Kutholiam Vuere

Ean Flennic's page

23 posts. Alias of tumbler.


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Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Alright people, you heard MG, time to pony up and fall in!

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Are you kidding? You've been great! You've really worked with backgrounds and listened to what we wanted. Not very many GMs can say that. I know it's hard to keep a pbp going, but we just need more effort from everyone and we can keep going.

But if this is it, well I guess you really can't fight the inevitable. Well you can, just make sure it's an appropriate CR for an encounter.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

So, I take it that this campaign has finally died out....

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

No new posts in a week and a half. Is everyone still alive?

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Valen's eyes narrow at the old man, "Not a hurry but in a slight press of time. We seem to be being followed by some sort of creature or beings and there are only a few of our companions protecting the rest of the caravan while we search for the boy. We don't mean any disrespect to you or your lovely little town, we're just concerned for the safety of the young boy and the rest of the charges we were hired to protect."

::"I do not. But at times I feel a strange presence that compells me and it...worries me."::

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Ok, I'm sure we're all eagerly awaiting a response

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Valen's eyes widen in momentary shock and the errie silence that once permeated the place fills the gap. After a moment or two Valen speaks again. "Do you know of anyone who might be able to help us find them? It is important we return quickly."

Valen's mind reals, but after a moment he replies to the being. ::"I know not of what you speak...What do you know?"::

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Well, if not them then me. Don't let 'em see you sweat. Mildly shocked and looking around at the rest of the group, noticing no one stepping forward, Valen's voice spoke out. "We seek a young lad and his dog. We are part of a traveling caravahn and we hired to protet the people and goods. On of those we are to protect seems to have wandered into your village and we seek them. Have you seen them good sir?"

Gonna use my Diplomancy magic. Diplomacy 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

With a nod, "Alright people let's move out. Be sure to keep a sharp eyes for the boy."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"I can cast a spell to magically mark this spot, but the effect will only last an hour. Let us hope we can return to this spot in time." With a wave of his hands and a murmur of words a bright glowing orb of scintilating colors appears where they crossed through. "Gremm, why do you leave a physical mark in case the spell wears off."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"Ok, I'm officially creeped out now."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Sorry, been working a lot lately and the library is usually closed when I get off work.

Pointing toward the flickers of magic. "Did anyone else see that?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)
Monkeygod wrote:
Today, Thursday the 3rd, I will be attending the Mighty Marvel Marathon, watching Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man II, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers. I will therefore most likely have spotty attendance in my games, though I will try to post when possible.

I really wanted to do this but had work. I still need to see Avengers. It sucks not having a car.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Sorry bout the delay, unreliable computer access. Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16. Spellcraft 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"Spirit world or no, we made a promise and we're going to keep it. But let's not do anything too hasty or foolish. Gremm, I believe you had some rope in that pack of yours. Why don't we tie loops in it that we can put a hand through to keep us connected so we don't get lost in that dammed perpetual twilight."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Valen nods, scratching his head. "I suppose it could be one. But from all that I've heard of leylines they tend to be more powerful. This seems somehow....muted. I take a sample and see someone about it later. Nine Tail, is there a general direction that the trail seems to lead?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

No new posts? Since thursday? what's going on?

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Studying the aura and the coming over to Nine Tails, Valen shakes his head. "Ok, I'm throughly confused. There's an aura of transmutation magic coming out of the very ground itself. Which is incredibly strange. Transmutation magic usually involves the changing of one thing to another. Such as turning earth to mud and vice versas. Chaning things or people into other things or people. But I've never seen it just permeate the land like this. I suppose the ground could have been changed to hide or get rid of any tracks one would leave. Lady Helena, you're knowledgable of the natural world. Have you ever heard anything like this?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"Nine Tail, have you found anything?"

Will cast Detect Magic again and look around to see if I find anything. Perception check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

In order to reinforce the previous Zelda joke.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"Anyone see anything? Nine-tail, you're good at tracking. Can you find anything?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Chuckling, "If you do break into people's house be sure to break their pots. A lot of people store their money in there you'll make millions quickly. Although, I'm not sure why they do it." Then turning to Torque and clapping a hand on his shoulder and smile crossing Valen's face, "Trust me, I have no intention of staying in there any long that I have to." Finally, glancing over everyone he turns to the assembled group, "Alright team, let's move out and find this woman's young lad." As he and the rest of the group leave Valen weaves his hands in various magical gestures and whispers. A faint blue glow outlines his form for a few moments and then fades.

Casting Mage Armor. Spells Left: 6 1st lvl. Also in case you missed it, I totally slipped in a Zelda reference.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Nodding and looking at Torque and then Fury, "Should there be any trouble we'll ring the bell," turning to the rest of the group, "everyone ready?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

With a shrug and turning to Acune, Valen shakes his head. "Who'd come in after us should something happen? To go in with only a few would be an incredibly bad idea. But at the same time, all of us going in and leaving the caravan alone would be bad as well." Pausing for a moment and stroking his chin, Valen finally speaks. "Miri, Torque, and Fury stay here. The rest of us will go in to search for the boy. Fury, if we're not back before an hour after midday I want you to pack up and head out. You don't look back and you continue on to Varisia. Questions?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

done moving but don't have reliable access to a computer yet. Will post when I'm able.

Valen nods. "Good thinking Torque."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

sorry, in process of moving. Will post when I can

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"I agree. There were no traces of magic within the town that I could find. But stuff like that isn't to be trifled with. If it disappears and we're still inside who knows what could happen. I'm with you Torque. I say we try to go around."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

OK. I hadn't heard from you in either of the games you're in. And no one seems to be posting in the World Serpent Inn game.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Hey MG you still alive?

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"Agreed. It's getting dark and who knows what will happen when that happens." Turning Valen along with Miri and Gremm head out of the village. While doing so he is ready and alert for any surprises. "I wonder..." Looking around for a moment he casts quietly.

Detect Magic

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Slowly turning to face Miri with his eyebrows raised, "Surely you're kidding lady Miri."

Sense Motive Check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11. Just as a joke, you know.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Valen sweeps his gaze through the seemingly abandoned village. "This certainly is odd. Lady Miri, do you know anyone from this village that may be able to offer us any assistance or know what is going on here?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"Agreed. But Why don't we send some people in first. We got lucky in the last town, but most of Ustalav has a reputation for being suspicious and wary of outsiders. Gremm, you, Miri, and I will go into town and see if we can't secure some lodging for the night and a place to store the wagons. Fury, you get the wagons pulled off the road so traffic can get through. Stay alert and ready in case whatever has been hounding us shows up or we're not so welcome." Stepping down from the wagon and walking over to Miri and Gremm, "You two ready?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

detect magic on the ring

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Turning to the ladies and Nine-tail. "Either of you three make heads or tails of this?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"By the gods. What would do such a thing?" Looking around the corpses Valen casts a spell searching for any magical auras or residue.

I'll use detect magic and see if I can't find anything.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Valen's fists clenched as Jax grabbed his sleeve. A red haze started to fill his vision. The voices began to whisper. But as he heard Fury's words he quickly calmed down. Turning a smile spreading across his face, Valen placed a hand on his second's shoulder. "I know you do, Fury. You're a good man. You just have some impulse control issues. But it's nothing that can't be worked out. I know we don't always see eye to eye on things, but that's why I chose you as my second in command. I don't want you to be afraid to speak your mind when you disagree with something. Just be sure you come to me in private so we can discuss it. We don't need the rest of the group thinking we won't work together. We need to stand together on things. I know it will take time but I think we can do it. Agreed?" Valen's hand raises, open for a hand shake.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Dusting himself off and fury burning behind his eyes, Valen stares at Fury. He struck you. Insulted you. Humiliated you. You should get your revenge. Yes, it would be easy. A few words, gestures. Burn him alive. Like you did to the others. Yes, very easy. Go on. You know you want to. Pushing the thoughts from his head Valen closes his eyes and breathes deeply. "It's alright Fury. I suppose we all let ourselves take it a little too far. No blood, no foul. Let's just put it behind us and move on. Come on, there's a camp to set up and dinner to cook. Daylight is fading fast."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"I wonder if he know's about the aquatic vampires that like living at the bottom of wells?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"I agree. But not moving them could be suspicious too. Let's move them around a little bit. And why don't we use the watch that we had from last night. Hopefully that will draw out our would be pursuers more. Any other thoughts?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

wow, 24 hours and no new posts? Is everyone busy?

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"No worries Fury, I'll be sure to bring this story up every time you're chatting up a lady."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Arching an eyebrow and trying to restrain himself from laughing at both Fury and Torque. Patting Fury on the shoulder he chuckles lightly. "It's ok Fury. I was just tossing out the idea. They could be they could not. It's out of my realm of knowledge. We have no evidence to say that they are. So, calm down. We'll get it figured out." Then turning to Torque and continuing the hushed voice. "Holy water is water that has been blessed by a cleric of a god yes. But at it's most basic component it is water that has positive energy worked into it. It's generally useful against undead beings. As far as I know it doesn't have to be blessed. I've heard of alchemists accomplishing the same effect without divine magic. You might even be able to do it."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Valen scratches his chin."Well, I've heard a number of tales stating that vampires can turn into bats and there a loads of stories saying that Ustalav is full of vampires. Could that be these batlike things?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"I agree. Helen Miri, what's your take on our elusive stalkers?"

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

"Try pretending that the person on watch is asleep, while everyone else who would be asleep is actually awake. When whatever is stalking us tries to attack we all get it. Unless anyone else has an idea."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Looking around and seeing nothing, Valen shrugs. "Well, whatever it is I don't think it'll attack in the middle of the day when we can see it coming. Everyone, try and go back to your lunch and we'll try to lay a trap for it tonight."

Congrats on the new relationship!

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Chuckling,"I don't see why it has to be either or. You've proven thus far you are a little off your rocker."

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)
Torque Mitabu wrote:

Would it be ok to take the following feat next time I get one:

Healing Run (third party content)

I know I'm playing a third party class, but I felt I should still check case-by-case.

Haha, I just got this great image of a cleric running up and down a battlefield tagging someone with a cure spell and running on past.

Male Human Sorcerer 3 (Abyssal Bloodline)

Bluff Check 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Nodding and continuing as if nothing happened,"So, Lady Acune you were saying about your life in the temple?"

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