
Easily Combustible Strawman's page

6 posts. Alias of Tark the Ork.


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graystone wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:

Buckle up folks, we'll have to endure until the Paladin blog arrives.

I think my torch, pitchfork and popcorn stand is REALLY going to rake in the cash that day! ;)

Please god no not again.

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I for one look forward to the new book!

Surely these options will be welcomed as the book of houserules that they are!

Is it getting hot in here?


I think these changes are for the positive and the book will be celebrated!

Does anyone else smell smoke?

*wanders in*

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Oh gee willickers it's getting kind of hot in here.

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Is it safe?

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What really grinds my straw is just how many people seem to really hate me.