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** Pathfinder Society GM. 144 posts (148 including aliases). 2 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.

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Could have been much better


My initial thoughts on the map folio are from using the PDF version.

The stylized map of the Ruins of Azlant region is the highlight of the package. Useful for annotation as the players progress.

The GM's map of the region seems underbaked. The names of the major islands, and a couple of arrows pointing to Talisantri and elsewhere. Not sure what use this would be. It would have been far more useful if the locations from each book of the AP were labelled, 1A–Z, 2A–Z, etc, so that the GM could see where everything takes place.

Lastly the map of Talislantri. Almost completely unlabelled, I'm not sure what this is intended to be used for? Not enough information for the GM or the players, unless you intend to write locations onto the map.

The lack of layers in the PDF is a problem as well, as it would have been possible to create GM, player, and display versions of maps, simply by toggling sets of labels.

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Fun, quick scenario but lacks challenge


The plot of the adventure is engaging, and interacting with fey and forest gnomes allows for a little bit of roleplaying.

Ran this as 1–2 with a party mostly out of tier. As expected there was little-to-no challenge. I'm not sure 2nd-level characters would face any issues. Definitely a scenario for new characters. Can't comment on the higher subtier, which does seems to have meatier foes.

I'd advise that the enemies from Tome of Horrors be replaced with their PFRPG versions to increase the challenge. Note though that the PFRPG version of one monster loses an important spell-like ability that is called out in their tactics.

The monster tactics in the second combat are mostly invalidated by the map (a common theme for season 0), and the final encounter falls a little flat.