![]() Obviously grapple rules are a mess....here is my fix: Improved Grab should be changed for: If a creature with this special attack hits with the indicated attack (usually a claw or bite attack), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a SWIFT action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Mean only one Free Grapple attempt per round. Otherwise it is broken. Maintaining a Grapple : not efficient because it wastes a standard action
Taking -20: not worth it in Pathfinder cause the Grappling Condition only gives you a Dex penalty. I would revert to the 3.5 rule where the grappler looses is Dex bonus to AC, and becomes vulnerable to rogues sneak attacks. My two cents... ![]()
![]() amscrey wrote:
You could initiate a grapple but not maintain it! Blinking make you quickly move in and out of the material plane, many times per round. Example: you succeed your initial grapple check by 'winning the mischance' . The grappled character can simply ready an action to move out of the grapple when you go ethereal, and since you go ethereal many times per round, he simply moves free during is turn... ![]()
![]() Dragnmoon wrote:
We do you see you are only 2 games away from your 2nd star... I see only 'number of stars' in my profile![]()
![]() Oliver McShade wrote:
+1 The actual writing seems impossible to understand...?? ![]()
![]() james maissen wrote:
AC=22 (two-h weapon, no shield) Combat role: melee type, most combats lasts a maximum of 4-5 rounds, so maybe one buff at the beginning and then fight (Spring attack to go to flanking position without provoking is a good strategy for now at Tier 7-8). Not a good channeler (only 2/day, no selective channeling). ![]()
![]() Another question related to these 'shiny brand new boots' When activating the boots for movement, do I get +30 to my actual speed, or do gain +30 to base speed ? This character is wearing heavy armor. His base speed is 40 (30 for human and + 10 for Travel domain) and actual (armored speed) is back to 30. So, do I gain a) 30+30 = 60, or b) get a base speed of 40+10+30 = 70, which reduced for armor yields 50
Think the answer is b) If so should I sell my +1 full plate? (and purchase a +1 mithril breast plate). Does the movement gain is better than the -3 AC lost for Tiers 9 to 12?
![]() Kalderaan wrote:
Boots purchased! ![]()
![]() james maissen wrote:
Nope, mobility for this character means I have the dodge, mobility and Spring attack feats, and that the Travel and Liberation domains prevent lots of stuff from hampering my movement. ![]()
![]() Do you think it is a good idea to purchase these boots (12k gp, TPA needed=31) for my level 8 character (mobility-build Ftr1/Cle7)? Think this item itself is worth the cost, but at Tier 8+ someone in the party may cast haste causing these boots less useful. Which other item would you suggest instead for the same gold and TPA? Thanx ![]()
![]() And if Vital Strike is now a standard action, then the text in the PRD 'When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.' Should be changed for 'As a standard action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.' As a PFS GM, I do not want to spend 30min explaining this to a player, when you run short in a fixed time game slot.... ![]()
![]() Caineach wrote:
I do not understand something: Spring Attack = Move + Attack = Full round action. So Spring Attack always been a full round action, so why now we cannot combine Spring Attack + Vital Strike and by the way: Move + Standard action = Full round action also.... (?) And I cannot houserule cause I am playing PFS, have Spring Attack and planning to choose Vital Strike as my next feat.... ![]()
![]() Carbon D. Metric wrote: It is a simple mistake of consistency. Go ahead and flag it for errata and for now simply let it work as written and add a sentence that reads "This spell bypasses the normal immunity to effects that provide a fortitude save granted by undead traits." IMHO I would prefer is this spell granted a Will save instead (so no exception to Undead Immunities would be required) ![]()
![]() Ringtail wrote:
(unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)Target one incorporeal creature
![]() This spell could be useful against incorporeal undead, save the fact that a fortitude save is allowed and: Undead Traits (Ex) Undead are immune to death
So shall we conlude this spell does not work with undead? ![]()
![]() Let's say Bob the Paladin wants to purchase a Holy Longsword (+2 bonus), and the storekeeper tells Bob that his Longsword must be magical (+1 bonus) first. a) +1 and then +2 bonus gives +3 bonus, price is 18k + cost of MW + cost of weapon, which gives 18315 gp. b) 2000 gp for magical + 8000 gp for holy + cost of MW + cost of weapon, which gives 10315 gp I think the answer is a) 18315 gp but want to be sure on that one... ![]()
![]() Rami wrote: He increased in his belligerent acts and proceeded to cast Prestidigitate over and over to make the shrine as filthy as we found it and seemed very pleased with himself after having literally desecrated MY gods shrine we just fought for and I cleaned. As this point the GM must step in: 1) To help keep things under control, the GM requires anything PvP must be made IC (in-character). 2) Suddently, the filth appears on the guy rather than on the Irori shrine (someone casted spell-turning on the shrine, and the spellcraft DC for identifying this spell is 32 cause there is a +10 penalty because the spell was cast without someone hearing of seeing anything). 3) Anytime in that adventure Rami tries to cast a (beneficial) spell on that guy, Irori talks so loud in the head of Rami that he must a concentration check DC 25 + spell level or loose that spell. If impossible to solve the issue in-game, the GM says to the player that he will have to report these actions as evil to the Society and that the player risks of having his character permenently removed from play. And the player's Chronicle for this adventure will include a note that this character committed (number) evil(s) action(s). ![]()
![]() Fergie wrote:
You can do that, but it is much less effective than it seems. You will need a move action (that provokes an AoO) to 'sheat' the wand back in your inventory. Or you can take the risk an enemy fighter sunder your wand (750 gp loss for 1st level or 4500 gp loss for a 2nd level wand). Try it... ![]()
![]() A bit of ruling history: Back in 3.0, a Wiz1/FtrX wearing full plate armor could read a scroll of shield whitout arcane spell failure chance because he was reading a scroll, not casting a spell, and thus gaining a whopping +7 bonus to his AC. This is why the rule was changed in 3.5, and adopted in Pathfinder: hogarth wrote:
So when you are activating a scroll (belonging to your class spell list), you are not activating a magic item nor just reading a magical writing, but you are effectively casting a spell, (and your ability score should apply to determine the spell DC). Thus you must provide the somatic component for the spell and arcane spell failure does apply! UMD has his own rules: the UMD check emulates the minimum ability score to activate the scroll, so the DC depends on that minimum ability score. Hope this helps! ![]()
![]() Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:
But we know where Atlantis was: on the now Greek island of Santorin! This hollow island was a volcano that erupted in 1500 BC, destroying the Atlantis people. ![]()
![]() Korean War 1950-53 President Truman AGREES to the request of general MacArthur to use nuclear bombs against chinese air bases in Manchouria (NE China). Russia certainly sides with North Korea and China... We do not know what does the world look like today, but we do not use plastic miniatures made in China for our games!!! ![]()
![]() I would suggest implementing a high-level campaign after level 12. Some many efforts deployed to reach level 12: this need a reward instead of a forced retirement! To prevent any implication by high-level characters on the world of Golarion, the candidate characters would enter a oneway gate to the outer sphere (campaign setting page 180) and never come back again. New adventure environments could appear and disappear at will because of planar movements or rifts....(endless possibilities). The high-level campaign would have its own organized play rules, different from the main campaign (planar forks illegal for play?). ![]()
![]() Presently Ftr1/Cle6 and I do not regret my choice.... But it is mainly a matter a character concept: Essel is a FIGHTER with lots of cool stuff in exchange for -2 BAB and a few less HPs -can move normally thru difficult terrain thanks to travel domain -can pass unhindered thru a web thanks to liberation domain -never wonder if there will be a cleric in the group (I can cast healing splells spontaneously) -never wonder if the cleric in the group will not heal me cause he does not like my play or my face (this may happen when playing with folks you don't know beforehand...) -like a miniwheat, I can choose to express more my cleric side or my fighter side depending upon the situation (though I prefer the fighter side of course!) ![]()
![]() Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Sould we consider here that 'played three encounters' actually means 'completed' or 'won' three encounters? Other way to say this: let's say that a party completed the first two encounters, engaged in the third encounter, but then realized they could not win this third encounter and then escaped the monsters. And also suppose there is no way to engage and complete encounters 4 and 5. Does this party receive xp for that mod or not? (I would think of no xp here) ![]()
![]() DarkKnightCuron wrote:
Thank you for volunteering! I can assure you though, if you had fun playing online with a group of people, you want to see these guys face-to-face in a con! I don't see online gaming as a competitor to convention gaming, it would be a plus instead! On the business side, it could be very good for Paizo to offer online play: most of a gamer's budget goes on food, travel and hotel; reduce this spending and there will be more money to purchase the real stuff! Think Paizo should try at least one 'official' online game run by a volunteer: pretty sure there would be 20 to 25 applicants for the 6 or 7 seats available... ![]()
![]() IMHO, the best GM reward system is when you do not need it! I would suggest that Paizo would run 'official' online games intended for GMs, selling seats at $4 each. When you finish the game, then you can download that adventure for 'free'. I see these games as being run like 'slot zeroes' giving tips and advice for the playing GMs. I do not like eating an adventure cause I think I am missing something (and my players thereafter too). my 2 cents... ![]()
![]() Guillaume Godbout wrote:
Salut Guillaume! Skype est installé et fonctionnel! SVP envoie-moi un email à lotusbleu25@hotmail.com pour que je te donne mon username sur Skype...(si autre personnes intéressées à jouer sur Skype/maptools bienvenue aussi). On pourrait peut-etre créer un groupe yahoo pour le mustering des games. J'ai 3 persos (niveau 1,2 et 6). ![]()
![]() Kaladhan wrote:
En fait il y a un beucoup d'inscrits, mais très peu qui jouent régulièrement, ce qui donne peut-être l'impression d'une 'clique'... Nous avons un urgent besoin de joueurs de niveau 6, afin de jouer autre chose que des Tiers 1-2!! Il va sans dire que les MJ sont TOUJOURS BIENVENUS itou. Donc le plus vite tu commences Kaladhan, le mieux c'est! @+ autour d'une table... ![]()
![]() Pardonnez mon ignorance, mais en gros Skype/Maptools qu'est-ce que c'est? Pour les games 'réelles' on joue dans le coin de Verdun/Pointe St-Charles près du métro Charlevoix. Souvent, tous les joueurs comprennent le français. Le mustering se fait sur le groupe yahoo pathfinder_quebec. Bienvenue dans le club! Je suis aussi ouvert à une game game de Pathfinder non-society! (tellement de problèmes à organiser les games de Pathfinder Society!) ![]()
![]() Katharan al-Zawree wrote:
Envoie un email quand tu passes à Montréal, nous avons un maximum de 4 ou 5 joueurs par table, donc il y a toujours de la place. Nous jouons parfois au Gamer's World (www.gamersworld.ca) lotusbleu25@hotmail.com ![]()
![]() Dritzz wrote:
Bonne chance pour trouver des joueurs!! Possiblement sur Spoiler:
http://www.greyhawk.fr/ tu trouveras de gens familiers avec les regles version 3.5 proches de Pathfinder. Notre groupe de Montreal est en bonne partie composé d'anciens joueurs de la campagne de Spoiler: Living Greyhawk ![]()
![]() meabolex wrote:
But does the 3.5 FAQ still holds?? We are playing with the Pathfinder rules now! That rule issue was one of the reasons my own cleric choosed a two-handed weapon! I'm fine now....8) ![]()
![]() meabolex wrote: According to the 3.5 FAQ, you can cast spells while using a light shield, but it's *awkward*. You can't use the hand for somatic components, but you can "pass" your weapon from one hand to the light shield hand (as a *MOVE* action), then cast the spell. I suppose to switch hands with the weapon again will cost another (ridiculous) move action. We should consider "pass" your weapon from one hand to the light shield and switch hands with the weapon again as 'not an action' (or maybe a swift action) using about the same amount of time as notching an arrow (see not an action description in the combat section of the rule book). Switching from holding a weapon with two hands to holding a weapon with only one hand would fall into the 'not an action' category too. Consequence: you are not threatening with these wepons the round you cast a spell. Think this ruling corresponds well to the way we are already playing anyways... ![]()
![]() bullonir wrote:
Any interest in Pathfinder Society? Please have a look at our group:
![]() Tarren Dei wrote:
Hello! The best place to find gamers in Sherbrooke is at the Université de Sherbrooke:
When I was there, you could find people on most evenings during the week! The club was very active! The phone is shared for various university groups, so if u call there just ask for the 'Club de Jeux' And by the way, if some of you may travel to Montreal during he week-end, please drop us a line on
And, while in Montreal, you maybe wanting to make a stop by the Gamer's World www.gamersworld.ca
![]() Hey! Do you realize you are only at a 4 hour drive from Montreal? We have a small group here, but we've been fairly active: at least one person in our group has played/GMed every Tier 1-2 PFS Scenario (save for the latest #35). You may consult our gaming schedule at:
Long live Pathfinder Society! ![]()
![]() QOShea wrote:
Yes! And the point is: you cannot charge from behind that tree cause it is blocking your path! There is one way the lion can hide with nothing blocking the path in front of him: by laying completely prone on the ground and blending into the surroundings! ![]()
![]() Crouching: I would consider that crouching exists only for descriptive/flavor purpose. I see nothing in the rules about crouching or any intermediate between standing and prone. For rules purposes, a creature is either standing or prone, never in-between. Or else someone would need to rewrite the whole combat section of the big PFS book, cause PCs can crouch too. |