bucket heads for the extra cash for our "video gaming".


Silver Crusade

Rivermurk the Vengeful wrote:
Seriously, don't you already have your own entire sub-forum for this ? There isn't a single person here who isn't already getting spammed to death by this kickstarter. It's getting a bit much.

Yeah, I have one my players just telling me last night on the insane amount of spamming he gets on his emails for this MMO, he's tired of hearing about it.

It's a way bit too much, I can't wait until it's over so we can get back the tabletop stuff. I thought about $15 for the Emerald Spire PDF but I'll just spend it on other Paizo products.

Silver Crusade

Sorry already spent my $200 on the Rise of the Runelords Collector's Edition, beats the hell out of the pdf perks listed for the MMO.

This is not a way to get the tabletop gamers to pledge big money on a MMO. I have almost half of the pdfs offered.

Good luck

Silver Crusade

"If your order by Sunday, December 2nd at 11:59 pm, you'll get a free PDF of the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition compilation!"

If I'm not a subscriber, would I get the free PDF as well? If so, I'm guess we would get the PDF emailed to us by 12/3?

This would blow my mind if I could get the PDF and have my Collector's Edition. :)


Silver Crusade

Oops_I_Crit_My_Pants wrote:
He's laughing all the way to the bank because he actually got people to pay such a ridiculous amount for that thing.

Haters will hate.

Silver Crusade

Lanx wrote:
And envy leeds to greed ... please stay in line, you will receive your Sinhedron marking in just a few moments.

LOL. Oh the Runeforge has my Sin points very high in Greed for this book! ;)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hate you Erik. I already bought the Anniversary Rise of the Runelords as I'm prepping for some time at the end of summer of 2013 to run this with my main Pathfinder group.

Then I watched your video... and envy poured through my veins of those to own the greatest RPG special Collector's Edition book ever. How could I let this happen, how could I not own this masterpiece.

I sat in the darkness, mumbling and mumbling about this book.

Oh hell it's X-mas! Made the purchase. No way that I was not to be part of this!

Now... I wait for my precious!


Silver Crusade

I'm sure our current DM will love this NPC Codex, he's got so much on his plate that having named NPCs with stats will do him well. When I take over DM duties next year for our game, I know I'll being using this book big time!

The DM's from my game thank you Paizo for this product!


Silver Crusade

No desire for more levels after 20th, I remember the mess with the math at 3.5. I do love the Mythic book idea. The DMs for our group now target 16-18 as Epic levels anyway. No one at our table will be buying a Epic levels book for our game but maybe for their own personal reading.

Love a Planes book tied into the Mythic book, we don't use psionics but understand others' desire to have that.


Silver Crusade

Samsung Galaxy S3 with ICS but Jellybean in next month or so.
Toshiba Thrive with Froyo, ICS by end of year (hopefully).

All androids at my game minus my MacPro laptop and a techie who uses his work's iPad.

Silver Crusade

Our group uses Herolab every week for our game and it's a main stay program for us. My DM has a lot of notes on Word docs and Excel spreadsheets for his Campaign.

We've always said how cool would it be if there could be a Pathfinder campaign manager to go along with Herolab. We've been eyeing Realm Works since it was first mentioned, we would also LOVE to have Realmworks fully supported and licensed. Lone Wolf already raised our gaming sessions as players, now it's time for the DM with campaign managing Golarion. :)

Silver Crusade

Crazy for you- Madonna

Silver Crusade

I used Etools back in the day but it was short-term, hated it.
I tried PC Gen before Herolab came out and it was ok, I used the Combat intiative alot.

Then Herolab showed and I loved it for what it did for our gaming group. I have cheap bastards at the table that only do free things and are too lazy to do anything, they wait for the fan volunteers to get around to things needed for programs like PCGen.

I can not wait, we are gaming now and I pay for hardwork and consistant updates like Herolab does. I can't believe how cheap some people can be. I don't drive a fancy car or own a mansion but I know a good software for my gaming is worth my money. Soon after I bought it for me, the DM wanted it and bought it for himself. Then another two guys bought it as they saw what it brought to our gaming table.

Is Herolab perfect? No, but others have stated, nothing is perfect but each update is a step closer! The guys at Lonewolf may not be great at their wording on the forum to seem friendlier but they do listen and do help out alot with questions.

It interacts with the D20Pro program (don't know if PCGen does or not) and makes my life even more fun when gaming online too. Herolab gets the data on upcoming stuff from Pathfinder before we get the pdfs/books and alot of times the new stuff is ready on Herolab. If not, because of other things, they give us something with the updates coming as soon as possible (ex. Ultimate Magic). We live by Herolab for how it improves our gaming and soon the whole group will have it.

My vote- Make Mine Herolab!


Silver Crusade

I've been waiting for this one too! Ok, so just a few more weeks..must find something else to focus on. :)

Silver Crusade

mindcloud wrote:

I would guess that Paizo might be looking around for a vendor to handle

"Offical" digital tools. I would like to suggest one to you guys that already has support for the Pathfinder RPG ruleset, Lone Wolf's "Hero Lab".

I personally have been using "Hero Lab" for about a year now and it was in fact the thing that turned me on to Paizo's Pathfinder products. As I am now switching all of my 3.5 games over to Pathfinder it would be a great benefit to see the two company's working together. Lone Wolf's commitment to community support and openness in their development process it unmatched in my experience except for Paizo it's self. Also you won't find many(if any) other products with the level of polish and customizability that Hero Lab has.

Any way that is my two cents and I hope you guys here at Paizo keep up the fantastic work you are doing for the community.

I agree, ever since my DM has gone with Pathfinder, we've been hoping for a digital tool that handled the Pathfinder ruleset. I couldn't believe I found Hero Lab so easily! I quickly bought it, then showed how well it handled Pathfinder to my DM and HE bought it! One of the guys at my table saw how it ran on my labtop and is buying it this week.

The experience with Herolab has been incredible, I would ask Paizo to seriously think of this digital tool for official Pathfinder stuff, Lonewolf has a very good grasp on Pathfinder (haven't tried their other datasets yet) and has been so great with the community support.

Just putting in my vote since someone posted about Hero Lab for Pathfinder.