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![]() given there are some pretty corny designed ones..the Alice in Wonderland themed 2 comes to mind...and of course Castle Greyhawk would as it stands have to be my pick also as stated above.BUT... lets face it there are no really BAD modules only bad/misguided/inexperienced/anal/((lordy this list could be long)) DM's..if he reads it and sees its corny as can be and knows the players are super serious players he has gamed with a good while who wont like the adventure he wont run it as its designed but alter it or just completely lay it aside.. On the other hand humerous play can be fun with the right mood or people who like that sorta thing as a break from the norm.I recall playing a adventure in Dungeon where you played monsters((Ogre..wererat..goblin..you get the idea))...it was hilarious((given very slap stick))but everyone really cracked up thru the corniness of it all and had a fun day of it...again you dont want the black spot from you're players buy forcing them to play what they dont like..they would probably tell you afterwards the adventure is terrible or just refuse to play it....my 2 cents anyways
![]() ok so we casting a sleep spell against a group of ((lets say the same example as the players handbook gives)) a rat, kobold , 2 gnolls and a ogre.and most of us know it of course only affects 4 hd of creatures starting with the lowest.Ok our question is what if kobold rat and gnolls make their saves..can the spell then effect the 4hd ogre?.. ![]()
![]() Lisa, very cool about the forums..I know we go sometimes years and dont use modules until later.. I was just concerned what had already been made for Dungeon and Dragon would maybe legally have to be removed from the Paizo site..downloads etc. or to make room for the new stuff..maybe a archive would be implemented? which brings up the question of open gaming license WOTC has..since this has happened makes me think they could pull the plug on this at any given time.. ![]()
![]() Thanks Lisa! :) Paizo will be the first online store to receive the resin "Dungeon Dressings" barrels and crates in 5 packs and combos of both together we just came out with..also the new minis 2 versions of the pirate ogre..soul wraiths in single and 3 packs..the first set of adventurers packs((4 for the price of 3))..the female death knight..and Krog the half ogre with three weapon options. |