Eamon Barnett's page

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is it mean to trap a pugwampi in a cage and strap it to a belt? its tiny, maybe you could charm it, give the bad guy a luck stone so he immune and there is no save to the aura, how much harder would the fight be?

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so i know darkvision has no effect on hips, but low light vision might, i dont think it does but one of my players does. my stance is that hips works on the light conditions of the room and not how those light conditions are seen, i just need a final answer outside of my group.

thanks, also i brought up its a supernatrual effect but that got me nowhere.

I like the Gunsliger, i play a steampunk game of my own and i have created upgrades for the guns, like multibarrels, darkvision scopes, silence spells with a radius of 10 inches, stuff like that, so my question is, why not make upgrading a firearm part of the class? Kind of like a summoner does with his monster? that way if a build wants high damage, he can put points into higher caliber bullets, or if hes going the cowboy route, pepperbox pistols and upgraded gears so it fires faster?

Just an idea ive been toying around with but i dont see how to make it a archtype and not a full blown class, also i cant figure out a reason why a fighter cant pick up a gunsligers upgraded weapon and use it himself, this is just brainstorming